
Lackawanna Arrests and Community's Solidarity

October 2, 2002

Source: Buffalo News

On October 2, 2002 Buffalo News reported that "religious leaders from a variety of faiths gathered outside the Lackawanna Mosque on Tuesday to pledge their support for the local Muslim community in response to the arrests of six Lackawanna men charged with supporting the al-Qaida terrorist network... religious leaders said they wanted to make a statement as a preventative measure...

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MPAC Unites Patriotism with Being Muslim

October 2, 2002

Source: The Muslim Public Affairs Council

In a press released dated October 2, 2002 the The Muslim Public Affairs Council stated that "(MPAC) has prepared a position paper to examine the relationship between the fact that we are Muslims and we are patriotic Americans. This means that we are patriotic Americans in spite of being Muslims. This notion, that Islam is actually incompatible with Americanism, or patriotism, seems to be the preponderant notion among most Americans,...

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"Gospel of Inclusion" Upsets Evangelical Support, but Increases Interfaith Dialogue

October 2, 2002

Source: Religion News Service

On October 2, 2002 Religion News Service reported that "more people learned of [Carlton Pearson's] 'gospel of inclusion'... [which] says simply, 'I exclude nobody from the redemptive work of the cross.' Pearson says he thinks the focus of many of his evangelical brethren, who believe a personal confession that Jesus is savior gains one entrance to heaven, has been wrongly placed... 'I believe that Jesus redeemed the entire world,' not just particular brands of Christians. While Pearson's doctrine of inclusion has motivated the...

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Funds Grant to Counsel Muslim Women

October 2, 2002

Source: Washington Post

On October 2, 2002 Washington Post reported that "search-and-seizure operations carried out [by federal agents] at Muslim homes and organizations across Northern Virginia... [were] aimed at gathering information on possible financial links to Middle Eastern terrorist groups. But while much about the operation remains murky, one aspect is drawing increased attention...

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Universities Search for Scholars of Islam

October 1, 2002

Source: Religion News Service

On October 1, 2002 Religion News Service reported that "since Sept. 11, universities throughout the country have been scrambling to hire experts on Islam to bolster departments of religion or Middle East studies. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill just added a second Islamicist to its department of religious studies. Edward Curtis will teach about Islam among African-Americans. The university is also...

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Museum Accused of Violating Civil Rights Law by Firing Muslim Guard

October 1, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On October 1, 2002 The Boston Globe reported that "in one of the first civil lawsuits of its kind in the country, the Worcester Art Museum was accused by the federal government yesterday of violating civil rights law by firing a security guard after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks solely because he was born in Afghanistan and is a Muslim."

Idaho Mosque Attacked

October 1, 2002

Source: The Idaho Statesman

On October 1, 2002 The Idaho Statesman reported that "two windows were shattered at the Islamic Center of Boise last weekend, causing some local Muslim leaders to worry about the safety of those who pray at and visit the mosque. On late Sunday or early Monday, bricks were thrown through the windows, shattering broken glass onto a prayer rug below... Before Sept. 11, 2001, about 70 children...

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American Hindus Gather to Mourn Shootings at Swaminarayan Temple in India

October 1, 2002

Source: India Tribune

On October 1, 2002, the India Tribune reported that "in a spontaneous outpouring of sympathy, thousands of followers of Swami Narayan gathered at the BAPS Temple [in Edison, NJ] and expressed their shock and sorrow over the terrorist attack on the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, [the main temple of the Swami Narayan movement in India]... Similar outpourings of sadness were seen on September 24 at more than 30 temples and over 200 centers of the Bochaswanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, commonly...

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American Muslim Council Leaders Urge Greater Muslim Participation in Politics

September 30, 2002

Source: The Kansas City Star

On September 30, 2002 The Kansas City Star reported that "[Eric Erfan Vickers,] the leader of the American Muslim Council, is urging Muslims to become more involved in politics in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. During a visit to Kansas City on Sunday... Vickers also said that the U.S. government must be more inclusive in foreign affairs, including the decision...

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Lackawanna Arrests and Community's Solidarity

September 30, 2002

Source: Buffalo News

On September 30, 2002 Buffalo News reported on "Dr. Khalid J. Qazi, [who] has spent years building relationships with other religious communities, while trying to empower his fellow Muslims and dispel myths about their faith and Islamic culture. Qazi confides he is not only famished but physically and emotionally drained from the events of the whirlwind week when he was thrust into...

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New Jersey Muslims Educate to Dispel Misconceptions

September 30, 2002

Source: Asbury Park Press,21133,623888,00.html

On September 30, 2002 Asbury Park Press reported that "as the number of Muslim families in the Shore area increases, so have their efforts to reach out to the community and dispel misconceptions about their religion. 'We want to try to clarify the negative stereotypes,' said El Mansoury, who spoke at a church in Point Pleasant and at the Uni-tarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth...

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Fewer American Muslims Running for Public Office

September 29, 2002

Source: Mercury News

On September 29, 2002 Mercury News reported that "the number of Muslims running for elective office across the United States has dropped by 85 percent in two years because potential candidates fear the post-Sept. 11 anti-Muslim backlash would doom their campaigns. That's the conclusion reached by the Newark-based American Muslim Alliance, the nation's largest Muslim political...

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California Hindu Man Allegedly Insults and Attacks Muslim Girl

September 29, 2002

Source: Mercury News

On September 29, 2002 Mercury News reported that "nearly a month after a Hindu man allegedly tried to rape a Muslim girl while spewing hateful epithets, many Bay Area Indo-American Muslims and Hindus are still divided over the significance of the crime. Within the somewhat estranged communities, the meaning of the Palo Alto incident has transcended the facts stated by...

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Religions and Cremation

September 28, 2002

Source: State-Times/Morning Advocate

On September 28, 2002 the State-Times/Morning Advocate reported on different religious traditions and their beliefs about cremation. It stated, "cremation is common among Eastern religions. Hindus in India have crematoriums that are open all the time. The families quickly prepare the body, and family and friends go to the funeral pyre. Since the Buddha was cremated, most Buddhists follow this example. In Islam, cremation is forbidden, based on rituals regarding the dead found in the Quran and Sunnah. Muslims consider...

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One Woman's Conversion Story: From Arguing to Understanding

September 28, 2002

Source: The Arizona Republic

On September 28, 2002 The Arizona Republic reported on "Deedra Abboud, the new president of the Council on American Islamic Relations of Arizona, [who] was raised Christian in Arkansas... She remembers arguing with Muslims about their faith. 'I would verbally attack them,' Abboud said. Your religion oppresses women, she would tell them. Making women cover...

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