
Mosque Bombed after 8 Thai Buddhists Slain

March 14, 2007

Source: USA Today

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — A bomb wounded eleven Muslims outside a mosque in southern Thailand on Wednesday, in possible retaliation for the execution-style killings of eight Buddhist commuters in the same area earlier in the day.

Col. Apirat Sangkhao, the police chief in Yala province's Yaha district — where both attacks took place — described the bombing as "an...

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Planned Mosque Causing Quite a Stir

March 14, 2007

Author: Matt O'Brien

Source: Inside Bay Area

HAYWARD — The neighborhood surrounding Gading Road always has been known for its row of Christian churches, most of them built in the 1950s and 1960s to accommodate the rapid growth of nearby housing tracts.

But it has never seen the likes of a minaret before.

That could change now that a group of Fijian...

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Jewish Groups Back ISB's 'Day in Court'

March 13, 2007

Author: Kristin Erekson

Source: The Jewish Advocate

Three Jewish groups are aligning themselves with the Islamic Society of Boston, leaving leaders of the local organized Jewish community hesitant to speak about the implications of this rift.

Jewish Voice for Peace, Tekiah and the Boston Tikkun Community signed a joint amicus curiae - a “friend...

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Muslims, Buddhists Stage Rival Demonstrations in Troubled Southern Thailand

March 11, 2007

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

BANGKOK, Thailand: Muslims and Buddhists staged rival protests Sunday in southern Thailand, as violence in the troubled area continued with three more killings.

In Pattani province, about 60 veiled Muslim women blocked a main road to demand the release of three...

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Between Black and Immigrant Muslims, an Uneasy Alliance

March 11, 2007

Author: Andrea Elliott

Source: The New York Times

Under the glistening dome of a mosque on Long Island, hundreds of men sat cross-legged on the floor. Many were doctors and engineers born in Pakistan and India. Dressed in khakis, polo shirts and the odd silk tunic, they fidgeted and whispered.

One thing stood between them and dinner: A visitor from Harlem was coming to ask...

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Muslim Inmates Demand Equality on Their Plates

March 11, 2007

Author: Juli S. Charkes

Source: The New York Times

MUSLIM inmates at the Westchester County Jail are free to study the Koran and worship together. But they say that they are not able to adhere fully to their faith because county jail officials have declined to meet their demands in one area: their diet.


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"Faith's School," a Commentary by Mona Siddiqui

March 10, 2007

Author: Mona Siddiqui

Source: The Scotsman/The Messenger

WITH AN INCREASING FOCUS ON Islam and the Muslim world, it has become fashionable to talk about a "Muslim reformation". Indeed, the western world in particular is quite rightly eager to discover who are the voices of reformative Islam, who are the scholars and thinkers calling for the Muslim world to reflect on the challenges posed by modernity and...

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The Battle for the Mosque Broadens and Deepens

March 9, 2007

Author: Stephen Schwartz

Source: TCSDaily

At the launching of the Center for Islamic Pluralism (CIP) two years ago, TCSDaily was one of the media institutions most supportive to our work, and I have therefore chosen this venue to present a balance sheet of CIP's activities in promoting moderate Islam.

We have enjoyed significant success. But some notable obstacles remain before us. These include...

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Idaho Mosque Plastered with Swastika Stickers; Police Investigate

March 9, 2007

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

BOISE, Idaho: A few swastika-emblazoned stickers have been left on a mosque and another building in Boise, Idaho, prompting a police investigation, officials said.

The stickers were reported Sunday as children arrived at the Islamic Center of Boise for Sunday school, said...

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Our Muslim Neighbors

March 8, 2007


Source: Belleville News-Democrat

You've never heard of prejudice based on first names? That's because your name isn't Mohammed.

After 9/11, Belleville psychotherapist Mohammed Kibria noticed people began treating him as "stupid" or "dangerous" or both. He faced intense security checks at airports and eventually was asked to leave his job at a mental-...

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Area's Sunnis and Shiites Keep A Delicate Balance Across Divides

March 8, 2007

Author: Pamela Constable

Source: The Washington Post

In its modest way, the Muslim Community School in Montgomery County is a tiny bulwark against the hate-filled sectarian violence that has ripped Iraq apart, threatens to divide the Muslim world and has created tensions among Muslim immigrants in the United States.


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New Dutch Muslim Cabinet Minister Accuses Lawmaker of Racially Motivated Political Attacks

March 7, 2007

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

THE HAGUE, Netherlands: One of the first two Muslims appointed to a Dutch Cabinet post, Ahmed Aboutaleb calls himself a "foot soldier" in the cause of immigrant integration. And as a foot soldier, he expects to be a target, he said Wednesday.

Since being sworn...

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Muslim Congressman Talks up 'American Values' in State Department Outreach

March 7, 2007

Source: CNN

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department is turning to Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, to help burnish the country's image in the Muslim world -- despite Ellison's outspoken criticism of the Bush administration's foreign policy.

"I plan to talk to people in the State Department and...

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Museum of Tolerance to be Built on Top of Muslim Cemetery

March 7, 2007

Author: Abdussalam Mohamed

Source: Southern California In Focus

LOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has raised at least $200 millions, mainly from American donors, to build a Museum of Tolerance on the Ma’am Allah cemetery, a site believed to contain the remains of dozens of companions of Prophet Muhammad as well as thousands of Jerusalemite Muslims.

On May 3,...

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