
Dallas Man Convicted of Murder in "Backlash" Attack; Receives Death Sentence

April 5, 2002

Source: BBC News

On April 5, 2002, BBC News reported "Death for 11 Sept revenge killer." The article reported that the man convicted in the murder of Sikh gas station owner Vasudev Patel received the death sentence. The article explained, "Stroman, 32, holding a small American flag, showed no reaction when the sentence was read. But as he stood up to be led out of court, he...

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Atlanta Sikh Community Looks to Sikh New Year

April 3, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On April 3, 2002, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution featured an article on the local Sikh community. "With the September attacks lingering in people's minds, Sikhs in metro Atlanta say they still get strange looks from fellow Atlantans, who often confuse them with Muslims... It is the headgear that draws the attention of strangers, said Preetinder Singh, an Acworth businessman and wholesaler of...

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Interfaith Gathering for "Inner Peace and Global Healing"

April 1, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On April 1, 2002, The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "representatives from three of the world's great religions -- Christianity, Judaism and Islam -- gathered yesterday in a chapel at San Francisco's old Presidio to listen and question each other about their spiritual beliefs... A crowd of nearly 50 people from different faiths and traditions participated in the interfaith discussion 'Inner Peace for Global Healing'... A common thread tying the discussion together was the notion that only with the discovery...

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Passover in America, 2002: Interfaith Seders

April 1, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On April 1, 2002, The Washington Post reported that in Washington DC, "Arab Christians and Muslims and Jews -- 12 in all -- assembled... [at] Glencarlyn Baptist Church -- for a Passover seder on Easter Sunday... Those at the seder attend various synagogues and mosques, and some don't attend any. They were just a group of Jews and Arabs organized... to come together for one night and show hope and trust during a time of utter bleakness." The Interfaith Seder refocused some of the traditions around the group's mourning for...

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Interfaith Dialogue Focuses on History

April 1, 2002

Source: The Daily Breeze

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On April 1, 2002, The Daily Breeze reported on an interfaith dialgoue in Torrance, CA. The meeting was part of the Annual Religions' Founders Day sponsored by the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Association. Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh religious leaders gathered "to discuss the origins and teachings of their faiths."

Raids on Muslim Offices and Homes in Virginia; Muslim and Jewish Communities Respond

March 28, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On March 28, 2002, The Washington Post reported "President, Moran Are Urged to Shun Gifts; Muslim Donors Target of Raids." The article explained that "The American Jewish Committee has called on President Bush and Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.) to turn over to victims' families political contributions from officers of Muslim organizations raided by federal...

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San Diego Palestinian and Israeli Americans Active in Dialogue Groups for Peace

March 28, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On March 28, 2002, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that San Diego "area residents of Palestinian and Israeli descent joined Tuesday night to urge a peace built on mutual respect to end the bloodshed in the Middle East... Some of the speakers at Church of the Good Samaritan in La Jolla [CA] called on the U.S. government to become more actively involved in brokering a settlement of the recent upsurge in killings in Israel and adjoining Palestinian territories... 'We're here calling for dialogue. We're not on...

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Raids on Muslim Offices and Homes in Virginia; Muslim and Jewish Communities Respond

March 28, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On March 28, 2002, The Washington Post reported "After Raids, Muslims Speak Out for Rights." It noted that "Area Muslims met Monday night at the Sterling library to hear speakers call for a new level of organization to respond to 16 government raids on Muslim homes and businesses ... About 150 people attended the standing-room-only meeting, while a spillover...

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American Muslim Wins Elected City Position in Georgia

March 28, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On March 28, 2002, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "six months after Sept. 11, Clarkston [GA] voters ignored ethnic stereotypes and elected an American Muslim of African and Middle Eastern ancestry to fill a seat on the Clarkston City Council... Abdul Akbar won 66 percent of the votes cast for an at-large seat on the six-member council during a special election last week... Akbar's long-term goal is a modest one. 'I want to be remembered as the regular person who connects with...

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Attacker of Florida Mosque Charged with Hate Crime Violation

March 27, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On March 27, 2002, The New York Times featured a newsbrief, "Attack on Mosque." The article noted that "A man who said he hated Muslims drove a truck into a Florida mosque just 30 minutes before evening prayers, the police said. No one was injured on Monday in the Islamic Center of Tallahassee at Florida State University. The driver, Charles Franklin, 41, was arrested later at a campus bar. Investigators said Mr. Franklin told the police that he tried to join the military to kill Muslims but was turned down."

Raids on Muslim Offices and Homes in Virginia; Muslim and Jewish Communities Respond

March 27, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On March 27, 2002, The New York Times reported, "Raids, Detentions and Lists Lead Muslims to Cry Persecution." The article noted, "Several hundred Muslims held an open meeting on Monday night in Sterling, Va., near Washington, to listen to complaints of people whose homes or businesses were among those raided. Many said they intended to press for Congressional hearings into police tactics and to organize rallies to call attention to abuses against Muslims since Sept. 11." The article continued, "'As Muslims we condemned the...

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Slaughterhouse in the Bronx Follows Halal Rituals

March 26, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On March 26, 2002, The New York Times featured an article on the Halal Musa Slaughterhouse in the South Bronx, NY. "Musa is one of several slaughter-on-demand butchers in the city, which can be found in the yellow pages under Live Poultry... Many of the customers are Muslim, and appreciate the fact that the slaughtering is carried out in accordance with Islamic dietary laws... The animals are slaughtered according to the rules of halal, which are similar to those that govern kosher slaughtering. Halal rules mandate that the...

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In Hartford, a Rabbi and an Imam Seek "Common Ground"

March 25, 2002

Source: The Hartford Courant

On March 25, 2002, The Hartford Courant featured the story "Leaders Bridge Religious Divide." The article described the visit of Rabbi Stephen Fuchs to the Muhammad Islamic Center of Hartford. The article noted, "He gave a passionate, yet informal half-hour sermon, standing before more than 70 people -- including two-dozen visitors from his own ministry, Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford. Fuchs spoke of the need for Jews and Muslims to maintain a dialogue to better understand each other. ... 'If we join hands I believe...

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St. Louis Teacher Uses History to Teach about September 11

March 24, 2002

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On March 24, 2002 The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that at Marian Middle, a Catholic girls school in St. Louis, MO, a teacher "is using the book 'Farewell to Manzanar,' a first-person account of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II," to help teach eighth grade students about September 11. "Since the attacks of Sept. 11, Muslims in the United States have been under intense scrutiny and have faced widespread harassment. Hundreds of cases of threats, beatings and firebombings have been reported,...

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Ohio Hindus Hope Festival of Holi will End Violence in India

March 22, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On March 22, 2002, The Columbus Dispatch reported that Columbus, OH area Hindus "hope that this year's observance of Holi, a major spring holiday of their faith, will end the religious violence that has killed some 700 Muslims and Hindus in India in recent weeks... Part of the celebration... involves people in spraying one another with colored water or splattering each other with colored powder... Smearing others with colors has a leveling effect... 'This festival transcends all sectarian traditions,' said Shive K....

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