
2002 Census Shows More Muslims than Presbyterians in Mayo

June 25, 2003

Source: Western People

On June 25, 2003 the Western People reported that "In (County) Mayo there are now more Muslims that Presbyterians, 370 compared to 289. There are 1,731 Muslims in Connacht as against 1,086 Presbyterians. The figures are contained in the 2002 Census of Population, and show that times are indeed changing in religious affiliations. The country is slowly evolving from 'holy Catholic Ireland' to a...

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Muslim Leaders Call on Democrates to Focus on Civil Rights Issues

June 25, 2003

Source: Religion News Service

On June 25, 2003 Religion News Service reported that "despite Muslims' and Arab-Americans' frustration with President Bush over what they perceive as unfair treatment, Democrats shouldn't automatically expect those voters to swing their way in 2004, Arab and Muslim leaders say... Bush captured a majority of the Arab and Muslim vote in 2000 after he joined GOP activists in reaching out to their...

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Raising Muslim Children in Wisconsin

June 25, 2003

Source: Marshfield News-Herald

On June 25, 2003 the Marshfield News-Herald reported that "unlike most of their American counterparts, 13-year-old Hassan, 10-year-old Uswa and 7-year-old Hussain scan everything first for a small K or UD on the food's packaging, signifiying that its contents are halal or kosher... Muslims are required by their religion to eat halal food - pork products are...

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Hindu Delivery Man Beaten because Assailants Thought He Was Muslim: Police Filed Hate Crime Charges

June 24, 2003

Source: Standard-Times

On June 24, 2003 the Standard-Times reported that "a vicious robbery of a pizza delivery man escalated when the assailants mistook the graduate student for a Muslim, Fairhaven police said yesterday, as they filed hate crime charges against a second man arrested in the attack... Police Chief Gary F. Souza said Ryan Marsh, 17, of 369 Brook St. was one of four men who helped ambush Saurabh...

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Interfaith Group Supports Muslims in Building a Mosque

June 24, 2003

Source: Marshfield News Herald

On June 24, 2003 Marshfield News Herald reported that "members of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths who have joined together to advocate for tolerance of different cultures, races and religions say they are backing an effort by Muslims in Marshfield to build a mosque to serve north central Wisconsin... Members of Marshfield Social Justice, which was formed...

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Diversity of Views and Religious Beliefs on the American University Campus

June 22, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On June 22, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "On the first full day of the Iraq war, Abdul Aziz Said stood before an overflow crowd inside the domed sanctuary of American University's Kay Spiritual Life Center, a unique place in the life of AU, both in its form and function. Perched among gray rectangular buildings, the circular Kay...

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Editorial: Sultaana Freeman License Case

June 22, 2003

Source: First Amendment Center

On June 22, 2003 the First Amendment Center printed an editorial by Charles Haynes stating that "Sultaana Freeman’s refusal to remove her veil for a driver’s license photo has touched a nerve. Talk-show exchanges and letters to the editor are filled with exasperation – even outrage – over the Muslim woman’s lawsuit against the state of...

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Muslim Convention to Arrive in Philadelphia during Independence Day

June 21, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On June 21, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "a joint convention of the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society will be held in Philadelphia over the Independence Day holiday and is expected to bring $16 million in revenue to the city, officials said... Some 15,000 American Muslims are expected to attend events...

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Ohio Seminar to Address Counseling Services for Muslim Women

June 21, 2003

Source: Toledo Blade

On June 21, 2003 the Toledo Blade reported that "Aneesah Nadir said it’s no wonder many Muslims are afraid to seek counseling services, given the stereotypes many non-Muslim counselors have about Islam... Many non-Muslims, for example, assume incorrectly that Islam teaches that women are inferior to men. So if a Muslim woman complains of spousal abuse, it’s...

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The Pluralism Project Recognized by Webby Awards

June 21, 2003

Source: Dallas Morning News

On June 21, 2003 the Dallas Morning News reported that "in recognition of the radical changes in the American religious landscape of the past 30 years, [The Pluralism Project, Webby-award winning Web site developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University] was initiated to study and document religious communities, particularly those of immigrant communities... Through...

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South Florida Women Organize Conference on Islamic Issues

June 21, 2003

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

On June 21, 2003 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that "two groups of women have joined forces to organize a conference on Islamic issues this weekend at Nova Southeastern University [FL]... And it has a hot-button title: 'Islam: Contribution or Threat to American Society?' The women clearly don't intend to duck questions... 'We hope people will ask questions,' says Irma Sulaiman of Delray Beach, one of the main organizers...

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Interfaith Discussion of Abrahamic Faiths

June 21, 2003

Source: The Kansas City Star

On June 21, 2003 The Kansas City Star reported that "not long after 9/11, evangelist Franklin Graham stated publicly that in his opinion Muslims worship a god different from the one worshipped by Christians or Jews. The national debate set off by those remarks continues today... This discussion is limited to these faiths because each believes there is only one God, and all...

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Muslim Comic Uses Humor to Shatter Stereotypes

June 21, 2003

Source: Toledo Blade

On June 21, 2003 the Toledo Blade reported that "Azhar Usman is very serious about comedy. A Muslim standup comic, he works hard at honing his joke-telling skills while hoping his humor will defuse tensions and shatter stereotypes... He compared a Muslim joking about terrorism to an African-American comedian using the 'n word...' 'It’s...

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