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    Torah: Covenant and Constitution

    Torah: Covenant and ConstitutionThe Torah, the central Jewish scripture, provides Judaism with its history, theology, and a framework for ethics and practice. Torah technically refers to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). However, it colloquially refers to all 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, also called the Tanakh. ... Read more about Torah: Covenant and Constitution

    Israel: Jewish Nationhood

    Israel: Jewish NationhoodIsrael has existed for Jews as a physical historical homeland and as a term that refers to the shared identity, history, and culture of the Jewish “tribe,” “family,” or “people.” The Jewish “nation,” whether metaphorical or literal, has provided some modern Jews with the opportunity to define Judaism as a shared history, culture, and religion.... Read more about Israel: Jewish Nationhood

    Post-Biblical Religion

    Post Biblical ReligionAfter the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, Jewish rabbis developed a system of Jewish ethics (including laws of justice, dietary laws, and a yearly cycle of holidays) and refashioned Jewish practice to center on the synagogue, or “house of assembly,” and the home.... Read more about Post-Biblical Religion

    Rabbinic Text

    Rabbinic TextThe Jewish commentaries and interpretations of the Bible, ranging from legal codes to rabbinic dialogues, from philosophical inquiry to folklore, collectively form the Talmud. The earliest commentary is called the Mishnah, while the later commentary on and elaboration of the Mishnah is called the Gemara, taken together these two commentaries make up the Talmud. Talmudic Midrash, another genre of rabbinic writing, also includes stories, philosophical explications, and historical writing.... Read more about Rabbinic Text

    Kabbalah and Hasidism

    Kabbalah and HasidimKabbalah, the mystical tradition within Judaism, includes the modern Hasidic movement, which emerged out of the charismatic Jewish communities of 18th century Eastern Europe. Kabbalistic practice concerns the potential involvement of God in the world through messianic figures and the spiritual reading of Jewish texts and laws.... Read more about Kabbalah and Hasidism

    Diaspora Community

    Diaspora CommunityThroughout their history, Jews have been forced to flee from their homelands into galut, or exile, creating distinct and prominent communities in Babylonia, Germany, and Iberia. Diaspora, or dispersion, created Jewish communities such as the Ashkenazi (German) and Sephardic (Iberian) communities. These communities are still recognizable far afield and centuries after their creation, even in the United States.... Read more about Diaspora Community

    Modern Jewish Culture

    Modern Jewish CultureJudaism’s syncretic interaction with the European Enlightenment created the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment). From the Haskalah came the contemporary Jewish Reform, Conservative, and neo-Orthodox movements, as well as Zionism, a political form of Jewish expression that some considered “secular” (that is, divorced from theistic belief or Jewish practice).... Read more about Modern Jewish Culture
