
CA Islamic Center Aids Iranian Quake Victims

January 4, 2004

Source: Contra Costa Times

On January 4, 2004 the Contra Costa Times reported that 200 people gathered at Islamic center in Oakland for an interfaith service for victims of the earthquake in Bam, Iran. Speakers came from Temple Sinai and Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church in Oakland, the Islamic center and the Oakland Coalition of Congregations. In the past week, the Islamic center has raised $86,000 as well as...

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Philadelphia Synagogue Leases Space to Muslim School

January 3, 2004

Source: The Associated Press

On January 3, 2004 The Associated Press reported on Congregation Beth T'Fillah of Overbrook Park, a synagogue currently leasing out its classroom space to NSA Educational Learning Center, a small Muslim school for pre-kindergartners through eighth graders in its second year of operation. "The partnership between the school and synagogue, perhaps a model...

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German President: All Religious Symbols Should Be on Equal Footing

January 3, 2004

Source: The Straits Times,4386,228145,00.html

On January 3, 2004 The Straits Times ran an Agence France Presse article that reported, "If a Muslim headscarf is an expression of faith, so is a monk's habit or a crucifix and they should be on equal footing, said German President Johannes Rau, prompting fury from Roman Catholic politicians and clerics. Mr. Rau has appealed for all religions to be treated...

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Opinion: Wearing Veil is Liberating, Not Opressive

January 3, 2004

Source: The Telegraph

On January 3, 2004 The Telegraph ran an opinion piece by Stella White, a Catholic woman from Kent who wears the hijab, or veil. She writes, "To liberated Westerners, the hijab, or veil, is a stain on womankind. It symbolises the crushing of the female spirit and is the mark of slavery, transforming a woman into a passive lump who is only allowed...

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Interview With Yale Law Professor Considers Questions of Diversity in Iraq

January 2, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On January 2, 2004 The Washington Post printed an interview with Yale Law professor Amy Chua, who argues that the United States "may be the least well-equipped nation in the world to manage the kinds of group hatreds that threaten Iraqi society today. Because of our beliefs in the "melting pot" and the United States' own relatively successful -- though halting...

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New York High School Students Lobby for Arabic

January 2, 2004

Source: Muslims Weekly

On January 2, 2004 Muslims Weekly reported, "The Muslim Student Association (MSA) at Stuyvesant High School, deemed one of the best public high schools in the nation, launched an effort to implement Arabic as an elective into their foreign language curriculum. The students hoped to raise $20,000 before the Jan. 9, 2004 deadline in order to begin classes in Sept. 2004. The fund will be used...

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Muslims Work to Sensitize Police

January 2, 2004

Source: Public Broadcasting Service

On January 2, 2004 Public Broadcasting Service reported that the Justice Department has begun a "sensitivity training" program for FBI agents and local police in hopes of improving relationships with Muslim and Arab-American communities. The program includes teaching police to be sensitive to some of the Muslim cultural differences that have in the past lead to...

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Second Annual "Reviving the Islamic Spirit" Conference Held in Toronto

January 2, 2004


On January 2, 2004 reported, "Over 6,000 people from all over North America will head Friday, January 2, to Toronto to attend the second annual 'Reviving the Islamic Spirit' conference. The conference, organized by a group of young, active Muslim students and news activists, is counted as the largest held across Canada. The conference hosts a...

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Government Considers Recognizing Muslim and Jewish Holidays

January 2, 2004

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel,0,2158551.story

On January 2, 2004 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "France is considering breaking centuries of European tradition by making an Islamic feast and a Jewish holy day official school holidays, making official something that had become a de facto tradition across much of the continent. Surprisingly, the idea...

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Muslim and Christian Dialogue in the Midwest

December 31, 2003

Source: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

On December 31, 2003 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reported, "The Mid-Atlantic Dialogue of Catholics and Muslims, sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America, Plainfield, Indiana, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Washington, DC, has finished a sixty-five page study resulting from discussion over an eight-year...

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Rally Against French Ban on Headscarves in CA

December 31, 2003

Source: Contra Costa Times

On December 31, 2003 the Contra Costa Times reported, "Bay Area Muslims joined others around the country Tuesday to protest the French government's proposal to ban the wearing of 'conspicuous' religious clothing such as Muslim head scarves and Jewish skullcaps in public schools. Rallying in front of the French Consulate in San Francisco, 15 women wearing the head covering,...

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Editorial: Article on American Muslims and Iraq "Grossly Misleading"

December 31, 2003


On December 31, 2003 published an editorial by Christopher Scheer accusing the Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Julie Tamaki of lazy, biased, and inaccurate reporting in her recent article "Muslims Ponder Postwar Iraq." According to Scheer, Tamaki's article on the annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council focuses on a single and unrepresentative panel from the...

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Kucinich Campaigns for the Muslim Vote

December 31, 2003

Source: The Tampa Tribune

On December 31, 2003 The Tampa Tribune reported that "four-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, a long- shot White House candidate, is campaigning aggressively for the Muslim vote on a platform built around immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Kucinich brought his message to Tampa on Tuesday in a tour of the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay Area and a speech to about 100...

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