
British National Party Distributes Leaflet with Prophet Cartoons

February 23, 2006

Source: The Times,,173-2053659,00.html

On February 23, 2006 The Times reported, "The British National Party has distributed a leaflet featuring the Danish cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad that has enraged Muslims and caused worldwide violent protests. A spokesman for the BNP said that half a million leaflets had gone out to 14 local groups across the country. He said that the use of the image, juxtaposed with a...

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Update: Supreme Court Appoints Mediator in Dispute over Museum Being Built on Muslim Graves

February 23, 2006

Source: BBC News

On February 23, 2006 BBC News reported, "Israel's Supreme Court has appointed a mediator to solve a dispute over the building of a museum on the site of a ancient Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem. The museum is being built by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, based in the US, to promote tolerance between faith groups. Muslim clerics petitioned the court to stop work after bones were uncovered during...

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Los Angeles County Sheriff and Muslim Leaders Launch Muslim-American Security Congress

February 22, 2006

Source: The Mercury News

Wire Service: AP

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On February 22, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Muslim leaders from Southern California and Sheriff Lee Baca launched an initiative Wednesday to increase cooperation in the fight against terrorism and expand the role of American Muslims in denouncing extremist groups like al-Qaida. The Muslim-American Homeland Security Congress, with...

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Opinion: "I'll Have a Multifaith Danish (with Lavish Sprinkles of Tolerance, Respect, and Humor)"

February 22, 2006

Source: Muslim Wake Up!

On February 22, 2006 Muslim Wake Up! ran an opinion piece by Raheel Raza, author of "Their Jihad..Not my Jihad" and Interfaith director for The Muslim Canadian Congress. Raza writes, "Now that the furor and fury [over the cartoons] is dying down a bit, I’m eating a Danish in solidarity for ordinary Danish people who have been swept into the current...

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Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest "Unwise Step in Combating Ignorance," Says ISNA

February 22, 2006

Source: Islamic Society of North America Press Release

On February 22, 2006 an Islamic Society of North America Press Release reported, "The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has termed a plan by an Iranian newspaper to solicit cartoons denying the Nazi Holocaust as an unwise step in combating the ignorance displayed by the Danish cartoonist. Iran’s Hamshahri newspaper says the contest is in...

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Arab-Americans, Muslims Say Port Dispute Fueled by Bias

February 22, 2006

Source: USA Today

On February 22, 2006 USA Today reported, "The furor over handing control of some operations at six U.S. ports to an Arab company has more to do with politics than security, U.S. Arab and Muslim leaders charged Wednesday. 'There's an anti-Arab sentiment that is being exploited by members of Congress who see it as an election-year win,' said James Zogby...

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Religious Leaders from Asia and Australia Issue "Ten Commitments"

February 21, 2006

Source: UCA News

On February 21, 2006 UCA News reported, "Religious representatives from Asia and Australia have committed to use the "peaceful" elements in religion to counter violence and terrorism. The 200 participants from 17 countries, who met Feb. 12-13 in Jakarta, also said at the end of their meeting that they are committed to uprooting 'all kinds of corruption by upholding moral legitimacy.' The Bahai, Buddhist, Catholic, Confucian, Hindu, Muslim, Protestant, Sikh, Taoist and Zoroastrian representatives issued 'Ten...

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Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Quakers in San Antonio Call for Education, Dialogue

February 21, 2006

Source: Express-News

On February 21, 2006 the Express-News reported, "The continuing controversy over cartoon depictions of the prophet Mohammad in Danish newspapers is not a clash of civilizations but 'a clash of the uncivilized,' a group of religious leaders declared here Monday in announcing a new Islam education campaign.


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Opinion: “The Good in Muslim Hearts Offers a Better Self-Portrait than Violence”

February 21, 2006

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On February 21, 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ran an opinion piece by Ibrahim N. Abusharif, editor of Starlatch Press, a Muslim publishing house in the Chicago area. "A growing discussion among American Muslims centers on this observation: We are missing from the diverse cultural space of American life. The focus on terrorism and the vague war against it threatens...

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In Philadelphia, Panelists Debate Cartoons and Urge Dialogue

February 21, 2006

Source: The Daily Pennsylvanian

On February 21, 2006 The Daily Pennsylvanian reported, "Six local Islamic figures gathered Saturday for a panel to address the recent controversy over the Danish cartoons that negatively depict the Islamic prophet Muhammad The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations sponsored the event, which took place in...

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Government Markets Religious Diversity to Attract "Spiritual Tourism"

February 20, 2006

Source: Hindustan Times

Wire Service: PTI,0011.htm

On February 20, 2006 the Press Trust of India reported, "Malaysia is all set to cash in on its multi-ethnic culture by featuring several Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Buddhist houses of worship as the country's premier 'spiritual tourism' destinations. Tourism Minister Adnan Tengku Mansor also plans to showcase religious and cultural...

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PM Describes Some Muslims as "Utterly Antagonistic to Our Kind of Society"

February 20, 2006

Source: Star Tribune

Wire Service: AP

On February 20, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Australian Prime Minister John Howard said some segments of the country's Islamic community were 'utterly antagonistic' to Australian society in comments published Monday that immediately drew criticism from a Muslim group. Howard also denounced 'extreme attitudes' held by some Muslims, including their...

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