
Majority of New Immigrants to the U.S. Are Christian

June 7, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,1583044.story

On June 7, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "nearly two-thirds of new immigrants to the United States are Christian, fueled mostly by Catholics coming from Latin America, according to research sponsored by several government agencies. Forty-two percent of immigrants are Catholic, 19% are Protestant and 4% are Eastern Orthodox, according to a study of almost 1...

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Muslim Rapper Releases new CD

June 6, 2003

Source: Star Tribune

On June 6, 2003 Star Tribune reported that Muslim rapper, Ali Newman, "a member of the Masjid An-Nur mosque in north Minneapolis" has released a new CD titled "Shadows on the Sun." He "shares his religious views proudly in "Shadows" songs such as "Room With a View" and "Victory! (Come Forward)."

Update: UCSD Publication Ridiculing Islam Protected under Free Speech Laws

June 6, 2003

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On June 6, 2003 the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that "hundreds of copies of a publication portraying Muslim women as sexual objects and ridiculing Jews, Jesus, and Palestinians were distributed at UC San Diego yesterday and Wednesday, prompting sharp condemnations by the administration and student leaders...Several Muslim students said they...

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Ismaili Community Celebrates Tolerance and Pluralism

June 6, 2003

Source: Chicago Tribune

On June 6, 2003 the Chicago Tribune reported that "on Saturday, the Chicago area's Ismaili community plans to celebrate [tolerance and pluralism]... at the first Chicago conference held in honor of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, titled 'Pluralism and the Islamic Mosaic'... The event, to be held at the Midwest Conference Center in west suburban Northlake, is part of a series of seminars being held in five American cities in May and June. The goal is to emphasize the teachings of the prophet that promote cultural understanding in a...

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Crescent Academy Draws Muslim Families to Canton

June 5, 2003

Source: Community Free Press

On June 5, 2003 Community Free Press reported that "when Crescent Academy International opened in Canton [OH] in 1991, the 115 students came from all four directions... Each day, the school's two buses brought in students from Livonia, Northville, Ann Arbor and Dearborn. In fact, the academy's site on Palmer Road in Canton was chosen for its proximity to both I-94 and I-275, said school...

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Update: Sultaana Freeman License Photo Case in Florida

June 5, 2003

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

On June 5, 2003 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that "as an Orlando judge is poised to decide whether a Muslim woman should have her driver's license reinstated even though she refuses to unveil her face for the photo, Muslims in South Florida and throughout the country are divided on whether her request should be granted... Sultaana Freeman, 19, maintains her religion requires her to cover her face so that only her eyes...

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Islamic Cemetery Plans Endorsed in Gwinnett

June 5, 2003

Source: Gwinnett Daily Post

On June 5, 2003 Gwinnett Daily Post reported that "Gwinnett [GA] planning commissioners endorsed a preliminary plat for an Islamic cemetery near Lawrenceville on Tuesday night, helping clear the way for work on the burial ground... No citizens spoke against the plat...

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Possible Hate Crime Perpetrated against the San Francisco Islamic Society

June 5, 2003

Source: The Examiner

On June 5, 2003 The Examiner reported that "genuflecting to Mecca at sunset on Monday, members of the San Francisco Islamic Society were meditating on the meaning of love... But the peaceful reverie was shattered when someone hurled an unknown object through the Society's Jones Street front door... The Islamic Society has asked San Francisco police to investigate the incident as a...

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Iowa: Controversy over North Liberty City Officials Plan to Lease Land Intended for Muslim Youth Camp

June 4, 2003

Source: Fox News,2933,88569,00.html

On June 4, 2003 Fox News reported that "a proposal to build a camp for young Muslims on federal land in Iowa is causing some controversy in the neighborhood... The site in North Liberty, Iowa (search), used to be a Girl Scout camp – but now the Muslim Youth Camps of America (search) has other plans... Leasing federal property to non-profit groups isn’t unusual for the Army Corps. But this...

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NY High School Students Discuss Religious Differences

June 3, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,5448525.story

On June 3, 2003 Newsday reported that "eleventh-graders Adam Faroqui, a Muslim, and Joseph Sadon, a Jew, aren't best friends despite their religious difference but because of it. The two actually became friends debating the Arab-Israeli conflict at Francis Lewis High School in Fresh Meadows [NY]... These students have a unique perspective on these issues; they are among...

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Editorial: Between Hope and Despair

June 2, 2003

Source: The Charlotte Observer

On June 2, 2003 The Charlotte Observer printed an editorial by Akbar S. Ahmed stating that "if you appear in the U.S. media with a Muslim name like mine, you live suspended between hope and despair, compassion and anger, acceptance and prejudice, inclusion and exclusion... You are blindly associated with the actions of Muslims all over the world, and your religion itself appears to...

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