
Judges Examine Use of Sacred Texts Other than Bible for Court Oath

July 20, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On July 20, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "The recent refusal by a Guilford County, N.C. judge to allow a Muslim woman to swear upon Islam's holy text before testifying is, in part, a new First Amendment challenge. And here in the Tar Heel state, the idea of swearing on books other than the Bible has reinvigorated a debate on the relationship between faith and truth...

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Young Muslim Woman: "American Muslims Ache, Too" After Terror Attacks

July 20, 2005

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On July 20, 2005 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an opinion piece by Farha Tahir, a 2005 graduate of Divine Savior Holy Angels High School in Milwaukee who will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the fall. Tahir writes, "...[W]e are the Muslims no one ever hears about. The Muslims who contribute positively to our societies every day but whose efforts are...

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London Bombings Raise Questions About Assimilation of American Muslims

July 19, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On July 19, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "The London blasts not only brought the phenomenon of terrorists blowing themselves up to Western soil, but they raise new concerns of home-grown terrorism... In the US, the attacks... are raising anxieties about immigrants and their allegiances in the midst of a rapidly expanding immigrant population. With a new...

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Concerns Raised Over 'Holy War' Book Sales, Citing Racial and Religious Tolerance Act

July 19, 2005

Source: The Age

On July 19, 2005 The Age reported, "Books promoting Islamic holy war and the killing of non-Muslims who insult the prophet Muhammad are being examined for possible breaches of the Crimes Act following complaints from the Australia-Israel Jewish Affairs...

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Congressman Suggests Bombing Islamic Holy Sites as Response to Terror

July 18, 2005

Source: Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_15_3934448,00.html

On July 18, 2005 the Rocky Mountain News reported, "U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo's office on Sunday tried to clarify remarks the congressman made on a radio show that the U.S. could threaten to 'take out' Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalists were to attack the country with nuclear weapons. The Republican congressman made his remarks...

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Opinion: Three Bombing Suspects From Mirpuri Community, History May Explain Why

July 18, 2005

Source: The Guardian,3604,1530581,00.html

On July 18, 2005 The Guardian ran an opinion piece by Madeleine Bunting on the history of Britain's Mirpur population, seeking to explain why three of the four suspected bombers on July 7 were from this background. Bunting writes, "The room is packed, the discussions go on way beyond the allotted time: this was a meeting of young professional Muslims in London at the weekend....

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Growing Up Muslim in the Bluegrass State

July 17, 2005

Source: Lexington Herald Leader

On July 17, 2005 the Lexington Herald Leader reported, "Most 5-year-old girls run from the bully on the playground who wants to yank their pigtails. As a kindergartner, I ran from the bully who wanted to tug off my hijab, the Islamic head cover. 'Is Saddam Hussein your daddy?' I was asked in fourth grade. Seventh grade brought frequent taunts of 'towelhead' from a gang of boys. High school...

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Opinion: Violence Can Lie Within All Ideologies; Islam Needs to Address Violent Elements Within

July 17, 2005

Source: The Observer,6903,1530215,00.html

On July 17, 2005 The Observer ran an opinion piece by Jason Burke on the July 7 London bombings and the association of Islam with terrorism. Burke writes, "Such ludicrous conspiracy theories [that America or 'the Jews' were responsible for terrorist acts] surfaced after 11 September and, on the evidence of the letters pages of many newspapers in the Middle East and...

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After Detention, Muslim High School Girl Faces Exile

July 17, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On July 17, 2005 The New York Times reported, "The story of how it happened -- how Tashnuba, the pious, headstrong daughter of Muslim immigrants living in a neighborhood of tidy lawns and American flags, was labeled an imminent threat to national security -- is still shrouded in government secrecy. After nearly seven weeks in...

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Muslim Organization Co-Organizes Vigil for Bombings Victims, Rally Against Iraq War

July 17, 2005

Source: BBC News

On July 17, 2005 BBC News reported, "Hundreds of people have attended a vigil in memory of those killed or injured in the London bombings. Stop The War Coalition (StWC) and the Muslim Association of Britain organised the rally in Russell Square. Crowds listened to speeches by members from the two groups and Respect MP George Galloway who blamed the war on Iraq for the London bombings. Organisers...

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Update: Interfaith Rally at the Ruins of Mosque in Adelanto

July 17, 2005

Source: San Bernardino County Sun,1413,208~12588~2970068,00.html

On July 17, 2005 the San Bernardino County Sun reported, "On Sunday, [Muslima] Fazal spoke passionately about truths she held as evident to a group of about 30 people of various faiths that braved 110-degree temperatures and crossed long, dusty roads to get to the home of the Youth United Organization for the ceremony.

Once a place of gathering for...

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500 Anti-Muslim Attacks in Britain, and Fear of Race Riots

July 17, 2005

Source: The Times,,2087-1697168,00.html

On July 17, 2005 The Times reported, "About 500 faith-hate and race-hate crimes � ranging from arson attacks on mosques to Muslim women being spat at in the street � have been reported in Britain since the London bombings, writes Dipesh Gadher.

According to police sources, about 200 of these incidents are deemed significant enough to have potential repercussions within...

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National Front to Stage Demonstration Outside London Mosque

July 16, 2005

Source: The Scotsman

On July 16, 2005 The Scotsman reported, "The National Front will stage a march in central London this afternoon amid growing fears that Britain's Muslim community could increasingly be at risk from reprisal attacks, despite high-profile appeals by police and community leaders.

Several hundred supporters of the National Front will march along Victoria embankment and through...

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Muslim Leader Says Muslim Community Bears Some Responsibility for Not Tackling Islamist Elements

July 16, 2005

Source: BBC News

On July 16, 2005 BBC News reported, "Britain's top Muslims have branded the London suicide bombings 'utterly criminal, totally reprehensible, and absolutely un-Islamic.' A joint statement of condemnation came as 22 leaders and scholars met at the Islamic Cultural Centre, in London. But Britain's highest ranking Asian police officer, Tarique Ghaffur, says Muslims and their leaders must do more than just condemn the...

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