
Amina Wadud and Her Challenges to Patriarchal Readings

April 21, 2003

Source: Alameda Times-Star

On April 21, 2003 the Alameda Times-Star reported that "just the idea that [Amina] Wadud had challenged the accepted readings of the Quran -- readings or critical analysis that support the view of women's inferiority to men -- gave her instant star status... Wadud's paper -- 'Pluralism and Invisibility: Hagar, Then and Now' -- looks at the absence of named women in the Quranic text, scholarship related to the text, and by extension the Muslim world, using the unnamed scriptural figure Hagar, a single mother, as a case in point......

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Muslim Comic Fights Stereotypes and Discrimination

April 20, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On April 20, 2003 The Boston Globe reported that Tissa Hami, an employee of the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government, is also an "Iranian-American comic... she said she understands the difficulties religious Muslims face in the United States, and hopes her comedy can undermine anti-Islamic paranoia."

Editorial: Daniel Pipes' Nomination to U.S. Institute of Peace

April 19, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On April 19, 2003 The Washington Post printed an editorial stating that "the White House had nominated scholar Daniel Pipes to, of all places, the U.S. Institute of Peace... The institute is a quasi-governmental think tank dedicated to international "peace and conflict resolution"; one of its latest projects is the Special Initiative on the Muslim World, begun...

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Editorials: Good Friday at the Pentagon

April 18, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On April 18, 2003 The Washington Post printed an letter to the editor by Robert Kramer stating that "regarding the April 15 editorial 'Evangelize Elsewhere' and the news story of the same day 'Graham Invitation Irks Muslims at Pentagon': Somebody is missing the point... Why is the Pentagon hosting a Good Friday service to begin with? Are America's leaders so...

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Maryland Interfaith Panel Focuses on Peace

April 18, 2003

Source: The Baltimore Sun

On April 18, 2003 The Baltimore Sun reported that "as images and news about the war in Iraq have loomed in recent weeks, Howard County religious leaders have been focusing on messages of peace... Members of many area churches and synagogues have been straddling the fine line between support for U.S. troops overseas and discussing whether the war is just. Whether their members have supported the war or opposed military action, many congregations simply prayed for a peaceful and just resolution... Bon Secours Spiritual Center in...

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Editorials: Good Friday at the Pentagon

April 18, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On April 18, 2003 The Washington Post printed an letter to the editor by Stephen Goldberg stating that "the Pentagon's refusal to rescind its invitation to the Rev. Franklin Graham to deliver the Good Friday homily at the Defense Department, despite his labeling of Islam as an evil religion, demonstrates that the Bush administration's call for outreach to...

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Basketball Star Hakeem Olajuwon Promotes Cultural Awareness

April 17, 2003

Source: Houston Chronicle

On April 17, 2003 the Houston Chronicle reported that "to show local police officers that not all Muslims are like Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein... organizers of a Houston Police Department cultural awareness program called in Hakeem Olajuwon... In brief remarks to about 40 officers Wednesday, the former Houston Rockets star said most Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding...

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Editorial: the Hate Crime Label

April 17, 2003


On April 17, 2003 printed an editorial by Eric Boehlert stating that "last summer... a Muslim immigrant by the name of Hesham Mohamed Hadayet... approached the ticket counter of the Israeli-run El Al airline at Los Angeles International Airport... and opened fire... Six weeks later... a Jewish podiatrist by the name of Dr. Robert Goldstein... was...

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Update: Interfaith Prayers at Muncie City Hall

April 17, 2003

Source: The Star Press

On April 17, 2003 The Star Press reported that "the plan had been to unite the community in a moment of prayer. But organizers of Muncie's [IN] observance of the National Day of Prayer said they just couldn't imagine Jewish and Muslim prayers being offered at the May 1 ceremony at Muncie City Hall... 'We're praying in the name of the Father Creator, Jesus...

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NYPD's Handling of Hate Crimes Questioned

April 16, 2003

Source: New York Daily News

On April 16, 2003 the New York Daily News reported that "violence against Arab and Muslim immigrants increased after 9/11, and the war on Iraq seems to have exacerbated it... Besides, many immigrants believe the NYPD is now more involved in immigration enforcement. Consequently, they think twice about going to the police for help or to report a crime...

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