
Call for Calm from Muslim Groups Amidst Rioting Over Cartoons

February 8, 2006

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP;_ylt=AkoEU2aF_c5A5KocQHzGWsfbEfQA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

On February 8, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Police shot four protesters to death Wednesday to stop hundreds from marching on a southern U.S. military base, as...

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CAIR Condemns Iranian Newspaper's Plan to Solicit Cartoons about the Holocaust

February 8, 2006

Source: CAIR Press Release

On February 8, 2006 a CAIR Press Release reported, "The Council on American-Islamic Relations today condemned a plan by an Iranian newspaper to solicit cartoons denying the Nazi Holocaust.

Iran’s Hamshahri newspaper says the contest is in reaction to the publication in Europe of cartoons mocking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. The...

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Group Says Removal of Cross from School's "Hot Cross Buns" Was "Nonsensical"

February 7, 2006

Opinion: "The Clash to End All Clashes?"

February 7, 2006

Source: National Review

On February 7, 2006 the National Review reported, "In light of the anger unleashed, National Review Online asked some experts on Islam and/or the Mideast for their read on what's going on and what can/should be done. We asked each: Is this a clash of civilizations we're watching? What can be done? By Muslims? By everyone else?... Mustafa Akyol, a Turkish Muslim writer based...

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Cartoons Unlikely to Be Found Offensive Under Racial & Religious Tolerance Act

February 7, 2006

Source: The Advertiser,5936,18068524%255E1702,00.html

On February 7, 2006 The Advertiser reported, "The controversial cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, which have caused outrage around the Islamic world, are unlikely to be found offensive under Victoria's anti-vilification laws. The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act deals with behaviour that incites hatred, serious contempt,...

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Editorial: "Both Sides at Fault in Cartoon Row"

February 7, 2006

Source: The Nation

On February 7, 2006 The Nation ran an editorial on the controversy surrounding a Danish newspaper's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The editorial staff commented, "Rioting crowds baying for blood and causing mayhem in the Muslim world and defenders of freedom of expression using it as a licence to insult others have a thing or two to learn from...

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Most Australian Media Outlets Refrain from Publishing Controversial Cartoons

February 7, 2006

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald/AAP

On February 7, 2006 The Sydney Morning Herald/AAP reported, "Cartoons of the prophet Muhammad that have enraged the Muslim world have had limited exposure in Australia, where the mainstream media has taken the pragmatic...

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Condemnation of Cartoons of the Prophet by the Hindu American Foundation

February 7, 2006

Source: Hindu American Foundation press release

On February 7, 2006 a Hindu American Foundation press release reported, "The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) condemned today a collection of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed that were first published by a Danish newspaper... 'Though as Americans we are committed to freedom of speech and expression, cartoonists...

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American Muslim Leaders Discuss Concerns with Danish Ambassador

February 7, 2006

Source: Muslim Public Affairs Council press release

On February 7, 2006 a Muslim Public Affairs Council press release reported, "In a united effort, through a meeting coordinated by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, representatives of national Muslim organizations working to combat defamation from Danish media met with Friis Arne Peterson, Ambassador of Denmark to the United States. The representatives expressed...

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Opinion: "Riots Over Muhammad Cartoons Challenge Freedoms"

February 7, 2006

Source: First Amendment Center Press Release

On February 7, 2006 a First Amendment Center Press Release issued a statement by Gene Policinski, executive director the First Amendment Center, on the controversy over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Policinski writes, "But for the protections of the First Amendment, what is this nation’s 'marketplace of ideas' likely would be a great deal smaller...

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