
Senators Rebuke Anti-Islamic Message

April 8, 2004

Source: The Baltimore Sun,0,4152996.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

On April 8, 2004 The Baltimore Sun reported, "More than 30 senators and delegates issued a public rebuke to Del. Donald H. Dwyer Jr. yesterday over what they described as a 'prejudicial and hateful' e-mail he sent to all General Assembly members last week questioning whether Islam is a...

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Christians Pull Out of Peace Talks With Muslims After Waves of Violence

April 8, 2004


On April 8, 2004 posted an Associated Press article that reported, "Saidu Dogo, an official of the Christian Association of Nigeria, an umbrella body representing Nigeria's 60 million Christians, claimed that religious violence had killed more than 1,000 Christians and animists in the northern states of Plateau, Kaduna and Jigawa since Jan. 1. The violence has entailed...

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Government Statistics Show Rise in Muslims and Orthodox Christians

April 8, 2004


On April 8, 2004 reported, "The Central Statistics Office has reported a massive in rease in the number of Muslims and Orthodox Christians in Ireland between 1991 and 2002. The CSO said there were more than 10,000 Muslims in Ireland at the time of the 2002 census, compared to less than 400 in 1991. The number of Orthodox Christians in the country also quadrupled to 19,000 in the same...

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Moroccan Immigrant Workers to Ask Govt to Monitor Mosques to Combat "Extremists"

April 8, 2004

Source: Al-Jazeera

On April 8, 2004 Al-Jazeera reported, "The head of an association of Moroccan migrant workers has said that Spain needs a council to oversee mosques and Muslim clerics as a solution to combat 'extremists'...'All mosques in Spain should be transparent; we are not talking about private homes, but places of worship,' [said Mustafa Mirabat, the head...

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Government Statistics Show Rise in Racially or Religiously Motivated Hate Crimes

April 8, 2004

Source: INDOlink

On April 8, 2004 INDOlink reported, "Figures published April 7 in Britain show that in 2003 racially or religiously motivated crimes against Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus, registered a steep rise in that country. The British government’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) yesterday released figures showing that race crime last year rose by 12 per cent with 2,000 more cases being...

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Ten Years After Massacres, Islam is Fastest Growing Religion

April 7, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On April 7, 2004 The New York Times reported, "When 800,000 of their countrymen were killed in massacres that began 10 years ago this week, many Rwandans lost faith not only in their government but in their religion as well. Today, in what is still a predominantly Catholic country, Islam is the fastest growing religion. Roman Catholicism has been the dominant...

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Foreign Minister Cites Country's Religious Tolerance in Meeting with Europe Secretary General

April 7, 2004

Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan


On April 7, 2004 the State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a press release that reported, "Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met Council of Europe Secretary General Walter Schwimmer on April 7...Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov...

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Zogby Poll: Muslims and Jews in Israel Share Values

April 7, 2004

Source: Zogby International

On April 7, 2004 Zogby International reported, "A new global religion study by the University of Rochester and Zogby International of 11 different religious groups shows that people around the world hold many similar values, and are very similar in steps they would take to achieve their personal goals. In Israel, Jews and Muslims consider being well educated (91%) of highest importance, followed by...

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Conference on Muslim-Catholic Dialogue Held in CA

April 7, 2004

Source: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


On April 7, 2004 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reported, "Thirteen Catholic bishops participated in a specially designed three-day program for bishops on Islam and Catholic-Muslim relations, March 15-18, 2004. The second of three such institutes, sponsored by the Subcommittee on Interreligious Dialogue of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), took place at Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park,...

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Controversial Middle East Scholar Proposes Progressive Muslim Institute

April 7, 2004

Source: United Press International

On April 7, 2004 United Press International reported, "The Middle East Forum, which is headed by a controversial Jewish scholar, is seeking support to form a progressive Islamic institute that would represent liberal Muslims living in the United States. The problem is that many Muslims see the Forum as too pro-Israel and fear its chief, Daniel Pipes as someone 'out to...

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U.S. Attack on Mosque Likely to Inflame Anti-American Sentiment, Experts Say

April 7, 2004

Source: USA Today

On April 7, 2004 USA Today reported, "The U.S. attack on a mosque compound in Fallujah on Wednesday is likely to further inflame anti-U.S. sentiment among Iraqis and strengthen growing bonds between Sunni and Shiite Muslims resisting the U.S. occupation, several experts on the region say. 'This obviously makes a bad situation worse,' says Jim Zogby, president of...

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