
Exhibit Honors Muslims Who Saved Jews

August 28, 2009

Author: Shahzada Irfan

Source: The Houston Chronicle

When no other European country dared to withstand the wrath of Nazi Germany, it was the Muslims of Albania who saved a large number of Jewish people from extermination.

Albania, a Muslim majority country in Europe, opened its borders during World War II and took in thousands of Jews fleeing from different countries....

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Feds Monitoring Apparent Bias Case Involving Muslims

August 28, 2009

Author: Zachary R. Dowdy and Sumathi Reddy

Source: Newsday

Federal authorities confirmed Friday they are monitoring the case of an Islandia man who police said harassed two Muslim women at a Smithtown gas station.

"We're aware of it and we're going to monitor this," said Robert...

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Woman Suing Over Judge's Order to Remove Hijab In Court

August 27, 2009

Author: Paul Egan

Source: The Detroit News

A Dearborn Heights woman said Wednesday she was terrified and humiliated when a judge told her to remove her Islamic head scarf.

But Wayne County Circuit Judge J. William Callahan, who was...

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Egypt Arrests 50 for Opposing Rehousing Of Bahais

August 27, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Google News

Wire Service: AFP

At least 50 people were arrested in Egypt on Thursday for demonstrating against the suspected rehousing in their villages of people thought to be from the Bahai religion, a security official said.

In April, all the Bahais from the southern...

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Jordan Puts Shiites On Trial In Unprecedented Case

August 23, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: MSNBC

Wire Service: AP

A Jordanian judicial official says six Shiite Muslims have been put on trial before a military court for promoting Shiite ideology and instigating religious sectarianism in this Sunni majority country.

The official said Sunday that the closed-door trial that started last week was the first of its kind in Jordan. He said the six men...

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Abundant Faith, Shrinking Space

August 22, 2009

Author: William Wan

Source: The Washington Post

They stream in through the doors every Friday -- a sea of Muslims pouring into a synagogue in Reston.

The men roll out long prayer rugs on the synagogue floor. An imam stands up front and praises Allah. And as the faithful begin whispering their prayers in flowing Arabic, their...

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Muslims Begin Ramadan Holy Month

August 22, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan has begun across most of the Muslim world, ushering in 30 days of dawn to dusk fasting and extra prayer.

On the eve of Ramadan, US President Barack Obama said he wanted to build a new partnership between the US and Muslims around the world.

He said US efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan were in keeping with...

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Longer, Hotter Days Strain Islamic Holy Month

August 21, 2009

Author: David Grant

Source: Yahoo News

Wire Service: AP

During most of his high school football career, Baquer Sayed broke the Ramadan fast during halftime, when the stadium lights began to flood the field after sundown.

With the traditional sunrise-to-sunset fast set to last a few hours longer this year...

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As Ramadan Nears, Muslims Plan to Donate

August 20, 2009

Author: Cathy Lynn Grossman


Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and prayer, begins at sunset Saturday, and many believers are already planning a key observance: zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam.

Often translated as "charity," it requires believers to give 2.5% of their cash assets (even including the value of their...

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Muslims Warned Of Ramadan Thieves

August 19, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

Muslims in Leeds are being urged to ensure their homes are secure during the holy month of Ramadan.

Last year there were a number of burglaries across the city that targeted Asian households containing valuable gold jewellery, police said.
Throughout the festival, which begins on Friday, Muslims will make...

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Muslims to Observe Ramadan With Fasting, Charitable Works

August 19, 2009

Author: Oralandar Brand-Williams

Source: The Detroit News

For Linda El-Amin, the Islamic religious observance of Ramadan is about more than what she can't do: It is also a time of reflection and renewal.

"I see Ramadan as a time...

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