
Op Ed: "Islam is One Above Others, Not First Among Equals"

January 11, 2006

Source: malaysiakini

On January 11, 2006 malaysiakini ran an opinion piece by Baki Minuddin, who argues against the embrace of an interfaith commission by the Malaysian government. Minuddin writes, "[A] group of highly educated Muslim Malays who know very little about Islamic rules, have, in their liberal beliefs, taken the high ground which has further undermined their own religion. For instance, these high and mighty individuals have...

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Quake Survivors Celebrate Eid al-Adha

January 11, 2006

Source: ABC News

Wire Service: AP

On January 11, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Sweet-scented incense smoke rose from newly decorated graves Wednesday as mourners paying respects to those lost in the South Asian earthquake marked the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, the feast of sacrifice.

'This Eid is not being celebrated happily,' businessman Ibrar Shah said...

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Muslims Distance Themselves from Efforts to Curb Religious Intolerance

January 11, 2006

Source: The Daily Times

On January 11, 2006 The Daily Times reported, "Moselms from the Northern Region have distanced themselves from recent efforts by the Public Affairs Committee (Pac) aimed at curbing religious intolerance in the country, saying they were not consulted. The religious community comprising all major religious groups in the country met in February last year under the umbrella of Pac to...

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Muslim Religious Obligations Provide Learning Moments for Huntsville Residents

January 11, 2006

Source: The Huntsville Times

On January 11, 2006 The Huntsville Times reported, "More than 100... homeless clients enjoyed lunches brought to First Stop [a day center for the homeless in Huntsville] Tuesday by members of Masjid Tauhid, a predominantly black mosque; the Huntsville Islamic Center, a predominantly Sunni Muslim mosque; and the Alabama...

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Muslim Council of Britain Leader Facing Investigation After Anti-Gay Remarks

January 11, 2006

Source: Ekklesia

On January 11, 2006 Ekklesia reported, "Sir Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, is facing an investigation by police under the Public Order Act following a complaint about comments he made on the radio concerning lesbian and gay people, reports the BBC.

In an interview on Radio 4's PM Programme on 3 January...

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Muslim Parents Protest School Testing on Eid-al Adha

January 10, 2006

Source: Newsday

Wire Service: AP,0,4049610.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

On January 10, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Muslim parents and a city councilman criticized the city and state education departments for beginning testing of the state's elementary schoolchildren on...

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Muslim Studies Program Begins at Michigan State University

January 10, 2006

Source: Lansing State Journal


On January 10, 2006 the Lansing State Journal reported, "There is no shortage of misconceptions about the Muslim world. 'In the minds of many people, Islam has become synonymous with terrorism, with fundamentalism, with extremism,' said Mohammed Ayoob, a professor of international relations at Michigan State University's James Madison College. Part of the purpose behind a newly established Muslim Studies program at MSU, a...

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President Offers Celebratory Message on Eid al-Adha

January 9, 2006

Source: Office of the Press Secretary at the White House

On January 9, 2006 the Office of the Press Secretary at the White House issued the following statement from President George Bush, "I send greetings to Muslims around the world as you celebrate Eid al-Adha. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham placed his faith in God above all else. During Eid al-Adha, Muslims celebrate...

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Muslims Clash Over Stores Selling Liquor in Oakland

January 9, 2006

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP


On January 9, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Dressed in bow ties and dark suits, nearly a dozen men carrying metal pipes entered a corner store, shattered refrigerator cases and smashed bottles of liquor, wine and beer, terrifying the clerk but stealing nothing. The just wanted to leave a message: Stop selling alcohol to fellow Muslims. In urban America, friction between poor residents...

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