
Convention Aims To Offer 'Window' On Muslim Life

June 19, 2007

Author: David A. Brensilver

Source: Islamic Circle of North America


Hartford — Muslim leaders hope next month to inform members of other faiths about theirs, and to dispel myths and stereotypes perpetuated by what the Islamic Circle of North America's secretary general called the “irresponsible media.”

“Islam remains the most misunderstood religion in America,” Naeem Baig said.

At a press...

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Foundation Stone for Islamic School Laid

June 18, 2007

Author: Sheriff Barry



The foundation stone for a new Islamic school was laid at Kerewan village in Kombo North recently. The school is being funded by the Tallinding Islamic Institute under The Gambia Islamic Union.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Vice President of The Gambia Islamic Union, Alhagie Musa Njie, said the union has built 136 Islamic schools across the country since its inception in 1963.

For his part, Husainou...

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Islamic Group Wants No-Fly List Grounded

June 18, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Globe and Mail


Ottawa should scrap the “no-fly” list, which came into effect Monday, until it fixes fundamental flaws in the program, said the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“For a list that so severely impacts the civil liberties and mobility rights of the people — that should be debated in Parliament,” said group spokesman Sameer Zuberi.

“That's why...

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Hindus 'Guilty of Muslim Deaths'

June 18, 2007

Author: Amarnath Tewary, Patna

Source: BBC News

A court in India has convicted 14 Hindus of mass killings of Muslims during some of the country's bloodiest religious rioting nearly 20 years ago.

The men were found guilty of killing and burying 116 Muslims in Bhagalpur in the northern state of Bihar in 1989.

More than 1,000 people died in the riots, which came after Hindus marched at...

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Ohio Governor Speaks at CAIR Banquet

June 18, 2007

Source: CAIR Press Release


(COLUMBUS, OH, 6/18/2007) - Ohio Governor Ted Strickland spoke last night at the tenth annual banquet of the Council on American-Islamic Relations chapter in that state (CAIR-OH).

Governor Strickland addressed the crowd of 350 people, saying: “On behalf of all Ohioans, [my wife and I] appreciate your vision to promote justice and mutual understanding. We gather under CAIR-Ohio's theme this year, ‘American Muslims: Connecting and...

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Muslims Won't Fund Footbaths

June 18, 2007

Author: Karen Bouffard

Source: The Detroit News


DEARBORN -- Muslim leaders in Metro Detroit have decided not to raise private money to pay for two footbaths at a local college campus now that the American Civil Liberties Union has said the plan doesn't pose constitutional problems.

The University of Michigan-Dearborn's plan to spend $25,000 on the footbaths was criticized on conservative blogs and radio shows...

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Somalis Yearn for Islamic Rulers to Return and Tame the Warlords

June 15, 2007

Author: Steve Bloomfield

Source: Belfast Telegraph

The ruins of the old sugar factory in Marere, in the southern interior of Somalia, tower over the wooden shacks and brick huts which shelter the 2,000 or so people still living here.

This used to be the second-largest sugar factory in the world, employing more than 20,000 people. Now, its rusting steel...

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Reprisals Hit Iraq Sunni Mosques

June 14, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

Suspected Shia Muslim militants have destroyed three Sunni mosques near the Iraqi capital, a day after a repeat attack on a major Shia pilgrimage site.

The overnight attacks bring to six the number of Sunni mosques targeted since suspected Sunni militants toppled the two minarets of the Samarra shrine.

Curfews appear to have prevented the same...

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Judge: Police Can Ban Religious Muslim Garb

June 14, 2007

Author: Joseph A. Gambardello

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

A Philadelphia police officer has no right to wear a head covering as required by her Muslim faith when she is in uniform, a federal judge ruled yesterday.

The Police Department's uniform code "has a compelling public purpose," Judge Harvey...

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