
Muslim Prohibition on Paying Interest Creates Challenges for Homeownership

March 5, 2000

Source: Star Tribune

On March 5, 2000, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis published an article on the difficulties that many Muslims, and some other religious individuals, have buying homes when paying interest is directly against the tenets of their faith. One of the few organizations that can facilitate interest-free housing is Habitat for Humanity, a Christian organization founded upon the principle of interest-free mortgages. Steve Seidel, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Minnesota, stated: "We're delighted by our use of the interest-free...

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Muslim Unity

February 28, 2000

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

On February 28, 2000, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that the more than 20-year split within the African-American Muslim community has been repaired. W. Deen Mohammed and long-time rival Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan have publicly unified. Farrakhan and Mohammed declared the unity this past weekend at the four-day International Islamic Conference in Chicago sponsored by the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan stated: "We will be together as a family...And I say to all the children and grandchildren of Mohammed, come back to Islam...

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Muslim Unity

February 26, 2000

Source: The Washington Post

On February 26, 2000, The Washington Post reported on the announced unity between Muslim American Society leader Wallace Deen Mohammed, son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Mohammed, and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at the 2nd annual Saviours' Day conference sponsored by the Nation of Islam. Appearing in public together for the first time 25 years, Mohammed spoke to the crowd at Friday's prayer services: "Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, it's not difficult for Minister Farrakhan and Wallace Deen Mohammed to embrace...

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Muslim Chaplain Appointed to Police Department of Harvey, Illinois

February 25, 2000

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

On February 25, 2000, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Imam Darnell Karim, leader of the Harvey Islamic Center in Harvey, IL, has been added as chaplain for the Harvey Police Department. Harvey Mayor Nickolas Graves, along with Muslim American Society leader W. Deen Mohammed, presided over the swearing in ceremony on Thursday, February 24th: "We want to reach out to everyone, people of all faiths." Karim is the first Muslim chaplain in any suburban Chicago police department. Karim stated: "I hope to bring unity and to let...

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"The Terrorist" Creates Controversy on a Middle School Reading List

February 16, 2000

Source: The Indianapolis Star

On February 16, 2000, The Indianapolis Star reported that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is trying to stop Scholastic publishing from distributing to public schools a novel entitled, "The Terrorist," which the group contends offensively stereotypes and inaccurately portrays Muslims. Judy Corman, senior vice president of Scholastic, defends the book as an award-winning "work of fiction" and Scholastic will not stop distributing the book to schools: "We do not believe in censorship...We believe a parent has the...

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Mosque in Orange County, California Should be Completed by Year's End

February 5, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On February 5, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Islamic Society of Orange County hopes to complete the new $8-million expansion of its complex in Garden Grove, CA by December 31st, 2000. The plan is for groundbreaking in mid-March to coincide with the annual Hajj, with construction lasting eight months. The new complex will feature a library, preschool, gymnasium, renovated K-8 school, mortuary, swimming pool, and a remodeled cafeteria. Haitham Bundakji, chairman of the society's public relations department stated: "...

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20th Anniversary of Mohammed Schools in Atlanta

January 20, 2000

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On January 20, 2000, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution published an article on two Islamic schools in Atlanta, Georgia, Clara Mohammed Elementary School and W. Deen Mohammed High School. The Mohammed schools are celebrating their 20th anniversary. The system began with the elementary school and added the high school in 1987. Operating under the leadership of the 2,000-member Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam, the Mohammed schools share the same campus and serve 300 students from pre-kindergarten through high school...

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End of Ramadan: Eid al-Fitr

January 15, 2000

Source: Star Tribune

On January 15, 2000, the Star Tribune reported that Somalian and Oromo students from Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis, MN cooked an end of Ramadan meal for their teachers and school's staff members. Of the roughly 1550 students at Roosevelt high school, more than 500 are from Somalia and a good number of students are Oromo, who hail from Ethiopia, Kenya, and neighboring countries. The end of Ramadan meal, which is becoming a tradition at Roosevelt high school, was funded by moneys raised by the students through selling T-shirts and...

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End of Ramadan: Eid al-Fitr

January 9, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On January 9, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that more than 14,000 Muslims flocked to the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Mesa, California on Saturday morning, January 8th, to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. There were also Eid services at the Islamic Center of Mission Viejo, CA, which drew about 2000 people, and at the Sequoia Conference Center of Buena Park, which drew about 1500 people.

End of Ramadan: Eid al-Fitr

January 9, 2000

Source: The Courier-Journal

On January 9, 2000, The Courier-Journal reported that about 2000 Muslims attended end of Ramadan services at the Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center.

End of Ramadan: Eid al-Fitr

January 9, 2000

Source: The Plain Dealer

On January 9, 2000, The Plain Dealer reported that more than 400 Muslims gathered at the Cuyahoga Community College gymnasium in Ohio for end of Ramadan services. More than 14 mosques from the greater Cleveland area were represented at the services.
