
Opinion: Rejection of EU Constitution Linked to Fear of the "Green Tide" of Islam

June 7, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On June 7, 2005 The Boston Globe ran a column by James Carroll in which he discussed the rejection of the EU Constitution. Carroll writes, "Among the factors leading to the French and Dutch rejections of the European constitution last week, none looms more ominously than the nightmare of antagonism...

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In Gwent, Muslim Graves Desecrated

June 7, 2005

Source: BBC News

On June 7, 2005 BBC News reported, "Twenty-five Muslim headstones have been desecrated in an attack being treated by police as racially-motivated.

Gwent Police are investigating the incident at St Woolos Church, Newport.

Police said the headstones in the Muslim area of the graveyard were pushed over on Friday morning, causing 'considerable structural damage.'

Officers have stepped...

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At the National Cathedral, an Interfaith Event Calls for the End of Hunger

June 7, 2005

Source: National Council of Churches News Service

On June 7, 2005 the National Council of Churches News Service reported, "With fervor and conviction, religious leaders from Jewish, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist traditions, urged more than 1,000 participants in yesterday’s first Interfaith Convocation on Hunger at the Washington National Cathedral to advocate for the end of hunger in the...

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Persecution of Christians Denied by Saudi Officials, Citing Islamic Tolerance

June 7, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

On June 7, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A Saudi official denied allegations that the kingdom has arrested and tortured Christians, saying such actions run counter to Islamic tolerance. The remarks to the official Saudi Press Agency came in response to reports in Iranian papers of recent arrests. The official,...

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Justice Minister Urges that Women Wearing Burkas Should Be Fined

June 6, 2005

Source: The Guardian,12576,1500012,00.html

On June 6, 2005 The Guardian reported, "Women wearing burkas in Italy should be reported to the police and fined, Silvio Berlusconi's justice minister said at the weekend. Roberto Castelli said the garment was at odds with an Italian law that forbids masks.

The burka is rare, though not unknown, in Italy. But commentators yesterday noted that the minister's ruling...

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No Evidence Found to Indicate that San Bernardino Mosque Fire a Hate Crime

June 6, 2005

Source: San Bernardino County Sun,1413,208~12588~2907484,00.html

On June 6, 2005 the San Bernardino County Sun reported, "the fire that leveled a rural mosque here was not fueled by the flames of hatred, authorities said Monday. 'There is no evidence it was a hate crime,' said Robin Haynal, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, which is investigating with the help of the county Fire Department and FBI. '...

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Desecration of the Qur'an is "Unpardonable," Says Musharraf

June 5, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AFP

On June 5, 2005 Agence France-Presse reported, "Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf condemned the reported desecration of the Koran by US interrogators at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba, saying it was 'unpardonable.'


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European Unity Seen as Advantageous to Muslim Minorities

June 5, 2005

Source: Journal of Turkish Weekly/

On June 5, 2005 reported, "Austrian Muslims believe that European unity, as manifested by the hotly-debated European Constitution, would serve the best interests of Muslim minorities across the euro bloc. 'Muslim minorities in Europe are hopeful to see the European unity materialized at all levels as it serves interests of all minorities across the continent,...

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Profile of Asra Nomani, Leader of Muslim Women’s Freedom Tour

June 5, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On June 5, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "it was two days after she appeared on 'Nightline' talking about her fight to change her mosque that the death threats began. The first call came on her cell phone. The caller left a message, in Urdu: 'If you want to stay alive, keep your mouth shut.' Otherwise, he...

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Following Pentagon’s Report of Qur'an Descration, MPAC Calls for Congressional Inquiry

June 5, 2005

Source: Muslim Public Affairs Council press release

On June 5, 2005 a Muslim Public Affairs Council press release reported, "It is clear in the hearts and minds of Muslims worldwide, including American Muslims, that a segment of our military finds profaning all things Islamic as an acceptable tactic in fighting the war on terror... MPAC is calling on Congress to establish a national commission to...

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Scottish Muslims Say Culture of Drinking a Barrier to Integration

June 5, 2005

Source: Sunday Herald

On June 5, 2005 the Sunday Herald reported, "Young Muslim men born in Scotland do not feel completely Scottish because they believe the prevailing drinking culture excludes them... The belief among male Muslims aged 16-25 that drinking alcohol and going to nightclubs is a major part of Scottish culture acts as a barrier to feeling completely Scottish, according to the study. Some of the interviewees spoke of how the drinking...

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Religious Accommodation Becoming More Common in Workplace

June 4, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1498767,00.html

On June 4, 2005 The Guardian reported, "In a Britain where workforces are increasingly diverse, the effective management of staff is an issue the government is keen to push. Safia Tharoo, the Muslim Council of Britain's legal officer, recently completed a DTI-funded project aimed at raising awareness of the employment equality regulations covering religion and belief, which...

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Charlotte Gathering Discusses "Climate of Intolerance"

June 4, 2005

Source: Charlotte Observer

On June 4, 2005 the Charlotte Observer reported, "Area leaders representing Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths united Friday and denounced what one described as a 'climate of intolerance' in the Charlotte area in recent weeks. 'We are seeing a trickle-down effect of an Islam-phobic climate that is allowed to flourish,' said Jibril Hough, a spokesman for the Islamic...

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Interfaith Tour of Biblical Sites Spurs Dialogue

June 4, 2005

Source: The Indianapolis Star

On June 4, 2005 The Indianapolis Star reported, "In late June and early July, [Kazim] Eldes plans to lead two interfaith journeys to Turkey, this time with groups from the Indianapolis area. Sponsored by an organization called the Holy Dove Foundation, Eldes hopes the Biblical Treasures of Turkey tour will create...

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