
Court Orders Muslim Boy to Participate in Swimming Class

June 1, 2005

Source: Deutsche Welle,1564,1602805,00.html

On June 1, 2005 Deutsche Welle reported, "The administrative court of Düsseldorf dismissed a complaint brought by two Muslim parents from Wuppertal who wanted to keep their son out of a co-ed school swimming class in a landmark case. The deeply religious Muslim parents of the 11-year-old student were trying to prevent their son from attending swimming classes, where he would mix with...

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Seven Muslim Women Part of Iranian Everest Team

May 31, 2005

Source: The Scotsman

On May 31, 2005 The Scotsman reported, "Two Iranians yesterday became the first Muslim women to conquer Mount Everest as the early season expedition took advantage of a rare weather window to reach the world's highest summit. Farkhondeh Sadegh, 36, a graphic designer, and Loleh Keshavarz, 26, a dentist, hoisted their country's tricoloured flag on the summit together with six Iranian men at...

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BJP Leader to Tour Sacred Ruins in Pakistan to Heal Religious Scars

May 31, 2005

Source: BBC News

On May 31, 2005 BBC News reported, "Pakistan's ruling party hopes a planned temple trip by India's visiting opposition leader will help heal religious scars from more than 10 years ago. India's Bharatiya Janata Party leader LK Advani will tour the ancient temple ruins at Ketas, 100km (65 miles) south of the capital, Islamabad, on Thursday. The event is part of a landmark visit to Pakistan...

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11 Dead in Aftermath of Mosque Bombing

May 31, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

On May 31, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A mob angered by an al-Qaida-linked suicide bombing in a Shiite mosque set a KFC restaurant afire in overnight rioting, killing six employees and bringing the day's overall death toll to 11, police said Tuesday. Security in Karachi shifted into 'high alert...

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CAIR Begins its Qur�an Giveaway in Aftermath of Desecration Report

May 28, 2005

Source: Lexington Herald-Leader

On May 28, 2005 the Lexington Herald-Leader reported, "An American Muslim organization, reacting to controversy generated by the retracted story about the desecration of the Quran, has offered to give a free copy of the holy book to any American.

The giveaway, which, depending on demand, could go as high as 100,000 copies, comes after a recent...

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Pentagon Admits to Five Instances of Qur’an Mishandling

May 27, 2005

Source: The Guardian,13743,1493672,00.html

On May 27, 2005 The Guardian reported, "The Pentagon admitted last night that it had uncovered five instances of mishandling of the Qur'an at Guantánamo Bay, but it claimed that there was 'no credible evidence' that a copy had ever been flushed down the toilet. Brigadier General Jay Hood, commander of the US prison in Cuba, said an investigation had uncovered 13...

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Appeals Court Defends Woman's Right to Choose Mecca Pilgrimage Over Work

May 27, 2005

Source: Duluth News Tribune

On May 27, 2005 the Duluth News Tribune reported, "an appeals court ordered state labor officials Thursday to reconsider forcing a Muslim woman to repay unemployment benefits after she turned down work so she could make a pilgrimage to Mecca. The 4th District Court of Appeals reversed a finding by the state Labor and Industry Review Commission,...

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Muslims Around the World Protest Qur’an Desecration

May 27, 2005

Source: Los Angeles Times

Wire Service: AP/Reuters

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On May 27, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Burning U.S. flags and throwing tomatoes at a likeness of President Bush, Muslims from Dhaka to Jakarta rallied today to protest the alleged desecration of Islam's holy book by military prison interrogators in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba. More than 15,000 people took to the streets of...

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New York City's Bangladeshi Community Protests Murder, Lack of Justice

May 27, 2005

Source: Independent Press Association

On May 27, 2005 the Independent Press Association reported, "Mofizur Rahman Tofazzal, an undocumented immigrant from Bangladesh, was murdered on May 6, 2005, by unidentified assailants. Last Sunday, hundreds of people participated in a massive rally held on Chester Avenue, in Brooklyn, in protest against his killing. Amid a heavy downpour, the protesters gathered with...

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Christian Leaders Offer Support to American Muslims After Qur’an Desecration Report

May 27, 2005

Source: The Indianapolis Star

On May 27, 2005 The Indianapolis Star reported, "American Muslims are deeply concerned and hurt by allegations that military guards and interrogators may have desecrated the Quran at Guantanamo Bay, said Sayyid M. Syeed, secretary general of the Plainfield-based Islamic Society of North America. But, he added, the...

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Update: Wisconsin Prisons Change Policy to Accommodate Religious Headscarf

May 27, 2005

Source: The Associated Press,1280,-5034795,00.html

On May 27, 2005 The Associated Press reported, "the state Department of Corrections will change its policy to allow visitors to Wisconsin prisons to wear religious headwear, an official said Thursday. Secretary Matt Frank's announcement came a day after a lawsuit accused the department and two male prison guards of violating a Muslim woman's right to...

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Somali Cabbies Ticketed for Islamic Prayers at Cleveland Airport

May 26, 2005

Source: The Associated Press

On May 26, 2005 The Associated Press reported, "Somali immigrants who work as cabbies at Cleveland Hopkins airport say police are ticketing them when they step out of their cabs for traditional Islamic prayer. Police say they are enforcing a requirement that all drivers remain in their vehicles outside the terminal. Officers say they are trying to maintain order in an increasingly...

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Qur’an Found in Stockton Toilet

May 25, 2005

Source: KESQ

Wire Service: AP

On May 25, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Campus police at San Joaquin Delta College are investigating a report that a student found a copy of the Quran in a library toilet at the college. The student claims to have found the Muslim holy book in the toilet of a second-floor men's bathroom in the library just after 7:00 Wednesday evening. Campus police Sergeant...

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North Carolina Pastor Apologizes for Offensive Sign

May 25, 2005

Source: WFMY News

Wire Service: AP

On May 25, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A North Carolina pastor is apologizing to Muslims for a sign in front of his church that said, 'The Koran needs to be flushed.' A now-retracted Newsweek story alleging US interrogators flushed Islam's holy book down a toilet triggered demonstrations in...

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Stockton Council Teams Up with Muslim Council to Launch Diversity Education Program

May 25, 2005

Source: The Muslim News/Stockport Express

On May 25, 2005 the Stockport Express reported, "Stockport schoolchildren will be the first in the country to take part in a project to breed multi-racial harmony. Council education bosses have teamed up with the Muslim Council of Britain to use new resource packs supporting the teaching of Islam in primary schools. The initiative was launched at Cheadle Muslim...

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