
Multifaith Group Films Commercial to Prevent Hate Crimes

April 5, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On April 5, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "twenty-nine-year-old Anjum A. Ali has two very distinctive looks - that of an American patriot and that of a Muslim... Dressed in her traditional head garb, the American-born Muslim has struggled to make more traditional citizens understand that she, too, is a patriot... With the help of her friend Neil Kuchinsky, a well-known Jewish lawyer who often serves as an advocate for people of the Jewish religion, and local real estate investor Vince Ferranti, a Christian Italian-...

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Muslim American Society Discuss with Fleet over Closing of Accounts

April 4, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On April 4, 2003 The Boston Globe reported that "officials from the Muslim American Society are in discussions with FleetBoston Financial Corp., asking the bank to re-examine its recent decisions to close at least 15 accounts of individuals or institutions with Arabic names... Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, said Fleet 'is a test case' and the effort might spread to other large national banks that he said might be engaging in discriminatory practices... Fleet spokesman James E....

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Tempe Officials Declare City Buildings Haven from Hate

April 4, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On April 4, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "Tempe [AZ] has declared its city buildings a haven for local Muslims who may face war-related harassment or threats, making it the first Phoenix-area community to officially do so... 'City buildings have always been safe havens,' Tempe's diversity coordinator, Rosa Inchausti, said in a note to department heads last week. 'People need to know that anyone can go into any city building if they are feeling harassed or threatened.'"

Update: CAIR Seeks "Terrorist" Designation for Robert Goldstein

April 4, 2003

Source: CAIR

On April 4, 2003 CAIR issued a press release stating that "Florida's office of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) today expressed deep disappointment over the government's failure to charge as a 'terrorist' a man who was actively plotting to bomb 50 Islamic centers and Muslim schools in that state... Robert Goldstein, 38, pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiracy to violate civil rights, attempting to damage religious property and a weapons possession charge. He faces a maximum of 15 years in prison... CAIR-...

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Evangelical Christians On the Front Lines

April 4, 2003

Source: The Guardian

On April 4, 2003 The Guardian reported that "poised behind the troops, waiting for a signal that Iraq is safe enough for them to operate in, are the evangelical Christians - carrying food in one hand and the Bible in the other... All the groups, generously funded by American churchgoers, are likely to do a magnificent job in offering water, food, medical help and comfort to a traumatised population. But they are causing alarm among Muslims, who fear vulnerable Iraqis will be cajoled into conversion, and Christians, some of whom...

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Uncertainty of Mosque Permit Disappoints Muslim Community

April 4, 2003

Source: Chicago Tribune

On April 4, 2003 the Chicago Tribune reported that "the leader of a Muslim group expressed disappointment and uncertainty about the fate of a proposed mosque and school expansion in the wake of a unanimous rejection by the Morton Grove [IL] Plan Commission... 'We worked closely with our neighbors and the commission to incorporate their suggestions and provide an acceptable plan that is good for the neighborhood,' said...

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Nomination of Daniel Pipes Alarms Muslim Groups

April 3, 2003

Source: CAIR

On April 3, 2003 CAIR reported that "a national Islamic civil rights group today urged President Bush to rescind his nomination of an 'Islamophobe,' who claims 10 to 15 percent of Muslims are 'potential killers,' to the board of a government institution formed to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflicts... The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says President Bush yesterday nominated pro-Israel commentator Daniel Pipes...

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Community Leaders Critical of New York's Strategies Against Hate Crimes

April 2, 2003

Source: The Village Voice

On April 2, 2003 The Village Voice reported that "given the red alert on hate crimes, advocacy and community groups in New York's immigrant neighborhoods are trying a range of strategies to defend local residents and allay their fears. Many are hosting know-your-rights and safety workshops; some are even steering people to self-defense classes. But they charge that the city is not doing enough...

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Bloomberg Condemns Anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian Books in Muslim Private Schools

April 2, 2003

Source: Daily News

On April 2, 2003 the Daily News reported that New York mayor "Bloomberg condemned yesterday anti-Semitic and anti-Christian school books in use at a number of Muslim private schools in the city... 'Personally, I find it disgraceful,' Bloomberg said when asked about a Sunday Daily News story reporting the schools' use of the books in their Islamic studies programs... The mayor made his comments while appearing with local Jewish leaders at 1 Police Plaza to discuss public safety concerns for the upcoming Passover holiday... The most...

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Prayers for World Peace in Maryland

March 31, 2003

Source: The Baltimore Sun

On March 31, 2003 The Baltimore Sun reported that "overcome with emotion, Kay Ballard had to pause several times during yesterday's Prayers for World Peace, an event she coordinated to bring a diverse range of spiritual leaders to talk about peace... On the 12th day of the war in Iraq, Ballard gathered spiritual leaders to deliver their individual messages of peace. A rabbi spoke about making peace an active pursuit, while an imam talked about how the word peace in Arabic is a part of daily life... Interspersed in the two-hour...

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Islamic Charity Festival in Tampa, Florida

March 31, 2003

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On March 31, 2003 the St. Petersburg Times reported that "after war broke out in Iraq, organizers of... the annual Islamic Charity Festival [in Tampa, FL]... discussed postponing the festival, which local Muslims hold to offer food and clothing to mostly non-Muslim needy residents... Corporations could be counted on in past years to provide soft drinks...

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Emergency Minister of the Eucharist

March 31, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On March 31, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "as a top officer in a combat helicopter squadron, Army Maj. Mike Mahony is used to emergencies. Two of his pilots were shot down last week. His unit's AH-64 Apache helicopters were damaged by Iraqi artillery. But this morning, he was handling a different kind of emergency: getting Communion to troops near the front lines... Mahony is an emergency minister of the Eucharist, or EME, a layman trained to administer the sacrament of Communion because of a shortage of Roman Catholic...

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