
Second Major March Against Cartoons in London

February 18, 2006

Source: BBC News

On February 18, 2006 BBC News reported, "Muslims have held their biggest rally so far in the UK in protest at cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad. Police said 10,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square before marching to Hyde Park. No arrests were made. The London march was led by the Muslim Action Committee - an umbrella body for mosques and community groups. It is the third consecutive weekend of demonstrations...

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Opinion: �Loving Our Neighbour?�

February 17, 2006

Source: The Church of England Newspaper

On February 17, 2006 The Church of England Newspaper ran an opinion piece by The Rev Canon Dr Andrew Wingate, Director of St Philip’s Centre for Study and Engagement in a Multi-Faith Society and Bishop’s Inter-Faith Adviser, Leicester, on the controversy over cartoons of the...

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Opinion: “Islam Remains a Key to Detroit’s History”

February 17, 2006

Source: The Detroit News

On February 17, 2006 The Detroit News ran an opinion piece by Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Michigan. "Rarely do we equate Black History Month with the Islamic movement in the United States. In fact, Islam and the history of African-Americans in Detroit have a stronger...

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Struggles and Solutions as St. Paul Charter School Teaches Art to Muslim Students

February 17, 2006

Source: Pioneer Press

On February 17, 2006 the Pioneer Press reported, "As violent protests over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad continue around the world, a St. Paul charter school is quietly negotiating the delicate question of how to teach art to Muslims. Any depiction of God and his prophets is considered offensive under Islam, and disrespectful representations are even...

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Opinion: "Europe�s Contempt for Other Cultures Can�t Be Sustained"

February 17, 2006

Source: The Guardian,,1711879,00.html

On February 17, 2006 The Guardian ran an opinion piece by Martin Jacques, a senior visiting research fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, about the aftermath of the controversy over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Jacques writes, "Europe has never had to worry too much about context or effect because for around 200 years it...

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Opinion: "Why I Published Those Cartoons"

February 17, 2006

Source: The Washington Post

On February 17, 2006 The Washington Post ran an opinion piece by Flemming Rose, the culture editor of Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten who called for the creation of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Rose writes, "I agree that the freedom to publish things doesn't mean you publish everything... So we are not...

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Rev. Lobenstine: Printing Cartoons Like Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theatre

February 17, 2006


On February 17, 2006 reported, "Cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed in a negative light were so offensive to Muslims around the world that their publication was tantamount to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, according to a participant at a panel discussion sponsored by the Council for American Islamic Relations....

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Palestinian Americans Push for Separation of Religion and Government

February 17, 2006

Source: The Forward

On February 17, 2006 The Forward reported, "Palestinian American activists are vowing to lobby Hamas against turning the West Bank and Gaza into an Islamic theocracy.

Anxious about the victory of the Islamic fundamentalist group in last month's Palestinian parliamentary elections, Palestinian American leaders say that they will push for laws favoring American-style church-state separation, pluralism, equality and...

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Editorial: State Prayer Breakfast Should Unite, Not Divide

February 17, 2006

Source: Idaho Public Television/Spokane Spokesman-Review

On February 17, 2006 the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported, "For a group dedicated to bringing people of faith together to pray for society and government officials, the Idaho Prayer Fellowship has stubbed its toe. Rather than focus on prayers and blessing, the group that sponsors the Idaho State Prayer Breakfast has stirred religious...

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Health Care Responds to the Needs of a Growing Muslim Population

February 16, 2006

Source: The Boston Globe

On February 16, 2006 The Boston Globe reported, "The Rev. Esther Bowen unfurls a Muslim prayer rug -- its brilliant teal a sharp contrast to the muted tones of the small hospital chapel -- that she says she hopes will bring comfort to Muslim patients and their families at Quincy Medical Center. The prayer rug, on which...

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FBI Investigates Vandalism and Violence Against Muslim Community in Hamtramck

February 16, 2006

Source: Detroit Free Press

On February 16, 2006 the Detroit Free Press reported, "The FBI is investigating incidents of vandalism and alleged harassment at a mosque in Hamtramck that a Muslim leader says may be part of an anti-Muslim backlash...

In the three weeks preceding Feb. 12, the spiritual leader of Al-Islah Islamic Center was struck with a snow...

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Opinion: "Common Ground: An Interfaith Miracle?"

February 16, 2006

Source: UPI

On February 16, 2006 United Press International ran an opinion piece by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Associate Professor of International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University's School of International Service in Washington, DC, on the value of interfaith dialogue. Abu-Nimer writes, "These interfaith, intercultural, or intercivilisational...

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Opinion: "I Respect Your Articles of Faith – Will You Respect Mine?"

February 16, 2006

Source: The Guardian,,1710831,00.html

On February 16, 2006 The Guardian ran an opinion piece by columnist Timothy Garton Ash on the limits of religious pluralism in Malaysia. Ash writes, "At first glance I would seem to have found the holy grail of the post-9/11 world, proof positive that Islam in power can allow and even encourage a peaceful, tolerant, multicultural society [as represented by Malaysia's society]. That is...

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