
Palos Heights, Chicago: Controversy over Sale of Church to Muslims

May 24, 2000

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

On May 24, 2000, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that "Plans to open a mosque in Palos Heights have upset residents and prompted some City Council members to consider derailing the plan by condemning the property the mosque wants to purchase." The Al Salam Mosque Foundation wanted to buy "the Reformed Church of Palos Heights' building." Residents say they fear increased traffic and would like to use the building for a new recreation center. "But a less vocal group in the south suburb also has expressed fears about the people...

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Opposition to ISKCON Temple in California

May 24, 2000

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On May 24, 2000, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on the Planning Commission meeting that addressed opposition to the temple based on its proximity to homes. "Hare Krishna officials counter that argument with a survey they conducted: Of Escondido's 65 churches, they say, 45 are near homes." The Planning Commission approved the plans.

Opposition to ISKCON Temple in California

May 23, 2000

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On May 23, 2000, The San Diego Union-Tribune published an article entitled, "Krishnas Find Their Mecca: Leaders Say Escondido Site is 'Perfect' for Temple; Neighbors Disagree." In order to meet traditional Hindu guidelines the site must be "high in the south, sloped in the north, have hills to the east and be open to the west. It must have a single road on the north, and water flowing through it. The soil must be light-colored and the land sweet-smelling." And this site in Escondito, CA is less than a 20 minute...

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Arab-American Muslims and Organ Donation

May 20, 2000

Source: The New York Times

On May 20, 2000, The New York Times published an article on the issues for Arab-American Muslims surrounding organ donation, which is said to be forbidden for Muslims because they are supposed to return to God in Heaven in the same body. Najah Bazzy, a 40-year-old Lebanese nurse, is spearheading an initiative to include in Islamic wills a section for organ donation: "There is a saying in Islam: He who saves a life saves humanity...Why are we so eager to take our organs with us and give up the opportunity to save a life? How do I...

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Muslim Women Proclaim the Freedom of Hijab

May 19, 2000

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On May 19, 2000, The Columbus Dispatch reported that "The Koran calls for both Muslim women and men to dress modestly in public. Although Islam doesn't specify a style or form of dress, Suzanne Haneef writes in her book What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims that a woman is required to 'be completely covered except for her hands and face and that her dress should conceal her form, be loose and nontransparent, and not of a kind to attract attention by its beauty. Many non-Muslim women might think of such dress...

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Muslim Police Officers in New Jersey Settle Discrimination Lawsuit

May 19, 2000

Source: The New York Times

On May 19, 2000, The New York Times reported that 33 Sunni Muslim police officers settled a federal lawsuit against the New Jersey State Department of Corrections in regard to banned beards. The officers claimed they were being discriminated against because the Department required that a religious leader certify that an officer's beard was being grown out of religious obligation. The Department of Corrections decided to eliminate the third-party certification.

Muslim Prohibition on Paying Interest Creates Challenges for Homeownership

May 18, 2000

Source: Star Tribune

On May 18, 2000, the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis will be hosting a daylong meeting entitled, "Homeownership 2000: Meeting the Needs of New Communities" which will include a cooperative model for Islamic financing that is working in Toronto, New York City, Houston, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Minnesota's Muslim population has doubled over the past five years, mostly due to a large number of African Muslim immigrants. The Minneapolis branch of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recognized the challenges...

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Jewish Council Honors Muslim Leader in St. Louis, Missouri

May 10, 2000

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On May 10, 2000, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that imam Waheed Rana was awarded the Norman A. Stack award by the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis for his work building bridges between the Muslim and Jewish communities. Rana is a founder of the Islamic Center in St. Louis and serves as the imam at the Daar-ul-Islam Masjid in St. Louis. Rana, accepting the award, stated: "We need each other...We are all the children of Abraham."

Muslim Advocacy Efforts

April 22, 2000

Source: The Denver Rocky Mountain News

On April 22, 2000, the Denver Rocky Mountain News reported that Colorado Arabs and Muslims are claiming that the new Hollywood film, 'Rules of Engagement', is racist for its portrayal of the people of Yemen. Husni S. Sayed, who was among dozens of demonstrators outside the Carmike 10 Theatre in Colorado, stated: "We are tired of being bashed, and we're not going to take it anymore...This movie...portrays all people of Yemen as liars and cheaters. It basically portrayed Yemen as fertile ground for breeding terrorists,...

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Muslim Advocacy Efforts

April 21, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On April 21, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that it is removing controversial advertisements for the newspaper depicting bikini-clad women and chador-covered Islamic women. James Helin, the chief marketing officer for the Los Angeles Times, said the advertisements were being removed because they "have had their life": "People have seen it and had very strong reactions to it. We're not going to get much more mileage from it." The advertisements were protested by Muslim and feminist organizations and over 200 people on the Los...

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Protests by Muslims and Women Over Ad Campaign in Los Angeles Times

April 15, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On April 15, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Feminist Majority Foundation and the local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have demanded that the Los Angeles Times pull parts of an advertising campaign that the groups claim are offensive. A $15-million advertising campaign in print and on television by the Los Angeles Times, tied with the slogan "Connecting Us to The Times," contains juxtaposed images of Southern California life with scenes representing Muslim societies in some of their ads....

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Speaking Tour by Yusuf Islam (Formerly Cat Stevens)

April 8, 2000

Source: The Boston Globe

On April 8, 2000, The Boston Globe published an article on Yusuf Islam, the popular singer/songwriter who used to be known as Cat Stevens, and his speaking tour around the United States about his life-long spiritual journey and his conversion to Islam. In a recent appearance at Harvard University, Yusuf Islam spoke of his flirting with Buddhism, astrology, and Pythagorean numerology in his quest for truth. He was introduced to Islam when his brother gave him a copy of the Koran. When he read the Koran, Islam stated: "I found my...

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