
Baker Rd. Residents take up Sides on Proposed Mosque

December 11, 2006

Author: Tara Stanley

Source: The Katy Times

The Katy Islamic Association (KIA) has come under fire this week as local homeowners in its Baker Rd. neighborhood voice concern over a proposed mosque and community center.

Located in an affluent residential area, the KIA's 11-acre property located at 1800 Baker Rd. has become a hot-button issue for homeowners who live nearby....

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"Against Coercion," a Commentary by Martin E. Marty

December 11, 2006

Author: Martin Marty

Source: Sightings

Two events this season led me to go back to the Sightings archive, to a column dated October 29, 2001 ("Listening to Lactantius"). Giving evidence of our passion always to be current, we cited Lactantius from the years 302 and 303, because what he wrote then spoke so directly to current affairs. Incident one here is the flap over...

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Iran Defends Holocaust Conference

December 11, 2006

Source: BBC News

Iran's foreign minister has rejected criticism of a two-day conference being held in Iran to examine whether the Holocaust actually happened.

Manouchehr Mottaki told participants the event did not seek to confirm or deny the Holocaust, but rather to allow people to "express their views freely".

Israel's prime minister has condemned the gathering as "a sick phenomenon".


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Moving Beyond Tradition

December 10, 2006

Source: The Indianapolis Star

Ingrid Mattson's recent election as president of the Islamic Society of North America gave the organization headquartered in Plainfield a national spotlight it's never known.

The white, Canadian-born woman who grew up Catholic before converting to Islam in 1987 has appeared on CNN and NPR, been written up in The New York Times and was...

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"The Elephant in the Room at the WISE Conference," a Commentary by Pamela K. Taylor

December 10, 2006

Author: Pamela K. Taylor

Source: The American Muslim

Attending the WISE conference organized by the ASMA society in late November was a tremendous experience. It was humbling to be sitting next to women from around the globe who had done so much, spoken out so fearlessly, and risked...

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Pitched Battle for Young Muslim Minds

December 9, 2006

Author: Cameron Stewart

Source: The Australian,20867,20896885-5001561,00.html

EVEN before Muslim schoolboys desecrated a Bible with urine, spit and fire last week, a civil war was brewing inside the corridors of the East Preston Islamic College.

For months, a small group of teachers - Muslim and non-Muslim - were increasingly alarmed by what they saw as a radical stream of...

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Islamic Clerics in India Join Fight Against HIV/AIDS

December 8, 2006

Source: Houston Chronicle

Wire Service: AP

SRINAGAR, INDIA — Public health authorities in the Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir have found an unexpected ally in their battle against HIV/AIDS in the deeply conservative region.

The Jammu-Kashmir state AIDS prevention and control agency has enlisted hundreds of Islamic clerics to carry the message of safe...

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Talk Show Host Under Fire For "Anti-Islamic" Comments

December 8, 2006

Author: Matthew Borghese

Source: All Headline News

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - Columnist and radio talk show host Dennis Prager is at the center of a religious controversy, and is being accused of spouting anti-Islamic comments when he said a Congressman should have used both a Koran and a Bible when they were sworn in to the legislature.

Prager said that Muslim Congressman-elect Keith Ellison'...

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In Munich, Provocation in a Symbol of Foreign Faith

December 8, 2006


Source: The New York Times

MUNICH — Helga Schandl says she has nothing against Muslims. For three decades, she worked in Munich’s wholesale food market, where many of her colleagues were immigrants from Turkey. “I have experienced integration firsthand,” she said.

Yet Mrs. Schandl, a 67-year-old Bavarian,...

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Malaysia's Islamic Authority Drops Claim over Man's Body, Ends Religious Row

December 8, 2006

Source: Mainichi News

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Malaysia's Islamic authorities have dropped their claim over the body of a man whose family maintained he died a Christian, ending a religious row that has strained fragile race relations.

The Selangor state's Islamic Religious Council said late Thursday that its investigations showed there was "overwhelming"...

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Love of Diversity Drives Muslims’ Christmas Charity

December 7, 2006

Author: Sandra Oey

Source: Ottawa Citizen

This is not the first time the Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization is having a food drive, but it is the first time they’re doing it for Christmas.

The organization has purposely chosen to hold the event during the Christian holiday season,...

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