
Muslim Student Association at Texas High School Continues to Educate Peers about Diversity

June 6, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On June 6, 2002 The Houston Chronicle featured an article on the Muslim Student Association at Westfield High School in Texas. When the group "formed three years ago at Westfield High School, it was a low-profile organization with a purpose of informing people about the Islamic faith... After the attacks on the World Trade Center last fall and the radical attempts to attach Islam to the terrorist acts, the group took on a larger role, although its mission remained the same... Months after the attacks, the association...

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Kansas City Religious Communities Pray for Peace

June 6, 2002

Source: The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle

On June 6, 2002 The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle featured an article on an interfaith prayer gathering in Kansas City, Missouri, in remembrance of September 11. "The event will end with prayers for peace by selected individuals representing the Christian, Muslim,...

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Muslim-Americans in Texas Organize their Political Voice

June 4, 2002

Source: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram

On June 4, 2002 The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that "the small gains in Muslim civic participation made during the summer of 2000 were all but erased by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Now, Muslims are trying to exercise their rights as Americans in an atmosphere of fear and confusion... [...

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In St. Louis, Law Enforcement Officials Answer Questions about Civil Liberties of American Muslims

June 3, 2002

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On June 3, 2002 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that "officials who came to a mosque in St. Louis County [Missouri] on Sunday expecting to answer questions about hate crimes against Muslims instead found a congregation worried about how new federal anti-terrorism guidelines would affect them... The Daar-ul-Islam Mosque in west St. Louis County had invited officials from federal, state and county law enforcement and homeland security agencies to answer questions about how to deal with members' concerns about hate...

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Muslim Student Associations Grow at Washington, DC Area High Schools

June 2, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On June 2, 2002 The Washington Post featured an article on Muslim Student Associations at area high schools. The article included a report of recent activities of the MSA at Broad Run High School in Maryland whose members are part of a "growing group of committed Muslim students in Loudoun County schools."

Tennessee Buddhists and Muslims Unite with Christian Groups to Fight State Lottery

June 1, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On June 1, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported Muslims and Buddhists are joining Southern Baptists and other Christians in a campaign to persuade Tennessee voters to reject a state lottery... 'There's probably not any other issue, except maybe Sept. 11, that would pull all these groups together,' said the Rev. Skip Armistead, a United Methodist pastor in Madison and a chairman of the Gambling Free Tennessee Alliance... The anti-lottery forces are led by the Southern Baptists and United Methodists, representing some 4,300...

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Indian and Pakistani Immigrants Live Together Peacefully in America

June 1, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On June 1, 2002 The New York Times featured the article "The Distant Drums of War; In Queens, Indians and Pakistanis Live in Harmony" about the immigrant South Asian community in Queens, NY. "More than 200,000 Pakistani and Indian immigrants live in New York City, according to the latest census figures. And if the everyday rhythm of life on 74th Street, in the commercial center of the city's growing South Asian population, tells the tale of coexistence, theirs is a peaceful one... [But] there is worry, if not division, on 74th...

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New Islamic Community Center Nears Opening in Central Ohio

May 31, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On May 31, 2002 The Columbus Dispatch reported that "an Islamic community center nearing completion in Hilliard [Ohio] has been designed to blend quietly into the neighborhood, without using minarets and other distinctive features of mosques in Muslim nations, its architect and developer said... Still, the Noor Center... incorporates religious features important to central Ohio's rapidly growing Muslim population, which has long felt a shortage of space for communal worship and cultural activities... The trustees emphasize...

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At Harvard, Controversy Over "American Jihad" Speech

May 31, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On May 31, 2002, The Washington Post featured an article on the controversial commencement speech by Harvard Univeristy student Zayed M. Yasin. The "Muslim American student said today that he intended [his speech] to inspire and unite his fellow Harvard University graduates... His...

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Bay Area Leaders Speak Out Against Rise in Anti-Semitism

May 31, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On May 31, 2002 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "several Bay Area mayors joined Jewish leaders... to condemn a surge in anti-Semitic incidents - temple arson, vandalism and slurs - that coincide with rising tensions in the Middle East... Mayors from San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and other cities initiated a campaign called 'No Place for Hate' with the Anti-Defamation League. Their first act was to put a full-page ad in The Chronicle in which they pledged to enforce hate-crime laws... Despite the...

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Arson at New Muslim Restaurant Weeks before Opening

May 30, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On May 30, 2002 The Columbus Dispatch reported that in Columbus, Ohio the United Muslim Cafe, a new restaurant that was within weeks of opening was purposefully set on fire. Two other properties in the area were also burned. "Columbus fire investigators say they have no idea who set the fires or whether they are related. They wouldn't detail how they know it's arson."

Muslim and Elected Leaders Condemn Anti-Semitic Graffiti in Worcester, MA

May 30, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On May 30, 2002 The Boston Globe reported that political and religious leaders in Worcester [MA] condemned the spray painting of swastikas on the outside of City Hall and others found across from US Representative James McGovern's office... 'I think when acts of hate like this occur, it's important for the community to come together and condemn it,' said McGovern. 'I don't think we can let these acts of anti-Semitism go unchallenged'... McGovern said it was disappointing after the community had come together after the...

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