
Christian Group Concerned About Proposed Anti-Religious Hate Law

September 15, 2004


On September 15, 2004 reported, "An international charity working with Christians in Islamic societies has launched a campaign to oppose a plan by the British government to outlaw incitement on religious grounds. Muslim groups, who have been pressing for such a move, welcomed the proposal by Home Secretary David Blunkett to 'ban incitement to...

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China's Muslims "Push the Barriers of Faith," Have Female Imams

September 15, 2004

Source: BBC News

On September 15, 2004 the BBC News reported, "Against a desert backdrop, surrounded by parched yellow-earth hills, an army of worshippers sing devotional chants as they march through a compound to the central mosque. Ningxia province is the heartland of Islam in China - and the base of Hong Yang, a Muslim leader who commands a million Chinese followers... Religious rituals only resurfaced in the 1980s...

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Justice Department Investigates Arrest of Muslim Lawyer in OR

September 14, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On September 14, 2004 The New York Times reported, "the Justice Department has opened dual internal investigations into the department's arrest of a Muslim lawyer in Oregon who was mistakenly linked to the Madrid train bombings because fingerprints found at the scene of that terrorist attack were misread, officials said Monday. The lawyer, Brandon Mayfield, said in a complaint...

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Ryerson University Responds to Anti-Muslim and Anti-Jewish Vandalism

September 14, 2004

Source: The Eyeopener

On September 14, 2004 The Eyeopener reported, "Toronto police and the Canadian Federation of Students are taking the hate crimes that happened on campus over the summer seriously. More uniformed police officers will be at Ryerson this year. But no new updates are available for the investigation into the threats and vandalism on campus. 'We're just showing the flag and saying "hi." It's...

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Photo Exhibit Highlights Scotland's Religious Leaders

September 14, 2004

Source: The Scotsman

On September 14, 2004 The Scotsman reported, "Each of the men and women captured on film by [photographer Luke] Watson is a prominent member of a different faith community in Scotland. They make up a rich panorama of traditions, and will be displayed as part of the Keeping Faith exhibition, which opens on Friday at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Archbishop Brian Smith, of the Scottish...

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Muslims Celebrate Ganeshotsav With Hindu Neighbors

September 14, 2004

Source: Pune Newsline

On September 14, 2004 Pune Newsline reported, "You go out there seeking the extraordinary. After all, it’s about Muslims participating in Ganeshotsav. You expect it to be unique. Only to be told matter-of-factly, time and again, 'shorn of our religions, aren’t we all the same?' Half the members of Taboot Street Tarun Mandal in Camp are Muslims by faith. But they feel the...

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Amnesty International Finds Profiling a Growing Problem Since 9-11

September 13, 2004

Source: The Associated Press

On September 13, 2004 The Associated Press reported, "authorities' targeting of people because of their racial background or religious affiliation is a deep-rooted problem in the United States, with nearly 32 million people reporting they've been racially profiled, a human rights group said Monday. The report by Amnesty International USA also said at least 87 million...

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Headscarf Controversy Puts French Muslims in Difficult Situation

September 12, 2004

Source: The Guardian

Wire Service: AP,1280,-4490432,00.html

On September 12, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "When 12-year-old Faten Ben Debaieb returned to school after summer vacation, she faced a painful choice: take off her head scarf or be expelled. For France's Muslim community, a similar dilemma loomed 2,500 miles away in Iraq. There, kidnappers were threatening to...

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9-11 Remembrance in L.A. Gives Attention to Religious Tolerance

September 12, 2004

Source: The L.A. Times,1,5117906.story?coll=la-headlines-nation

On September 12, 2004 The L.A. Times reported 9-11 anniversary events held in southern California. "Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn and Fire Chief William Bamattre joined with Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, Rabbi Leonard Bearman and Maher Hathout, senior advisor to the Los Angeles-...

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Bay Area Muslims Struggle With 9-11 Backlash

September 10, 2004

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On September 10, 2004 The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "many Bay Area Muslims -- especially those who 'look Muslim' -- complain of job discrimination or of being unfairly targeted by law enforcement. Some say they've changed their day-to-day habits, including how they dress and what they say in public, to avoid possible harassment. On the...

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Two Muslim Women Hold Different Views on Headscarf Issue

September 9, 2004

Source: Tallahassee Democrat/Chicago Tribune

On September 9, 2004 the Chicago Tribune ran an article on the headscarf ban, highlighting two different perspectives on Islamic dress through two Muslim women: "Souad Morabet and Sadia Belrabet would seem to have a lot in common. Both emigrated from Morocco to France at a young age; both are now married and live in Paris... Both women describe...

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Opinion: Thinking, Active Muslim Community Best Antidote to Fanaticism

September 8, 2004

Source: NCM/Pacific News Service

On September 8, 2004 the Pacific News Service ran an opinion piece by Hassan Zillur Rahim (editor of Iqra, an American Islamic magazine) in which he denounces Islamic extremism and cites numerous examples of Muslims working to counter the Islamic terrorist image. He writes, "Since the September attacks...

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Ceremonial Opening of Mosque in D.C.

September 8, 2004

Source: Indolink

On September 8, 2004 Indolink reported, "a mosque of Dawoodi Bohra sect of Islam has been opened in Washington metro area. Spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhannudin, inaugurated the mosque on Saturday. A large number of Bohras community members from all over the world, diplomats, numerous representatives from Congress, the State Department and the D...

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