
Muslim Campground Raided in East Haddam

September 27, 2005

Source: Hartford Courant,0,1947829.story?coll=hc-headlines-local

On September 27, 2005 the Hartford Courant reported, "Around town... people are wondering why federal agents seized datashak plants and seeds and 19 computer discs from a Muslim campground in Moodus. First Selectman Brad Parker said Friday's raid on the 18-acre Town Street campground, owned by Darul...

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Interfaith Events Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Dayton Peace Accords

September 27, 2005

Source: Dayton Daily News

On September 27, 2005 the Dayton Daily News reported, "Gary Percesepe, coordinating director of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, helping to organize the 10th anniversary celebration surrounding the Dayton Peace Accords. Percesepe, a Springfield resident, also heads the Interfaith Planning Committee of Dayton:...

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New Mosque to Open in Fort Worth

September 26, 2005

Source: Star-Telegram

On September 26, 2005 the Star-Telegram reported, "For almost two years, Ali Safi and a crew of construction workers have labored to build [Fort Worth's] newest mosque [for the Islamic Association of Tarrant County]... Safi and the other construction workers are scrambling to complete the $3.5 million project by Friday, when hundreds of people are expected to gather for prayer and a dedication ceremony marking...

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Bay Area Religious Groups Gearing Up for More Relief Efforts After Rita

September 26, 2005

Source: The Daily Review

On September 26, 2005 The Daily Review reported, "During the past month, religious groups of all faiths have played a key role in coordinating relief efforts in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, commonly viewed as America's Bible Belt. As Hurricane Rita threatens to make matters worse in the Gulf States, many religious organizations are gearing up for a second round of...

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170 American Muslim Groups Issue Fatwa Against Extremism

September 26, 2005

Source: Dawn

On September 26, 2005 Dawn reported, "North American Muslims have issued a religious edict against extremism and terrorism to prevent disgruntled Muslims who might be tempted to use their religion to justify violence, says a pamphlet distributed at mosques and other religious places across North America. The fatwa has been signed by representatives of more than 250 mosques and Islamic centers and endorsed by over 170 Muslim...

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Netzarim Synagogue Converted into Hamas Museum

September 25, 2005

Source: Arutz Sheva

On September 25, 2005 Arutz Sheva reported, "Hamas plans to convert the synagogue building of the former Gaza community of Netzarim to a museum to display the terror organization’s military abilities. According to a media release from the Izzadin el-Kassam military wing of the terror organization, all the weaponry used to oust the IDF from Gaza, from stones to rockets, will be on display."

Report Shows Discrimination Against Muslims in Army

September 24, 2005


On September 24, 2005 reported, "Muslims serving in the French army are routinely mocked at, discriminated against and sometimes denied their religious rights, according to a new report. The report, entitled French Servicemen of Immigrant Origin, found that racist jokes and derogatory remarks are often played on Muslims inside the military...

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Interfaith Event in Corvallis Focuses on Healing

September 24, 2005

Source: Gazette Times

On September 24, 2005 the Gazette Times reported, "In light of the destruction and loss monopolizing the news recently, the theme of Corvallis' fourth annual Interfaith Conference on Oct. 1 couldn't be more appropriate. 'Healing Ourselves and Our World — An Interfaith Sharing,' was the topic chosen months ago by the Interfaith Community of Corvallis...

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Baptist Church Opens its Doors to Muslim Evacuees

September 24, 2005

Source: The Waco Tribune-Herald

On September 24, 2005 The Waco Tribune-Herald reported, "Hurricane Rita created a divine opportunity for a local mosque and a Baptist church to put the religious edict of 'love your neighbor' into practice this weekend. When the Islamic Center of Waco started to run out of room for Muslim evacuees from the...

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Judge Rules Safety Trumps Religious Protection in Muslim Firefighter Case

September 23, 2005

Source: The Muslim News

Wire Service: AP

On September 23, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A Muslim firefighter cannot wear a beard on the job because of the safety risk that facial hair poses, a judge ruled yesterday. Curtis De Veaux sued the city on grounds that the ban infringed on his Muslim faith, which generally requires men to grow beards. But the state judge sided with...

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Jordan’s King Abdullah Talks with Rabbis About Common Values in DC

September 22, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 22, 2005 The Boston Globe reported, "Convening an unprecedented meeting between a Muslim head of state and Jewish religious leaders, King Abdullah II of Jordan urged Jews and Muslims yesterday to 'take bold steps toward mutual forgiveness and reconciliation' to counteract extremist...

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Muslim Doll Takes Barbie’s Place

September 22, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On September 22, 2005 The New York Times reported, "In the last year or so, Barbie dolls have all but disappeared from the shelves of many toy stores in the Middle East. In their place, there is Fulla, a dark-eyed doll with, as her creator puts it, 'Muslim values.' Fulla roughly shares Barbie's size and proportions, but...

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Boston College Creates Jewish Studies Minor

September 22, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 22, 2005 The Boston Globe reported, "Boston College, a Jesuit university with a student body that is overwhelmingly Christian, is launching a program that will allow students to minor in Jewish studies, a rarity in Catholic higher education. Although the first student who intends to sign up...

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