
New Dallas Charity Helps Muslim Women Dress Modestly

November 7, 2003

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On November 7, 2003 The Dallas Morning News reported that "as Muslims focus on charitable acts during the month of Ramadan, one local Muslim woman has created a gift she hopes will keep on giving all year round. Nadiya Iqbal, a recent convert to Islam, started a clothes closet to provide hijabs (headscarves), abayas (long robes) and other items...

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Update: Voorhees Mosque Wins Approval

November 7, 2003

Source: The Philadelphia Enquirer

On November 7, 2003 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that "a mosque construction proposal that sparked months of controversy was unanimously approved by the Voorhees Zoning Board last night after hours of debate. The approval of the mosque site plan clears the way for construction by spring if no appeals are filed. Zia Rahman, managing director of the group that plans to build the mosque, said: 'I...

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Muslim Publication Wins Six Ippie Awards for Journalism

November 7, 2003

Source: New York Newsday,0,59

On November 7, 2003 New York Newsday reported on the second annual Ippie awards, which recognizes distinguished work in the press often overlooked by the mainstream media. "A Queens-based weekly publication, Muslims, won six Ippies this year, including one for an editorial on post-war Iraq and another for a first-person account of Muslim neighbors...

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In a Post-September 11 World, Muslim Candidates Return to the Political Race

November 7, 2003

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On November 7, 2003 The Christian Science Monitor reported that Afeefa Syeed and Kamal Nawash, who each ran in local elections in Virginia Tuesday "have more in common than both having lost their races. As two of only a handful of Muslims running for elected office in the US this year, Ms. Syeed and Mr. Nawash's singular bids underscore the general lack of Muslim participation in...

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New Muslim Chaplain to Replace James Yee Won't Have Access to Detainees

November 7, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On November 7, 2003 The Boston Globe reported that "the US military has made plans to bring a new Muslim chaplain to the base where it is holding some 660 accused terror suspects, but he will not be allowed to come into contact with the 'enemy combatants' being detained here without trial. In September, the former Muslim...

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A Battle for Truth or a Battle for Converts? Church Flyer Sets Off Controversy in Akron, OH

November 6, 2003

Source: The Beacon-Journal

On November 6, 2003 The Beacon-Journal reported that in Akron, Ohio last week The Chapel, a highly regarded nondenominational church, found itself at the center of controversy when they distributed fliers, advertising that a class on Islam would instruct Christians on "'how to be more effective in our spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of our Muslim neighbors.' Practically speaking,...

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Ramadan in America, 2003

November 5, 2003

Source: Pakistan Link

On November 5, 2003 the Pakistan Link reported that "with the recent commencement of the holy month Ramadan, Muslim Americans are more concerned than ever about where their zakat money, their yearly donation to the poor, is going. Last year as part of anti-terror investigations, the United States government had...

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Oklahoma Sixth Grader Suspended over Muslim Head Covering

November 5, 2003

Source: Religion News Service

On November 5, 2003 the Religion News Service reported that "a Muslim girl who was suspended twice for wearing a religious headscarf to her Oklahoma public school has filed a suit saying her rights to free speech and religious exercise have been violated. The Rutherford Institute, a Virginia-based civil liberties organization, filed suit Oct. 28 on behalf of Nashala Hearn, an 11-year-old...

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Voorhees Residents Oppose Building of Mosque

November 5, 2003

Source: The Associated Press


On November 5, 2003 The Associated Press reported on the on-going legal battle by Muslims in Voorhees, New Jersey to obtain a local permit to build a mosque. According to the article, the town zoning board will decide on Thursday whether or not to approve a site plan put forward by the Muslim American Community Association. The mosque plans have recently set off a wave of controversy in the area, and "opponents'...

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Muslims Seek Out Christian Resources to Aid in Home Schooling

November 4, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On November 4, 2003 The Washington Post reported on Priscilla Martinez, a Muslim who is turning to Christian resources in order to home school her children. "Martinez, of Sterling, joined the Christian-based Homeschool Legal Defense Association, which helped her with the paperwork for a religious exemption allowing her to teach her youngsters, ages 4 and 5, at...

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Cabinet Minister Says Islam Must Be Modernized

November 4, 2003

Source: Aftenposten

On November 4, 2003 Aftenposten reported, "Cabinet Minister Erna Solberg...suggests...that the burden of integration into Norwegian society lies as much with Muslims as it does with ethnic Norwegians who are part of the state church. After meeting with her British counterpart Beverly Hughes in London...Solberg is on the offensive. 'The Norwegian Islamic...

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For Iranians in Los Angeles, Exile Feels Unusually Like Home

November 3, 2003

Source: The New Yorker

On November 3, 2003, Iranian-American author Tara Bahrampour wrote in The New Yorker that "the L.A. area is home to the largest Iranian community outside Iran. (The number of Iranians in the greater metropolitan area falls somewhere between a hundred thousand and six hundred thousand, depending on which source you choose to believe.) The city has Iranian Republican clubs, Iranian Rotary...

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Are Muslims Serving in the Military a Risk? A "Delicate Question", With Mixed Responses

November 2, 2003

Source: Washington Post

On November 2, 2003 the Washington Post reported that "U.S. military officials are wondering whether they have been inattentive to outside influences on the small community of Muslims in the armed forces. But even asking that question is a delicate matter for an institution that has long embraced tolerance of all faiths. Some military officials believe...

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Editorial: Ramadan for the Single Woman

November 2, 2003

Source: Pioneer Press

On November 2, 2003 Asma Gull Hasan reported in an editorial in the Pioneer Press that "if I were married, as I should have been 10 years ago under Pakistani cultural standards, I would not be fasting alone. And this Ramadan, like me, many Gen-X Muslim women will also be fasting alone. According to statistics compiled by the Islamic Society of North America,...

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