
Ellison Breaks Ground as Muslim, Black

November 8, 2006

Author: Aron Kahn

Source: Pioneer Press

Keith Ellison was a minor figure as a two-term state representative from Minneapolis. Now, across the nation and the world, he might become Minnesota's best-known voice.

The 43-year-old fiery stump speaker, an easy winner Tuesday in the 5th Congressional District, becomes Minnesota's first black congressman and America's first Muslim on Capitol...

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BNP Leader Defends Views on Islam

November 8, 2006

Source: BBC News

The leader of the British National Party has told a court the idea Islam has a tolerant and moderate strand is "a politically correct nonsense".

Nick Griffin, 47, denies two charges of stirring racial hatred.

The charges arose from speeches made in Keighley which were secretly filmed for a BBC documentary on the party in 2004.

Mr Griffin, of Powys, mid...

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Muslim Women Leaders Launch Global Movement to Empower Muslim Women

November 8, 2006

Author: Daisy Khan

Source: The American Muslim

Manhattan, New York - Over one hundred Muslim women religious leaders, human rights activists, scholars and artists from around the world will meet in New York City on November 17th to 19th to...

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First Muslim Congressman Elected

November 8, 2006

Source: BBC News

Keith Ellison, a Democrat, has become the first Muslim to be elected to the US Congress by winning a Minnesota seat in the House of Representatives.

He overcame personal attacks emphasising his past association with Louis Farrakhan, leader of the radical Nation of Islam group.

The 43-year-old lawyer sought to play down the issue of his religion and ran on a populist platform.

He has...

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From Tunis to Tehran, the Great Veil Debate

November 8, 2006

Author: Dan Murphy

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

CAIRO - When former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw insisted last month that female Muslim constituents show their faces when meeting with him, he set off a fiery debate about whether the face-covering niqab should be allowed in Britain's multicultural society.

But often forgotten amid such controversies in Europe - which tend...

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Malaysian Hindu Sangam Concerned With Temple Evictions

November 7, 2006

Author: Datuk A. Vaithilingam

Source: Hinduism Today


KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 7, 2006: Datuk A. Vaithilingam, President of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam writes:

"The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is very much saddened with the approach on Hindu temples issue by certain government and private sector authorities. Recently the Semenyih Local Council authorities demolished a Muneeswarar Temple despite the fact that the temple authorities have agreed in...

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Italy Government Seeks Veil Ban

November 7, 2006

Author: Christian Fraser

Source: BBC News

Italy is to put forward draft new legislation to ban the Islamic veil that covers the face.

Vice-premier Francesco Rutelli says current laws are insufficient.

The niqab and the burka have aroused concerns, not least because Italy has a law - intended to foil terrorism - against wearing masks in public.

Mr Rutelli has now entered the...

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In Spain, Dismay at Muslim Converts Holding Sway

November 7, 2006

Author: Geoff Pingree and Lisa Abend

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

MADRID - When Abdennur Prado adopted Islam in 1998, he had no idea that he would become a spokesperson for the Spanish Muslim community. As a young writer, Mr. Prado, whose parents were non-practicing Catholics, was a confirmed atheist. But during a spiritual crisis in his early 20s, he came across the Koran.

"I was...

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Hutchison: Wearing Hijab on Nov. 13 Honors Slain Afghan Mother

November 6, 2006

Author: Sue Hutchinson

Source: The Mercury News

Melanie Gadener was at home in Fremont three weeks ago when she began receiving calls about the killing of Alia Ansari, the 38-year-old mother of six who was shot in the head as she walked with her little girl through a quiet Fremont neighborhood to pick up her children at Glenmoor Elementary School.


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Shaukat Stresses Interfaith Harmony for World Peace

November 6, 2006

Source: The International News

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Tuesday stressed the need for promoting interfaith and inter-culture harmony to create a world of peace and tolerance.

Talking to a 35-member Buddhist delegation from Japan, led by Chief Priest of Tokyo's prestigious Kenchoji Temple, The prime minister said that Pakistan was working for building better understanding among people of different...

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Danish Court Rejects Cartoon Suit

November 6, 2006

Source: BBC News

A Danish court has rejected a libel case brought by several Muslim groups against a paper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The court in Aarhus said there was not enough reason to believe the cartoons were meant to be insulting or harmful.

The cartoons sparked violent protests around the world after Jyllands-Posten published them in 2005.

An appeal against the verdict has...

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Imams Should Embrace U.S. Culture, New Islamic Society Chief Says

November 6, 2006

Author: Robert King

Source: The Indianapolis Star

Leaders of American mosques need to buy into American culture more and perform the full-time roles more common to Christian pastors, said the new head of the Plainfield-based Islamic Society of North America. Muneer Fareed, 50, a professor and former mosque prayer leader, says one of his challenges as...

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Prince May Defuse Row over Interfaith Marriage

November 6, 2006

Author: Rauf Klasra

Source: The International News

LONDON: One unusual meeting that Prince Charles is to have during his visit to Pakistan is with Bishop Alexander John Malik who, like a traditional loving father from the East, yielded to the wishes of his daughter Nadia to let her marry a Muslim of her own choice in a church despite opposition from followers of his faith.

The newly...

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