
Merrimack College Panel Looks at Historical Women from Three Faiths

September 23, 2006

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 23, 2006 The Boston Globe reported, "From the war in Lebanon to Pope Benedict XVI enraging Muslims by quoting a medieval criticism of Islam, conflict between religions seems to be a daily occurrence. Only the calendar, it seems, offers a note of harmony, with two holy...

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Montreal Conference on World Religions After 9/11 Tackles Tough Questions

September 23, 2006

Source: Hinduism Today/Montreal Gazette

On September 23, 2006 the Montreal Gazette reported, "As Jews all over the world celebrate their New Year, Rosh Hashanah, and more than one billion Muslims begin to observe Ramadan, a month of fasting - and as the Catholic pope mulls over the furor he has unleashed with his curiously provocative comments on Islam - a group of scholars meeting in Montreal has grappled with difficult...

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Muslims, Jews Prepare for High Holy Days

September 23, 2006

Source: The Sacramento Bee

On September 23, 2006 The Sacramento Bee reported, "Like other Muslims, Basim Elkarra will begin the day with a light early meal and then fast until sunset. Leslie Kuperstein, who is Jewish, will call family and friends and spend most of the next two days in synagogue. For both, this is the holy season. This weekend, Jews around the world are celebrating Rosh Hashana while Muslims are beginning the monthlong...

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Gubernatorial Candidate Dumps Anti-Islam Preacher

September 23, 2006

Source: The Miami Herald

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On September 23, 2006 The Miami Herald reported, "The Rev. O'Neal Dozier suffered another political slap Friday.

Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist told his staff to take the Pompano Beach minister off all his campaign committees. The move comes after the Rev. Dozier characterized Islam as a 'cult' and a 'dangerous religion,' on a South Florida radio talk show in July.

Dozier also...

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The First Year of Benedict's Papacy Regarding Islam

September 22, 2006

Source: Q News

On September 22, 2006 Q News published a commentary by Abdal Hakim Murad, "In the immediate aftermath of the election of Joseph Ratzinger to the Papacy, Muslim reactions to the new pontiff were diverse and confused. Turks were dismayed by his very public opposition to their membership of the European Union,...

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Controversial Muslim Leader Receives Award, Despite Protests

September 22, 2006

Source: The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles

On September 22, 2006 The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles reported, "At a meeting that featured catcalls, standing ovations and the ejection of a disruptive audience member, Los Angeles' County Human Relations Commission voted again Monday to give an award to Dr. Maher Hathout, a local Muslim leader whose harsh rhetoric on Israel generated accusations of...

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Catholic, Muslim Schoolgirls Gather in Dearborn to Find Common Ground

September 22, 2006

Source: The Detroit News

On September 22, 2006 The Detroit News reported, "About 200 Catholic and Muslim school children gathered Thursday to talk about their faiths, how they worship God and to pray. And as is often the case when kids do the talking, they found that they had a lot in common. Students from the St. Paul School...

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Catholic Bishops of Malaysia Express Concerns Over Shari'ah

September 22, 2006


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On September 22, 2006 reported, "The bishops of Malaysia have voiced concern about the increased islamisation of Malaysian society... Despite the efforts of the current premier Badawi, which are oriented towards inter-faith dialogue, a good 13 states in the country have approved Shari'ah, the Islamic law, practically reducing minorities to the status of dhimmi - non-Muslim religious groups protected by Islam - discriminating against them in...

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US Muslims Meet with Vatican's US Ambassador

September 22, 2006

Source: United Press International

On September 22, 2006 the United Press International reported, "U.S. Muslims met with the Vatican's U.S. ambassador to discuss the controversy surrounding recent comments on Islam by Pope Benedict XVI. Corey Saylor Arsalan Iftikhar of the Council on American-Islamic Relations delivered a letter Thursday to Papal Nuncio...

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CAIR Launches Fundraising Campaign for Repairing Churches Damaged in Reaction to Pope's Comments

September 21, 2006

Source: Brandenton Herald

On September 21, 2006 the Brandenton Herald reported, "The Council on American-Islamic Relations presented a check for $5,000 this afternoon to the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg as seed money for a campaign to fund the repair of churches damaged by violence in reaction to Pope Benedict's comments. Organizers of the American-Muslim grassroots campaign hope to take the effort worldwide....

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Interfaith Service in Western New York Attended by Over 6,000

September 21, 2006

Source: University of Buffalo Reporter

On September 21, 2006 University of Buffalo Reporter reported, "In the first appearance of his three-day visit to [the University of Buffalo], His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama participated in an interfaith service on Monday in Alumni Arena that showcased the religious diversity of Western New York, featuring spiritual...

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Muslim Soldiers Begin to Observe Ramadan

September 21, 2006

Source: Fort Jackson Leader/Army News Service

On September 21, 2006 the Army News Service reported, "Muslim believers around the world will begin observing the month of Ramadan on Saturday, and many Muslim Soldiers will join them. Ramadan is named after the ninth month on the Islamic Lunar calendar when the Qu’ran commands Muslims to abstain from food, drink and other physical comforts and pleasures, from dawn...

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