
Washington Mosque Invites Neighbors for Celebration of Thanks

August 13, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On August 13, 2002, The Seattle Times featured an editorial on the activities of a Seattle Mosque. "The Idriss mosque in the Northgate area reached out to its neighbors and the community at large after Sept. 11, even after enduring attempts to vandalize and burn down the mosque. Mosque leaders and members helped to explain Islam to people suddenly fearful of it... And the community, including members of many faiths, reached back, some even watching the mosque 'round-the-clock to prevent any further attacks...    On Sunday,...

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Post Office Stamps Recognize Religious Diversity of America

August 13, 2002

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On August 13, 2002 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that "stamps honoring Muslim, Jewish and African-American holidays will be reissued this fall, the Postal Service said Monday... The Eid stamp commemorates the two most important festivals... in the Islamic calendar: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha...    Eid al-Fitr signifies the feast of breaking the fast, marking the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Eid al-Adha comes at the end of the hajj - the annual period of pilgrimage to Mecca...    The Hanukkah...

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Muslim Girls Come of Age in Georgia

August 13, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On August 13, 2002 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution featured a story on young Muslim girls and wearing hijab in Georgia. "Eager to start fifth grade, Mariam Arshad's first day of school Monday at Smoke Rise Elementary School was also something of a coming of age... Monday was the first day Mariam, a 10-year-old Muslim who lives in Stone Mountain, [Georgia] began to wear her head scarf in the public - beyond family events with other Muslims... Emory Law professor Abdullahi An-Naim said that the challenge for...

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Muslim Inmates Sue Over Forced Forbidden Foods

August 12, 2002

Source: The Associated Press

On August 12, 2002 the The Associated Press reported that "two Muslim inmates are suing Santa Barbara County, alleging they were forced to eat food forbidden by their religion while in custody. Stacy Trotter, 25, and Arvan Washington, 37, claim in their lawsuit that the jail's food policies denied them their First Amendment rights by preventing them from practicing their faith. About half a dozen inmates request specially prepared foods at any given time, said Sgt. Phil Willis, spokesman for the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's...

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Washington Mosque Invites Neighbors for Celebration of Thanks

August 12, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On August 12, 2002 The Seattle Times reported in the Northgate area of Seattle, Washington, the "Idriss Mosque received an outpouring of support after it was vandalized shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks. Now, some neighbors have become friends...    Yesterday, the mosque held a barbecue to say thanks to those who supported it after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, when Muslims - and the mosque itself - became targets of violence... Dozens of neighbors and mosque worshipers mingled in the breezy shade behind...

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Muslim-American Woman Sues Florida DMV

August 11, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On August 11, 2002 The New York Times reported that Sultaana Freeman, an American-born Muslim woman, "had no trouble getting a Florida driver's license last year even though she insisted on being photographed in a veil that reveals only her eyes...    After Sept. 11, however, state officials had a change of heart. In December, they said her license would be revoked if she refused to be re-photographed without the veil. Instead of complying, Ms. Freeman gave up her license - and then sued the state to get it back...    ...

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49ers New Linebacker Balances Being a Muslim and a Pro-Football Player

August 10, 2002

Source: Contra Costa Times

On August 10, 2002 the Contra Costa Times featured an article on "rookie linebacker Saleem Rasheed... a devout Muslim... Rasheed plans to adhere to his religious beliefs and fast when the holy month of Ramadan begins Nov. 6. From sunup to sundown, he won't eat anything or drink anything... To soothe his own fears, 49ers linebackers coach Richard Smith did some research...

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Anti-Muslim Graffiti Found After FBI Search

August 9, 2002

Source: Newsday

On August 9, 2002, Newsday reported that "a Secret Service agent who admitted he scrawled anti-Muslim statements on a prayer calendar during a search will be suspended for six months without pay, a federal prosecutor said Friday... U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins said the agent won't face criminal charges. He said the...

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Muslim Clothing Line Creates Casual Wear with Islamic Focus

August 9, 2002

Source: The Plain Dealer

On August 9, 2002 The Plain Dealer reported on "Muslim Gear - a line of clothing 'with Islamic attitude' that aims to promote greater understanding of the religion and culture...  It's sold by a small but growing company that likes to say it's 'dressing Muslims from Mecca to Montreal' and found interest perking up in the months after Sept. 11... Khurum Ullah, 25, the oldest of the company's five founding partners [said]...    'We're basically an organization that produces shirts and clothing for the Muslim community. Our...

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U.S. Navy Muslim Chaplain Ministers to Prisoners in Cuba

August 9, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On August 9, 2002, The San Diego Union-Tribune featured an article on Navy chaplain Abuhena Saif-ul-Islam, the Muslim Chaplain at Camp Pendleton who recently served in Cuba administering to prisoners from the War on Terrorism. He explained that much of his work focused on "the sheer mechanics involved in accommodating that many Muslims in one place...    Menus had to be planned that would fit with the religious dietary restrictions... He recorded a call to prayer so the faithful could be cued electronically for...

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American Muslims Plan 'National Day of Unity and Peace' for September 11

August 9, 2002

Source: CAIR

On August 9, 2002, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reported on their release of a web site "designed to allow local mosques, churches, synagogues, and other religious institutions to register their participation in a September 11th national 'Day of Unity and Prayer' commemorating the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

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Michigan Muslim Americans Mount Voting Campaign

August 8, 2002

Source: The Detroit Free Press

On August 8, 2002 The Detroit Free Press reported that "Arab Americans and Muslims in Michigan are mounting an ambitious campaign to get out the vote for candidates they favor... Arab Americans say their votes may play a decisive role in close races... Regardless of their influence, it's important to participate, especially in a post-Sept. 11 climate where their civil rights are...

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Rev. Franklin Graham Continues Pattern of Publicly Defaming Islam

August 8, 2002

Source: The Washington Times

On August 8, 2002 The Washington Times featured an article on the continuing anti-Muslim public statements of Rev. Franklin Graham. "The 50-year-old evangelist - the fourth child of the Rev. Billy Graham... is making his dislike of certain Islamic practices known far and wide. The other night on Fox News' 'Hannity and Colmes,' he said the Koran preaches violence... After...

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Controversy over Required Reading on Islam at University of North Carolina

August 7, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On August 7, 2002, The Washington Post featured an editorial by Prof. Michael Sells. "The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is being sued for assigning my book, Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations, as required summer reading for first-year students... The plaintiffs charge that UNC indoctrinates students with deceptive claims about the...

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