
Update: More Americans Believe Islam Encourages Violence

July 25, 2003

Source: PBS

On July 25, 2003 PBS reported that "a growing number of Americans think that Islam may be a religion that encourages violence, more so than other religions, and that view is held by 44 percent of Americans, up from 25 percent just a year ago. We find more Americans saying that Muslims around the world are anti-American. So there are worries about Islam, but it isn't...

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Inter-Faith Ministries in Wichita, Kansas

July 25, 2003


On July 25, 2003 reported that "in Wichita, Kansas, one group combines diversity, faith and community service to make the world around them a better, more accepting place... For more than a century, Inter-Faith Ministries has brought together people of all faiths to build inter-religious understanding and promote justice. Currently, membership represents the widest range of faith...

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Update: Dalai Lama to Visit Bloomington, IN

July 25, 2003

Source: Herald-Times

On July 25, 2003 the Herald-Times reported that "Anticipation of the Dalai Lama of Tibet's Sept. 7 visit to Bloomington increased Wednesday when it was announced that Muhammad Ali also will attend the events planned for that day... The Dalai Lama will dedicate the new, 10,000-square-foot Chamtse Ling interfaith temple on the Tibetan Cultural Center (TCC) grounds... Ali, boxing champion and peace advocate,...

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Update: Cross-Burning at College Park Mosque Angers Community

July 25, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On July 25, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "a three-foot-high wooden cross was set afire on a grassy knoll outside a Prince George's County mosque and Islamic school early yesterday in what authorities said was a hate crime... The cross, soaked with a flammable liquid, was pushed into the ground and ignited shortly before 2 a.m. in front...

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Clark County Detention Center to Accommodate Muslim Prayer

July 24, 2003

Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal

On July 24, 2003 the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that "Muslims incarcerated in the Clark County Detention Center [NV] have persuaded authorities to provide them religious services on Fridays, the day their religion mandates group prayer... Previously, the jail had offered services only on Saturdays, when services for a variety...

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Update: Kathuria First Sikh to Run for Senate

July 24, 2003

Source: Economist

On July 24, 2003 the Economist reported that "an assembly of Sikhs and Hindus and even a token Muslim set aside their differences and turned out on July 22nd on the roof of a posh downtown high-rise to endorse the first American from the Indian subcontinent ever to run for the Senate... It is not going to be easy for Mr. [Chirinjeev Singh] Kathuria, a millionaire Sikh...

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Update: Cross-Burning at College Park Mosque Angers Community

July 24, 2003

Source: Gazette

On July 24, 2003 the Gazette reported that "Muslim community members, elected officials and civic associations, outraged about a cross burning at a College Park mosque, condemned the incident today as a cowardly act and evidence of a hate crime intimidation tactic... Prince George's County Councilman Thomas Hendershot (D-Dist. 3) of New Carrollton said such acts would...

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Update: American Jewish Committee Urges Approval of Daniel Pipes

July 23, 2003

Source: The American Jewish Committee


On July 23, 2003 The American Jewish Committee reported that "the American Jewish Committee (AJC) today urged a Senate committee to approve without further delay the nomination of Dr. Daniel Pipes to the Board of Directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace... 'Rejecting this nomination would have a chilling effect on the important political discourse about the threat of Islamic radicalism,' said David A. Harris, executive director of the...

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Update: Daniel Pipes' Nomination Stalls

July 23, 2003

Source: MPAC News

On July 23, 2003 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported that "members of the Senate committee charged with recommending Daniel Pipes to serve on the board of the US Institute for Peace (USIP) asked Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH) for more time to gather more information on the 'controversial nominee'... Senator Tom Harkin (D-Il), who spoke at length about how offended he was, as a child of immigrants from Europe of the Catholic faith, by the Pipes'...

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South African Legislation May Recognize Islamic Marriage

July 22, 2003


On July 22, 2003 reported that "South Africans married under Islamic law came one step closer on Tuesday to having their unions legalised, with the release of proposed draft legislation to this effect...Muslims have been trying for decades to have their unions legally recognised. Islamic marriages were regarded as null and void by South...

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California Muslim Cemetery Vandalized

July 22, 2003

Source: Daily Press

On July 22, 2003 the Daily Press reported that "decorative funerary statues smashed on graves. Headstones toppled and white paint poured over a marble grave marker... That was the scene Monday after vandals damaged five graves at a Muslim cemetery in Adelanto [CA] on Sunday night, San Bernardino County Sheriff's officials said... In dollar terms, the vandalism is estimated at $285. But the incident goes deeper than mere money... Ali Khawaja, who manages the cemetery, said this is the second or third such incident in a year. Prior to last...

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Christians Against Including Islamic Tribunals in Kenya's Constitution

July 22, 2003

Source: Christianity Today

On July 22, 2003 Christianity Today reported that "Muslims are working to make Kadhi courts a formal part of the country's new constitution, but Christians are fighting the move. They say the change would give preferential treatment to Islam. Kadhi courts settle marriage and inheritance disputes between Muslims, and they have been legally recognized at the district level since Kenya'...

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Plans to Build Islamic Mosque Proposed Near Carlisle Airport, PA

July 22, 2003

Source: The Patriot News

On July 22, 2003 The Patriot News reported that "a plan has been submitted to build an Islamic mosque, community center and cemetery on 9.3 acres along Petersburg Road in South Middleton Twp [PA]... The property is less than a mile south of the Carlisle Airport on the west side of the road... The plan, submitted by Peace Centre Corp. of Carlisle, calls for two buildings -- a mosque and community center totaling about 8,000 square feet -- with a 52-space parking lot at the front of the property, and a cemetery with flat markers on...

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Community Outreach Liaison for New Jersey

July 21, 2003

Source: The Times


On July 21, 2003 The Times reported that "a new face has joined a panel engaged in increasing cultural awareness. Sitting next to representatives from the U.S. Justice Department, Anti-Defamation League, state police and the state's bias crime unit is a mother of six from Middlesex County... This woman with brown eyes and hair covered by a scarf serves as a community outreach liaison with the state Attorney General's Office... Sarah El...

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