
Arab-American Muslims and Christians Grill San Francisco Candidates on Civil Rights

October 1, 2003

Source: An-Nahar

On October 1, 2003 An-Nahar reported that mayoral candidates in San Francisco held the first ever candidate forum to focus on the concerns of Arab Americans at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Local Arab Muslim and Christian participants on the Arab American Leadership Council grilled mayoral candidates on civil rights, the Patriot Act, and their commitment to...

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Islam Meets Tex-Mex in Abiquiu, NM

September 29, 2003

Source: Newsweek

On September 29, 2003 Newsweek correspondent Carla Power reported on her visit to Dar al Islam, a mosque and madrasa outside the town of Abiquiu, New Mexico which was founded by American Muslims 20 years ago. She writes, "it’s at lunch, when a bunch of us go into the tiny town of El Rito for Tex-Mex food at the El Farolito cantina, that I realize how fully the...

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Muslim Activist Arrested On Charges of Illegal Dealings With Libya

September 29, 2003


On September 29, 2003 posted a story by the Associated Press that reported, "A Muslim activist whose Virginia home was searched as part of a federal investigation of terrorist financing has been arrested on charges of having illegal dealings with Libya. A criminal complaint unsealed Monday alleges Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi violated U.S. law by accepting, either personally or...

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Women Wear the Hijab as Statement of Feminism

September 27, 2003

Source: The Plain Dealer

On September 27, 2003 The Plain Dealer reported that "to...members of the Islamic Center of Cleveland's Women's Committee, wearing the hijab has become more than a symbol of religious conviction. It's a feminist statement - indicative of a kind of feminism that is quite different from the traditional women's lib movement...

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Editorial: Muslims Only Given a Voice When They Serve Government's Purpose

September 26, 2003


On September 26, 2003 ran a commentary by Omid Safi on the arrest of Chaplain James Yee in which he raised the question, "Is it true that when Muslims serve the government’s purpose, we get a voice--but when we are suspected, our rights are taken?" About the Yee case, Safi said, "The case against Captain Yee is very unsettling for American...

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"Quebec Identity" vs. the Headscarf: Student Expelled for Wearing Hijab

September 26, 2003

Source: The Globe and Mail

On September 26, 2003 The Globe and Mail reported on the controversy surrounding the hijab, or Muslim headscarf, in Quebec: "The current hijab controversy involves Irene Waseem, 16, who was recently expelled from College Charlemagne, a private Catholic girls' school, for wearing the hijab on her first day back at the...

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W.D. Mohammed Sends Emissary to Speak in Philadelphia

September 26, 2003

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On September 26, 2003 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed, the national emissary of Imam W.D. Mohammed, who resigned last month as head of the American Society of Muslims, was coming to speak in Philadelphia, to "pave the way" for a Nov. 2 talk by W.D. Mohammed. "The Chicago-based statesman [W.D. Mohammed], a widely respected spiritual...

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Chaplain Yee's Arrest Causes Concern Among Chinese Americans

September 26, 2003

Source: NCM

On September 26, 2003 NCM reported that "many Chinese Americans are feeling dread in the wake of the arrest of Capt. James Yee, a Muslim chaplain stationed at Fort Lewis Army Base, Wash. The case brings back memories of the prosecution -- some would say persecution -- of Dr. Wen Ho Lee.

Lee, the Los Alamos National...

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Hijab Sparks Controversy in Germany, France, Turkey

September 26, 2003

Source: BBC News

On September 26, 2003 the BBC News ran a story on the controversy over the hijab in various countries: "Few pieces of headwear prompt such controversy. A number of European countries are currently struggling with the dilemmas posed by the Muslim headscarf, which throws up a variety of difficult issues relating to tolerance and equality." The story was prompted by the decision by Germany's highest court to allow...

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Bay Area South Asians Gather to Discuss Patriot Act, Sept. 11 Backlash

September 25, 2003

Source: NCM

On September 25, 2003 NCM reported that "in a rare show of solidarity, some 100 members of the South Asian American community of the Bay Area gathered Sept. 14 at the India Community Center to discuss the backlash felt over two years after the Sept. 11 attacks, and the effects of the USA Patriot Act. The community forum...

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Muslim Teen Resigns from New Jersey School Over Head-Scarf

September 25, 2003

Source: Atlantic Highlands Herald

On September 25, 2003 Atlantic Highlands Herald reported that Mona Elgohail, a Muslim teen who was not permitted to wear her head-scarf with her school's naval uniform, had resigned from the Marine Academy of Sciences and Technology. Mona and her mother Nemera Elgohail say that the hijab is required of their religion, but school officials argued that the head...

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