
INS Detains Hundreds of Muslim and Middle Eastern Immigrants in California

January 7, 2003



On January 7, 2003 reported that "less than one month after hundreds of Iranian-born men and boys were detained in the Los Angeles area, immigrant communities and their advocates continue to protest the INS’s so-called 'Special Registration'... The American Immigration Lawyers Association calls Special Registration 'a false solution to a real problem...' An Arab-American newspaper in Michigan called Special Registration part of the U.S....

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Iowa: Controversy over North Liberty City Officials Plan to Lease Land Intended for Muslim Youth Camp

January 7, 2003

Source: Omaha World-Herald

On January 7, 2003 the Omaha World-Herald printed an editorial that stated, "the proposed opening of a Muslim youth camp on Iowa's Coralville Lake between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City is being resisted by some neighbors. We hope most are arguing from conviction rather than misplaced fear or prejudice... Some neighbors have spoken up not about the camp but about the presence of Muslims 'in their back yards,' as one corps official said. One man worried about providing terrorists a hiding place.  That kind of talk is troubling,...

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Mutual Funds that Conform to Islamic Law

January 7, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On January 7, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "Bashar Qasem and three colleagues were there to discuss... [a] growing area for investment: mutual funds created to attract Muslims concerned about keeping with Islamic law. That means steering clear of companies whose products are off-limits -- no pork producers, for example, or liquor manufacturers or...

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The International Museum of Muslim Cultures in Mississippi

January 6, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,3811539.story

On January 6, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "it was the summer of 2001, and the organizers of an exhibit about Islam were weighing whether to turn it into a permanent museum. The temporary display had drawn well enough to encourage museum boosters to think bigger... Then came Sept. 11 -- and eruptions of bias...

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The American Muslim Hour in Central Florida

January 6, 2003

Source: Orlando Sentinel,0,1182104.story

On January 6, 2003 the Orlando Sentinel reported on "the American Muslim Hour, on 660 AM (WORL) [in Central Florida]... The show is the only one of its kind airing in Central Florida, and one of the few radio voices of Islam outside major cities... Program coordinator Lauri Lott is a Windermere homemaker and convert to the faith...

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December: Celebrations and Dilemmas, 2002

January 6, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On January 6, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "Christmas is everywhere in this country, especially for kids. Santa's helpers are at the shopping mall. Nativity scenes are on people's front lawns. There's even a Christmas tree in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Turn on the television, and there's Linus telling the story of Jesus's birth on 'A Charlie Brown Christmas.' Non-Christian kids, meanwhile, have some pretty important traditions of their own to observe in December, but their classmates often know little about them...

Read more about December: Celebrations and Dilemmas, 2002

The Greater Richmond Interfaith Program

January 6, 2003

Source: Contra Costa Times

On January 6, 2003 the Contra Costa Times reported that "the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, a coalition of churches, synagogues and mosques [in CA]... has led the way to feed, shelter and otherwise care for the region's homeless population... 'We get together and don't worry about the differences,' said [Elisabeth] Miller, a member of Temple Beth Hillel in Richmond. 'We're...

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Editorial: The Challenges of Islam and Radical Christianity

January 5, 2003

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On January 5, 2003 The Philadelphia Inquirer printed an editorial by Jane Eisner that stated, "the U.S. State Department has posted a series called 'Muslim Life in America,' but it is clearly for foreign consumption. The upbeat collection of stories and photographs on the department's official Web site deftly...

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Pledge for "Intimidation-Free" Campuses for Jewish Students Debated

January 4, 2003

Source: The Boston Herald

On January 4, 2003 The Boston Herald printed an editorial by Matan Chorev and Karim Bin-Humam that stated, "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has served as the ultimate topic of deliberation, peaceful and otherwise, on campuses coast to coast. But at what cost? The intensity of the campus dialogue has propagated inappropriate behavior among people on all sides of the conflict, and most college communities are not responding adequately. A recent statement calling for 'intimidation-free campuses' was circulated widely and signed...

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INS Detains Hundreds of Muslim and Middle Eastern Immigrants in California

January 4, 2003

Source: Mercury News

On January 4, 2003 the Mercury News reported that "with a deadline less than a week away, immigrant community leaders say they're worried that visitors from Afghanistan, Lebanon and 11 other countries may not register as part of a new national security program because they fear they'll be detained or deported... The Immigration and Naturalization Service took hundreds of men from five Middle Eastern...

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Growing Muslim Population in Contra Costa, CA

January 4, 2003

Source: Contra Costa Times

On January 4, 2003 the Contra Costa Times reported that "two of Central Contra Costa County's biggest mosques have launched ambitious expansion plans and are considering joining a third mosque to form a unified, major worship center serving the region's booming Muslim population... The Islamic Center of Contra Costa on Clayton Road plans to buy a 2,500 square-foot former carpet store adjacent to its...

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Jewish and Muslim Dinner to Promote Dialogue and Peace

January 3, 2003

Source: Free Press

On January 3, 2003 the Free Press reported that "for the first Sabbath of 2003, a Jewish congregation hopes to start a new tradition to promote peace... Tonight, Congregation Chaye Olam will invite members of the Arab community for a Middle Eastern meal at the Sheik restaurant in Orchard Lake... The dinner, said Cantor Stephen Dubov, will be a chance for people of opposing viewpoints to agree...

Read more about Jewish and Muslim Dinner to Promote Dialogue and Peace

Iowa: Controversy over North Liberty City Officials Plan to Lease Land Intended for Muslim Youth Camp

January 3, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On January 3, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will review public comments before deciding whether to move forward with plans to lease land for a proposed Muslim Youth Camp. The deadline for public comment on the project was Thursday and most of the letters and e-mails the corps of engineers received about the camp voiced opposition to the plan. The land, about 106 acres, is about two miles northeast of North Liberty near Coralville Lake and is managed by the corps. The property...

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Muslim Community Newspaper: Minnesota Muslim

January 3, 2003

Source: Pioneer Press

On January 3, 2003 the Pioneer Press reported that "Minnesota Muslim [made a debute] a few weeks ago during Ramadan, Islam's holiest month, with the next issue to be delivered to mosques and some Muslim-owned businesses later this month. The 75-cent publication was started by a group of Muslims to offer an alternative to mainstream coverage of their communities and...

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