
Muslims Attend Talk-Radio Workship

May 25, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,7521101.story

On May 25, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "tired of hearing their religion bashed on talk radio, about 30 [CA] Muslims listened to insider secrets Saturday on how 'Rehan from Rancho Palos Verdes' or 'Maryam from Diamond Bar' can get a word in edgewise on the air... Most of the participants were longtime listeners of talk radio, but had never made a call. Instead...

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Muslim Community Resources Ignored by U.S. Government

May 24, 2003

Source: The Kansas City Star

On May 24, 2003 The Kansas City Star reported that "the American Muslim community could be an invaluable resource on the war on terror, but it is virtually ignored by the U.S. government, say Muslim leaders... The Muslim community could also help in the construction of a realistic U.S. foreign policy toward Islamic countries, said Eric Vickers, a St...

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Christians, Muslims, and Jews Come Together for "Celebration of Abraham"

May 24, 2003

Source: Lodi News-Sentinel

On May 24, 2003 the Lodi News-Sentinel reported that "the Celebration of Abraham, a movement that started a year ago among several religious leaders and lay people in the Lodi area to spread cultural respect and world peace, has spread to Stockton and other Northern California communities... Last year's celebration was held before a packed house at the Lodi Boys and Girls Club in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy. The event focused on the common belief in the patriarch Abraham and his sons, Isaac and Ishmael, among the...

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Religious Ceremonies that Mark Milestones in Life

May 24, 2003

Source: The Buffalo News

On May 24, 2003 The Buffalo News reported on "the first of a four-part series, published on consecutive Saturdays, describing some of the religious ceremonies practiced by different faiths to mark four major milestones in life -- birth, coming of age, marriage and death... Phil Stevens, an associate professor in the anthropology department of the University at Buffalo says that rituals welcoming newborns are 'extremely widespread" worldwide...'" The article then provides examples for a bris, a baptism, and a Muslim aqiqa.

The Interfaith Resource Center in Delaware Engaged in Outreach

May 24, 2003

Source: The News Journal


On May 24, 2003 The News Journal reported that "With a new director and new location set for the Interfaith Resource Center after June 13, the board of directors is interested in how this 30-year-old religious lending library can broaden its reach on the Delmarva Peninsula... 'We think it is worth exploring how we can be more multicultural in our outreach to African-American, Asian and Hispanic congregations,' said the Rev. Kit...

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Interfaith Group Gathers for Peace Conference

May 23, 2003

Source: The York Dispatch


On May 23, 2003 The York Dispatch reported that "close to 50 people attended the third annual peace conference sponsored by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Central Pennsylvania, including Noor Mosque of York City... Also speaking at the event were Susan Savia, a member of the Kalpa...

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Interfaith Partnership to Host Refugee Resettlement Programs

May 23, 2003

Source: The Tampa Tribune


On May 23, 2003 The Tampa Tribune reported that "the Sudanese family's arrival in Tampa [FL] late Wednesday marks a milestone for faith groups that help refugees settle here. For the first time, Christians and Muslims have formed a partnership to sponsor the newcomers... 'It's a true interfaith project,' says Danielle Kearney, director of the refugee resettlement program for Lutheran Services Florida. 'And it has so much more of an impact in this...

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Florida Muslims and Christians Unite to Encourage Dialogue

May 23, 2003

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On May 23, 2003 the St. Petersburg Times reported that "The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) and the Florida Council of Churches (FCC) announced a statewide partnership Thursday to encourage dialogue between Christians and Muslims... The FCC and CAIR-FL will host public dialogues around the state beginning Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church... A panel of speakers from different faiths will share their perspectives and answer questions. The sessions are intended to...

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California Muslims and Law Enforcement Agencies Unite

May 23, 2003

Source: MPAC News

On May 23, 2003 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported that "in a packed news conference at the Islamic Center of Southern California, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and six representatives of local and federal law enforcement held a joint news conference on the partnership between the American Muslim community and law enforcement during this time when the country is on orange alert... Law enforcement officials included FBI Special Agent in...

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Washington Muslim Leader Brings Together Interfaith Group

May 22, 2003

Source: King County Journal


On May 22, 2003 the King County Journal reported that "against a background of war and terrorism, Jawad Khaki stepped into the spotlight... Already a leader in an Eastside [WA] Shi'ite Muslim community, Khaki felt the need to educate people of other faiths about the peaceful side of Islam... As part of his outreach, Khaki brought his community, the Ithnasheri Muslim Association of the Northwest or IMAN, together with four other congregations --...

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Interfaith Program Brings Together Jews and Muslims to Discuss Similarities

May 21, 2003

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On May 21, 2003 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "two prayer books --- one written in Arabic, the other in Hebrew and English --- brought Huma Faruqi and Jason Burn together, each struck at that moment more by the similarities in their religions than the differences... The Muslim and Jewish metro Atlantans were among those gathered in a hallway at Congregation B'nai Israel in Jonesboro, surrounded by others from their faiths, as they pored over the prayer books --- the air punctuated by...

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