
Education Authorities Block Plan to Create Separate Class for Muslim Students

July 14, 2004

Source: ABC News

Wire Service: AP

On July 14, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "Education authorities in Milan have blocked a plan by a local public school to create a separate class for Islamic students, a decision that fueled an ongoing debate over the role of Muslims in this predominantly Catholic nation. The decision Tuesday came after days of raging controversy in Milan. Over...

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Saudi Textbooks Teach Anti-Western Rhetoric, Washington-Based Reform Group Says

July 14, 2004

Source: The Guardian,11599,1260867,00.html

On July 14, 2004 The Guardian reported, "Saudi schoolchildren are being taught to disparage Christianity and Judaism in a textbook issued by the education ministry, a report said yesterday. The book forms part of the kingdom's revised curriculum - supposedly cleaned up after complaints that demonising the west had become endemic in Saudi schools. A lesson for six-year-olds reads...

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London Mayor Denounces French Headscarf Ban, Speaks Against Media "Demonization" of Islam

July 13, 2004

Source: The Guardian,3604,1259773,00.html

On July 13, 2004 The Guardian reported, "Ken Livingstone yesterday hosted the first conference of a campaign to safeguard the right of Muslim women to wear the hijab or headscarf, and declared the ban in French schools the most reactionary proposal since the second world war. London's mayor also railed against the 'demonisation' of Islam in some British newspapers - and warned...

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VHP Opposes Gov't Decision to Give Five Perecent Reservation to Muslims in Andhra

July 13, 2004

Source: Hindustan Times/Press Trust of India,00080003.htm

On July 13, 2004 the Press Trust of India reported, "The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has strongly opposed the Andhra Pradesh Government's decision to give five per cent reservation to Muslims and demanded the order should be withdrawn immediately. 'The Andhra Pradesh Government has not only violated the Constitution but also the direction of the Supreme Court...

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Faith Groups Seek to Address AIDS Prevention and Care

July 12, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On July 12, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "As governments across Asia grapple with a rising tide of HIV/AIDS, attention is turning to the role that faith-based groups can play in combating the virus. Around 100 such groups are attending the 15th International AIDS Conference, which opened [in Bangkok] Sunday amid fresh warnings of an escalating epidemic....

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American Jews Speak Out in Defense of Black Muslims in Sudan

July 12, 2004

Source: Cleveland Jewish News/Jewish Telegraphic Agency

On July 12, 2004 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported, "It seems the phrase 'never again' isn't just for the Holocaust anymore. In recent weeks, Jewish groups have stepped up their efforts to stop the government-sponsored killing of tens of thousands of black Muslims in Sudan. The efforts have come as...

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Country's First Muslim Cemetery to be Established in North Chungchong Province

July 11, 2004

Source: The Korea Times

On July 11, 2004 The Korea Times reported, "The first cemetery for Korean Muslims will be set up at a park in Chungju, North Chungchong Province, the Korea Muslim Federation said on Sunday. About 400 bodies can be buried in the cemetery, which will cover an area of 1,100 pyong (3,630 square meters), according to Lee Joo-ho, a federation official. Lee said the Qatar...

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Muslims and Jews Fight a War of Values

July 11, 2004

Source: The Pioneer Press

On July 11, 2004 The Pioneer Press reported, "Recent events have carved out two distinct sides, and they are not the West and Islam as it has been constantly portrayed. This has become a war of those who value human rights against those who do not believe those rights are applicable to all of humanity. There is the side that vehemently spoke out against prisoner...

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Curiosity About Islam Leads to Conversions for Some Taiwanese Women

July 11, 2004

Source: Taipei Times

On July 11, 2004 the Taipei Times reported, "It was a list of questions that brought Huda to the Taipei Grand Mosque. 'Why can't they eat pork? Why must women cover up? And why, if men can take four wives, can't women take four husbands?' After enrolling in a six-week course on the fundamentals of Islam she found her answers, and she found religion. 'When I first...

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Intelligence Report Says Islamic Extremism Growing in "Ghetto"

July 11, 2004

Source: The Observer,6903,1258581,00.htm l

On July 11, 2004 The Observer reported, "Last week, Le Monde leaked an intelligence report by the feared Renseignements Généraux. It said that more than 300 estates in France had become ghettos in which nearly two million people lived on the fringes of Islamic extremism. Schools, workplaces and local associations were identified as hotbeds of antagonism...

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Muslim School Joins Theological Consortium in Washington, D.C.

July 10, 2004

Source: Lexington Herald-Leader

On July 10, 2004 Lexington Herald-Leader reported, "The Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Va., has joined the Washington Theological Consortium, marking the first time that a Muslim school has become part of a major group of U.S. seminaries and schools of religion... The Washington consortium is one of 10 such cooperatives in...

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