
Pakistani Population in New York Decreases Amidst Legislations, Detentions, and Deportations

May 29, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On May 29, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "Little Pakistan in Brooklyn is a neighborhood being pulled up at its roots. Of the 120,000 or so Pakistanis who lived near here, 15,000, maybe more, have left for Canada, Europe or Pakistan, according to Pakistani government estimates. The departures began after Sept. 11, 2001, when federal...

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U.S. Senate Resolution Recognizes Important Role of Immigrants In American Society

May 29, 2003

Source: NCM

On May 29, 2003 NCM reported that "the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a resolution last week recognizing the important role played in American society by immigrant communities some of whom have been under intense scrutiny by federal agencies since the 9/11 attacks. Civil liberties groups applauded the vote but urged the...

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Muslim Activists Protest New Bill Banning Foreign Students from Public Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts

May 29, 2003


On May 29, 2003 the Boston Herald reported that "Bay State students who hail from seven terrorism-sponsoring nations would be summarily ejected from public colleges and universities under a new Republican bill that sparked accusations of a witch hunt from Islamic activists and civil libertarians... The bill, which faces an uphill battle through the House and Senate, would deny a taxpayer-funded education to citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Sudan... Islamic activists protested that the bill smacks of an...

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Republican Bill to Eject Students from Terrorism-Sponsoring Nations

May 29, 2003

Source: Boston Herald

On May 29, 2003 the Boston Herald reported that "Bay State students who hail from seven terrorism-sponsoring nations would be summarily ejected from public colleges and universities under a new Republican bill that sparked accusations of a witch hunt from Islamic activists and civil libertarians... The bill, which faces an uphill battle through the House and Senate,...

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The Cultural Complexities of the High School Prom

May 28, 2003

Source: San Jose Mercury News

On May 28, 2003 the San Jose Mercury News reported that "as a practicing Muslim, Fatima is forbidden to date or dance in mixed company. Her predicament is increasingly common in the Bay Area, where immigrants and children of immigrants can find the prom season particularly vexing because of the added stress to respect cultural or religious values... The prom is supposed to be one of...

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CAIR Publishes Congressional Resource Guide

May 28, 2003

Source: CAIR

On May 28, 2003 CAIR reported that "the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today announced the publication of a congressional resource guide designed to promote political empowerment in the American Muslim community... CAIR's guide contains a wealth of information about the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, including contact details for individual legislators and administration officials. The handbook also includes guidelines for communicating...

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Muslim Organizations Meet with FBI Director Rober Mueller

May 28, 2003

Source: MPAC News

On May 28, 2003 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported that "The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), along with other American Muslim, Arab and South Asian groups, met with FBI director Robert Mueller in Washington DC earlier today... During the 90 minute meeting, MPAC offered 10 points to enhance the partnership between American Muslim organizations and law enforcement, and two suggestions to work jointly with media. The points... were well...

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Home Schooling, Religion, and Culture in the State of Washington

May 27, 2003

Source: The News Tribune


On May 27, 2003 The News Tribune reported that "home schooling is gradually growing beyond its conservative, white Christian roots in Washington state... Parents from a growing number of religions and races have joined the movement for a host of reasons, but they often share a dissatisfaction with school systems and a desire to emphasize their cultural or religious values. Evidence of the changing face of home schooling is largely anecdotal, both...

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Update: Sultaana Freeman License Photo Case in Florida

May 27, 2003

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

On May 27, 2003 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that "nine months after Sultaana Freeman obtained a Florida driver's license that had a photo of her face covered in a veil, she received a letter from the state warning that it would revoke her license unless she returned for a photo with her face uncovered... The 35-year-old Muslim refused, saying that revealing her face would violate her beliefs, and the license was...

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Update: Muncie Muslims Reach Out to Community

May 27, 2003

Source: The Star Press

On May 27, 2003 The Star Press reported that "police are keeping a watchful eye on a local mosque after a recent incident of vandalism, but they aren't prepared to call it a hate crime... Police investigated a report this week that signs bearing the name and address of the Muncie Islamic Center had been torn down... 'With the current atmosphere, and...

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