
Opinion: "Citizenship Questionnaire" Shows Anti-Muslim Bias

February 2, 2006

Source: The Boston Globe

On February 2, 2006 The Boston Globe ran an opinion piece by columnist H.D.S. Greenway, who writes, "German liberals and Muslims... are outraged over a questionnaire that the state proposes to put before those seeking German citizenship... [S]ince January, if the authorities...

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Chief Rabbi and Other Jewish Leaders Condemn Cartoons of Muhammad

February 2, 2006

Source: Muslim American Society/European Jewish Press

On February 2, 2006 the European Jewish Press reported, "France's chief rabbi Joseph Sitruk and the central Jewish Consistoire joined their Muslim and Christian counterparts on Thursday denouncing press drawings portraying Islamic prophet Muhammad... 'I share the anger of Muslims following this publication,” said Sitruk after a scheduled meeting with French Prime...

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American Muslims Embrace "Ameen" as a Rite of Passage

February 2, 2006

Source: The Washington Post

Wire Service: AP

On February 2, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "In the world of religion, there are certain milestones. Young Roman Catholics have confirmation and, along with some young Protestants, first Communions. Now a growing Muslim population in America is importing a rite of passage...

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Judge Apologizes for Ordering Woman to Leave Court for Not Removing Headscarf

February 1, 2006

Source: U.S. Newswire

On February 1, 2006 a U.S. Newswire Press Release stated, "The Seattle, Wash., office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Seattle) today thanked a Tacoma judge who offered an apology to a Muslim woman who was ejected from court for refusing to remove her religiously- mandated headscarf. CAIR-Seattle also applauded a new policy being formulated to allow religious exemptions to...

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Senator Shaw Named to CAIR Board

February 1, 2006

Source: The News and Observer

Wire Service: AP

On February 1, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "A North Carolina senator has been elected to the board of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an Islamic civil rights and advocacy group. CAIR announced the appointment of Sen. Larry Shaw, a Democrat from Cumberland County and a Muslim, on...

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Update: Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace Calls on Radio Station to Repudiate Hate Programming

February 1, 2006

Source: Yahoo! News/CAIR Press Release

On February 1, 2006 a Council on American Islamic Relations Press Release reported, "On Thursday, February 2, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) will hold a news conference outside KFI-AM 640 radio [in Burbank] to urge that station officials repudiate anti-Muslim hate programming... ICUJP says the news conference was prompted by an e-mail from a KFI...

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Interfaith Leaders Pledge to Build Peace in Region

January 31, 2006

Source: Information Service for Africa

On January 31, 2006 Catholic Information Service for Africa reported, "Interfaith leaders from West Africa and the United States meeting in Liberia vowed to work together to monitor government activity, promote justice and equality, and minimize corruption to help achieve lasting peace in the region. Regional faith leaders committing to the initiative included...

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Interfaith Coffee Coop Thrives

January 30, 2006

Source: Yes!

On January 30, 2006 Yes! reported, "Mirembe Kawomera coffee delivers a double jolt. First, there’s the caffeine, but right behind that tang comes the jolt of learning that the arabica beans were sold by an alliance of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Ugandan farmers. This unique cooperative in the Mbale region of Uganda is Mirembe Kawomera—Delicious Peace. Their coffee comes to market fairly traded,...

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Letter: "Honourable Fellow Citizens of the Muslim World"

January 30, 2006

Source: Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten

On January 30, 2006 Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten ran a letter from the paper's editor in response to the controversy generated over this paper's publication of a series of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in September 2005. Editor-in-Chief Carsten Juste writes, "Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten is a strong proponent of democracy and freedom of religion. The newspaper respects the right of any...

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University of Nevada-Las Vegas Holds Interfaith Barbeque

January 30, 2006

Source: The Rebel Yell

On January 30, 2006 The Rebel Yell reported, "About 50 people gathered at the Newman Center [at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas] Thursday to eat barbequed food and interact with UNLV students of different backgrounds and faiths... For some, it was their first time visiting the Newman Center. Most were members, but others had heard about the event from friends. Some attendees were small children,...

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Buddhist and Muslim Women Grieve Side by Side in �Widows Village�

January 30, 2006

Source: Gulfnews

Wire Service: Reuters

On January 30, 2006 Reuters reported, "In a remote rice paddy in Thailand's violence-torn south, a new village offers solace to dozens of women who lost their men to bombs and bullets. It is known as 'Widows' Village.'

Amid rows of new wooden homes, Muslims and Buddhists live side-by-side united in the grief wrought during a 2-...

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Danish Company Makes a Plea to End Boycott of Danish Goods Following Cartoon Row

January 28, 2006

Source: BBC News

On January 28, 2006 BBC News reported, "The Danish company Arla has placed advertisements in Middle Eastern newspapers to try to stop a boycott of Danish produce in Muslim countries. The firm is responding to anger about a series of caricatures depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper. A spokesman said Arla was facing consumer pressure to dissociate itself from the cartoons. The paper...

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Interfaith Rally Condemns Hate Crime Against North Austin Mosque

January 27, 2006


On January 27, 2006 reported, "In a show of solidarity, members of various religious groups gathered at an Islamic center in Northwest Austin Thursday night to condemn the actions of those who vandalized the property last weekend. Many who saw the defacement say it was a hate crime. The rally was organized by Austin-area inter-...

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Utah Muslims Miss the Punch Line in Albert Brooks’ New Movie

January 27, 2006

Source: The Salt Lake Tribune

On January 27, 2006 The Salt Lake Tribune reported, "Albert Brooks' film ['Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World'] fails to impress a group of Utah Muslims, who feel it falls back on easy stereotypes and misses an opportunity to convey an important message. They walked into the theater with high hopes -- hankering for laughs and, even more, for a film that would promote Muslim understanding. What they found...

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