
Opinion: Religious Hatred Bill Crosses Line, Too Careless in Curtailing Freedom of Expression

June 19, 2005

Source: The Observer,6903,1509735,00.html

On June 19, 2005 The Observer ran an opinion piece by Will Hutton on the reintroduced religious hatred bill. Hutton writes, "[T]he Racial and Religious Hatred Bill has been reintroduced, a seemingly more than justified response to [protect Muslims from abuse]...It all sounds extremely reasonable, but it isn't. It has crossed another line that is no less dangerous in...

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Update: In LA, a Muslim Town Hall Meeting Discusses Woman-Led Prayer

June 19, 2005

Source: Muslim Wake Up!

On June 19, 2005 Muslim Wake Up! reported, "Since the March 18th prayer led by Amina Wadud in New York and co-sponsored by and the Muslim Women’s Freedom Tour, the Muslim community’s excitement, confusion, and even outrage led the Progressive Muslim Union of North America (PMU), which endorsed the prayer, to take two concrete actions...

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Association of Imams in Philadelphia Launches Initiative Against Domestic Violence

June 19, 2005

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On June 19, 2005 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, "The clergy council known as the Majlis Ash'Shura of Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley has adopted a tough policy of public shunning of Muslims who abuse their spouses or abandon their families.

Under the initiative, adopted last month, offenders will go on a list circulated among area Muslims. They will be banned from future...

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Opinion: Muslims Welcomed More in America Than in Europe

June 18, 2005

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On June 18, 2005 The Dallas Morning News ran an opinion piece by Reihan Salam, a writer based in Washington, D.C., in which he argues that Muslims in America have flourished with less discrimination and violence than Muslims in Europe. Salam writes, "Suspicions about Islam after Sept. 11...

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In Plainfield, ISNA's Summer Leadership Institute Trains Muslim Leaders

June 18, 2005

Source: The Indianapolis Star

On June 18, 2005 The Indianapolis Star reported, "At the Plainfield headquarters of the Islamic Society of North America, about a dozen current and aspiring Muslim leaders from around the country have been attending what amounts to summer school for imams. Aside from imams, Muslim religious teachers, the class also...

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Editorial: Convocation on Hunger Illustrated Positive Impact of Religion on Politics

June 17, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 17, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ran an editorial that commented on the interfaith "convocation on hunger" held in Washington, D.C. The Monitor writes, "Even a corner-of-the-eye glance at US politics this past year and the conclusion is obvious: Religion has played a polarizing role... To counter this trend, more than 40 US denominations took part in a...

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In Lodi, the U.S. City with Highest Concentration of Pakistanis, Community Stunned by Arrests

June 17, 2005

Source: New California Media

On June 17, 2005 New California Media reported, "Pakistani community in the farming city of Lodi, Calif., was stunned when FBI last week arrested two Pakistani Americans and three Pakistani nationals for allegedly operating an Al Qaeda cell in the city. One of the men arrested, 22-year Hamid Hayat, is accused...

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Burned Qur'ans Found at the Islamic Center of Blacksburg

June 17, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On June 17, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "Members of an Islamic center in southwest Virginia returned from a prayer meeting Saturday and made a shocking discovery: partially burned copies of the Koran had been left in a shopping bag by the center's front door.

Police in Blacksburg said yesterday that they are...

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University Violates Muslim Student's Rights by Requiring Removal of Headscarf

June 17, 2005

Source: North Jersey Media Group

On June 17, 2005 North Jersey Media Group reported, "Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck violated the civil rights of a Muslim nursing student by ordering her to remove a religious head covering during nursing rounds at St. Mary'...

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Editorial: Tallahassee Residents Reach Out to One Another Across Faiths

June 17, 2005

Source: Tallahassee Democrat

On June 17, 2005 the Tallahassee Democrat's associate editor, Bill Berlow, reported, "It started last December during the holiday season. About eight Turkish graduate students at Florida State University, all men, all Muslims, joined several Unitarians to share good cheer and red roses with dozens of recuperating patients at Tallahassee Memorial's rehab unit....

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Reno's New Imam Pledges Outreach, Interfaith Engagement

June 17, 2005

Source: Reno Gazette Journal

On June 17, 2005 the Reno Gazette Journal published a statement by Gharib Khalil regarding his role as the Imam of the Northern Nevada Muslim Community. "There are about 2,000 Muslim families living in Northern Nevada. Representing different ethnic backgrounds, they moved to the community in search of an economically better life. They are articulately serving the community on...

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Politician Plans to Make Sequel to Van Gogh Film Despite Threats of Violence

June 17, 2005

Source: BBC News

On June 17, 2005 BBC News reported, "Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali has told the BBC she intends to make a follow-up to the Theo van Gogh film Submissions Part One, which resulted in the director being killed, allegedly by a radical Muslim. Van Gogh was murdered in November 2004, allegedly by Dutch-Moroccan Mohammed Bouyeri. Van Gogh had his throat cut and was shot several times. A letter was then...

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Allegations of Unequal Restrictions on Muslim Cadets at Air Force Academy Surface

June 17, 2005

Source: Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_21_3862347,00.html

On June 17, 2005 the Rocky Mountain News reported, "Muslim cadets at the Air Force Academy were prevented from attending mosque services last semester because of school obligations, while similar duties were scheduled to avoid conflict with Jewish and Christian services, a Muslim student says. The issue of unequal treatment for the...

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Andhra Pradesh to Reserve Jobs for Muslims in Education and Government

June 17, 2005

Source: BBC News

On June 17, 2005 BBC News reported, "The government in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is to reserve 5% of jobs in education and government for the Muslim minority.

The state cabinet took the decision on Friday in light of the findings of a special commission.

Hardline Hindus had opposed the policy when it was floated last year and a court that was hearing their...

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