
Muslims in Europe Launch Moderate World Islamic Club

May 17, 2005


On May 17, 2005 reported, "Muslim dignitaries in Europe have announced the establishment of the World Islamic Club in the Netherlands with the ultimate goal of serving the interests and the causes of Muslims in the West. 'We are a group of Muslim activists in Europe who put their heads together and came up with the idea of establishing this club...

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Palos Heights Denies Mosque Needed City Approval

May 17, 2005

Source: Daily Southtown

On May 17, 2005 the Daily Southtown reported, "lawyers for Palos Heights told a federal jury Monday a group of Muslims seeking to set up a mosque five years ago never needed the city's permission to do so, and mistakenly allowed municipal government — as well as some admittedly bigoted reactions — to influence what should have been a simple real estate transaction. The city is...

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Bowling Green Opens Islamic Center

May 17, 2005

Source: WBKO News

On May 17, 2005 WBKO News reported, "Dr. Nagy Morsi says for the past few years the Muslim population in Bowling Green has increased significantly because of the immigration of the Bosnian population to Bowling Green... A prayer house was located on Old Morgantown Road for years, but wasn't big enough to hold the 2,500 to 3,000 Muslims who worship. So, the Islamic Center located on Morgantown Road was built...

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Newsweek Retracts Story on Qu’ran Desecration

May 16, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On May 16, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Newsweek magazine, under fire for publishing a story that led to deadly protests in Afghanistan, said Monday it was retracting its report that a military probe had found evidence of desecration of the Quran by U.S. interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. Earlier Monday, Bush administration officials had...

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Muslim Charity Officer Pleads Not Guilty

May 16, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On May 16, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "a former officer of a defunct Islamic charity pleaded not guilty Monday to federal charges of lying to authorities investigating the group's alleged ties to terrorist organizations. Muhamed Mubayyid was released on bond and given an electronic monitoring bracelet after a court...

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Opinion: “Islam’s Encounter with American Culture: Making Sense of the Progressive Muslim Agenda”

May 16, 2005

Source: The Milli Gazette

On May 16, 2005 The Milli Gazette ran an opinion piece by Dr. Louay M. Safi, who serves as the executive director of the ISNA Leadership Development Center. "The Progressive Muslim Union (PMU)’s drive to realign Islam to progressive values has stirred a controversy that was felt beyond the American shores. While the...

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Islam Used as Interrogation Tool at Guantanamo

May 16, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On May 16, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "Army Sgt. Erik Saar couldn't wait to get to Guant�namo Bay to help ferret information from the terrorists being held there. When the intelligence linguist arrived, however, he was startled to hear the Muslim call to prayer. Why, he wondered, would America make such a 'concession to the religious zealotry' of the detainees?...

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Arrests Occur After Muslim Clashes

May 15, 2005

Source: BBC News

On May 15, 2005 BBC News reported, "Police in northern Nigeria have arrested 43 people after two days of clashes between Muslim sects which left two people dead and many injured. Shia and Sunni Muslims in the town of Sokoto have been in dispute since the start of the year over access to the two central mosques. The predominantly Muslim town of Sokoto is home to the Sultan of Sokoto. He is the spiritual...

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Muslim Students Seek Places to Pray at School

May 14, 2005

Source: The Argus

On May 14, 2005 The Argus reported, "many Americans this month celebrated the national day of prayer. But for Muslims, every day is a day of prayer. In many Muslim countries, believers are called to prayer five times a day — from sunrise until about 9 p.m. — on a loudspeaker from a mosque... But, for some American-Muslim students, doing so can be a challenge, especially if they are at high...

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Schoolgirl Punished for Muslim Dress

May 14, 2005

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

On May 14, 2005 The Sydney Morning Herald reported, "When Yasamin Alttahir started wearing her mantoo to school more than two years ago, fellow Muslims congratulated her on the strength of her faith. But the body-length religious tunic has since landed the...

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Muslim Anti-terrorism Group Leader Readies Rally in Washington

May 13, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On May 13, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "Kamal Nawash would like to see tens of thousands of Muslim Americans join his March Against Terrorism tomorrow morning at Freedom Plaza, but he likely won't. Only a few hundred showed up to another group's anti-terrorism march in Phoenix last April, and on his permit application,...

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Many Die at Anti-American Protests

May 13, 2005

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,1490338.story?coll=la-headlines-world

On May 13, 2005 the Los Angeles Times reported, "Three people were killed and dozens were wounded in anti-American demonstrations Thursday, the third day of protests that followed reports of interrogators desecrating copies of Islam's holy book at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo...

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Mexican Government Monitoring Muslims as Part of Agreement with US Officials

May 13, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

On May 13, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Mexico's government is monitoring the country's tiny Islamic communities as part of an arrangement with U.S. authorities, the federal attorney general's office confirmed Friday.

Officials on Friday confirmed statements made the...

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