
The Murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi

September 17, 2001

Source: The Arizona Republic

On September 17, 2001, The Arizona Republic reported that "Hundreds of people across the Valley on Sunday mourned the slaying in Mesa of a Sikh gas station owner whose only crime, his loved ones say, was that he looked Arabic and wore a turban." The article continued, "Throughout the weekend, hundreds of Valley residents visited the makeshift shrine set up...

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In the Aftermath: Reaching Out, Offering Assistance and Correcting Misconceptions

September 17, 2001

Source: The New York Times

On September 17, 2001, The New York Times published the article "'Allah Bless America'" about the march of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans in Brooklyn Heights, New York. "The marchers gathered along Atlantic Avenue, at the heart of the city's most prominent Arab-American neighborhood, before walking to the waterfront promenade, which until last week offered breathtaking views of the trade center. They held signs ('Terrorism is Un-Islamic'), sang songs like 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' and were joined by hundreds of others....

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Increasing Intolerance in US

September 17, 2001

Source: CNN

On September 17, 2001, CNN reported that "Reports of hate crimes against Muslims and southeast Asians have risen exponentially across the U.S. in the wake of Tuesday's terror attacks." These attacks included some 300 reported attacks against Muslims; the firebombing of a Hindu temple in Matawan, New Jersey; and over 100 attacks against Sikhs, including an Arizona murder that may have been a hate...

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Americans of All Faiths Seek Solace, Understanding After Terror Attacks

September 17, 2001

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On September 17, 2001, The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "Throngs of people turned up at houses of worship in the Bay Area and across the nation yesterday for services that focused on last week's terror attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. Churches were jammed with the kind of attendance that is usually only seen on Easter or Christmas. ...At Glide United Methodist Church in San Francisco's Tenderloin, the rafters shook during two full-house services. Scores of people were turned away...

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Murder of Egyptian Grocery Store Owner Being Investigated as Hate Crime

September 17, 2001

Source: The Associated Press

On September 17, 2001, The Associated Press reported that the FBI will investigate the killing of Egyptian grocery store owner in San Gabriel, California as hate crime. "Adel Karas, 48, was shot around 3:15 p.m. Saturday by two unidentified men who walked into the International Market and opened fire. Karas, who was a Coptic Christian from Egypt, was involved in a confrontation with the two suspects when he was shot several times in the upper torso, authorities said. He later died at a nearby hospital." The killing was initially...

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U.S. Elected Officials and Government Agencies Make Satements in Response to Backlash

September 17, 2001

Source: CNN

In a September 17, 2001 Justice Department briefing, FBI Director Robert Mueller said, "...I want to talk briefly about another area of the FBI's responsibilities, and that relates to civil rights. Since the horrific attacks on September 11, dozens of retaliatory hate crimes have been directed at members of the Arab-American community, including assaults, arson, threatening communications and two possibly -- and I say "possibly" -- ethnically motivated murders. Many of these criminal acts have been directed at Muslim houses of worship and at Muslim...

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In the U.S.: Muslims, Sikhs, Arabs, South Asians Face Threats, Violence (September 17 - October)

September 17, 2001

Source: The Independent

On September 17, 2001, The Independent (a London-based newspaper) reported that the murders of two gas station owners -- a Sikh man in Arizona and a Muslim man in Texas -- are feared to be hate crimes related to the terror attacks. "In Pleasant Grove, a middle-class suburb of Dallas, Texas, Waqar Hassan Choudhry, 40, was shot dead shortly after 10pm on Saturday. There was no evidence of a robbery and local detectives told Mr Choudhry's family that they suspected his killing was motivated by blind revenge...Balbir Singh Sodhi, 52, was...

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Elected Officials Visit Mosques, Islamic Centers

September 17, 2001

Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press

On September 17, 2001, The St. Paul Pioneer Press reported that "While Minnesotans gathered Sunday afternoon for a memorial service at the Capitol in St. Paul, U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton headed for Al-Amal Islamic School in Fridley, which was vandalized Wednesday. Dayton said he had made a commitment to visit there before he was invited to the memorial service. He wanted to...

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In the U.S.: Muslims, Sikhs, Arabs, South Asians Face Threats, Violence (September 17 - October)

September 17, 2001

Source: CNN

On September 17, 2001, CNN reported on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Press Conference which "detailed scores of reports of attacks against American Muslims, South Asians and Arabs since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington last week." The article noted that CAIR has "has received reports of harassment of Muslim women and obscenities shouted on the street; bombings,...

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Increasing Intolerance in US

September 16, 2001

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On September 16, 2001, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published the article, "As we retaliate, can we tell friend from foe?" This piece asks, "The United States is at war against terrorism. But who is the enemy? An equally important question, in light of mounting indiscriminate attacks on Arabs, Muslims and even Sikhs in this country, is: Who is not?" The article continues by placing the radical Islamists within the context of global Islam. The article also provides basic information about Islam as well as Sikhism, and...

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In the Aftermath: Reaching Out, Offering Assistance and Correcting Misconceptions

September 16, 2001

Source: Newsday

On September 16, 2001, Newsday reported on the rush of volunteers to assist after the terrorist attacks. "The outpouring showed New York to be the immigrant town it has always been. Noha Abdelghany, 16, and her cousin, Galia Ahmed, 15, came in from the Bronx, and helped the Salvation Army hand out sandwiches, fruit and cookies to the other volunteers. The girls, who are Egyptian Muslims who wore traditional head coverings, said they wanted to dispel anti-Muslim stereotypes held by some Americans. Abdelghany's best friend's father, who is...

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