
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

With offices in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., MPAC defines its mission as “working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives.”

Muslim Journal Online

Weekly newspaper and successor to Muhammad Speaks, the publication of the Nation of Islam.

Muslim American Society (MAS)

Founded in 1992, the main projects of the MAS include the Islamic American University, the American Muslim magazine, the Freedom Foundation – which focuses on Muslim civic participation – and the Council on Islamic Schools.

The Mosque Cares

An Islamic community associated with the leadership of Imam W. Deen Mohammed; formerly known as the “Ministry of W. Deen Mohammed.”

Ismaili Heritage Society

Maintains the online FIELD database (First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database) with numerous resources related to Ismailism.


Search by zipcode or state to find nearest Islamic centers, mosques (masajid), and Islamic organizations; prayer times are also included.

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Association of Muslim organizations and individuals providing a wide range of services for the Muslim community in the U.S.; publishes Islamic Horizons magazine.

Islamic Relief USA

International relief organization founded in 1993 with U.S. headquarters in Buena Park, California.

Islamic Networks Group (ING)

Since 1993, ING has provided educational programming related to Muslims and Islam; ING works with the media, law enforcement, schools and corporations. 

Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA)

Professional association for Muslim physicians and other health care professionals; provides medical supplies and personnel, holds annual conferences, and publishes the bi-monthly Journal of Islamic Medical Association (JIMA).
