
"Building Bridges" Interfaith Dinner Links Muslims with African and Latino-Americans

May 4, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,7416986.story

On May 4, 2003 Newsday reported that "on the evening of April 24, a group of local Arabs held a special 'Building Bridges' dinner to create friendships and alliances with activists in the African-American and Latino communities... 'We have more in common and we must come together,' said Bishop Vincent Cooper, an African-American and pastor of White Rock...

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Assemblyman Roger Green Reflects on His Muslim Faith

May 3, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,2446578.story

On May 3, 2003 Newsday reported that "speaking publicly about it for the first time, [Roger] Green told Newsday last week he has been a practicing Muslim for more than 30 years. He is the only Muslim elected official in New York State, he and others say... In a telephone interview from Albany, Green said he has been reflecting deeply on his Muslim faith lately......

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Editorial: Dear President Bush

May 2, 2003

Source: Mercury News

On May 2, 2003 the Mercury News printed an open letter to the President stating that "the mixed messages your administration sends on religious tolerance are painful to many. You can refer to Islam as a religion of peace, but when you nominate Daniel Pipes to the U.S. Institute of Peace and invite the Rev. Franklin Graham to lead services at the Pentagon, and maintain a cozy...

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Dickinson College Students Map Religious Diversity of Pennsylvania

May 2, 2003

Source: Penn Live

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On May 2, 2003 Penn Live reported that "students in a New American Religious Diversity class at Dickinson College [PA] this semester did fieldwork just a short ride from their dorms in Carlisle... The students were welcomed as Muslims prayed at a mosque in Steelton, Hindus read aloud the Ramayana at a temple in Fairview, and Buddhists drummed and chanted in a Columbia temple that used...

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Update: Interfaith Prayers at Muncie City Hall

May 2, 2003

Source: Indy Star

On May 2, 2003 the Indy Star reported that "the Christians prayed, and so did Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Bahais, for one nation under God, indivisible... But they did so in separate services Thursday honoring the National Day of Prayer, challenging the very meaning of an observance meant to unite all Americans... At noon, an estimated 125 people gathered for an hourlong service on the...

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Multifaith Group Calls on Bush to End U.S. Occupation of Iraq

May 1, 2003

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

On May 1, 2003 the San Francisco Chronicle reported that "top religious leaders from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths have called on President Bush to renounce 'first strike war,' end the U.S. occupation of Iraq and let the United Nations lead reconstruction efforts there... Their statement was released in Chicago on Wednesday at the end of a two...

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Update: Interfaith Prayers at Muncie City Hall

May 1, 2003

Source: Indy Star

On May 1, 2003 the Indy Star reported that "a decision to ban Jews, Muslims and others who don't pray in the name of Jesus from fully participating in a National Day of Prayer service in downtown Muncie today has turned a communal expression of civic pride into a symbol of religious division... Even though everyone is welcome to pray outside City Hall at noon today, the evangelical...

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Update: Hate Crimes on UC Berkeley's Campus

April 30, 2003

Source: UC Berkeley News

On April 30, 2003 UC Berkeley News reported that "for some students, Berkeley’s reputation as a place of tolerance and acceptance doesn’t quite match their reality... Last spring, Berkeley Hillel, a Jewish student center, was marked by anti-Jewish graffiti and had a brick thrown through one of its windows. On Christmas Eve, a swastika and Aryan Nation symbol...

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National Council of Churches Summit Issues Multifaith Principles Toward Peace

April 30, 2003

Source: National Council of Churches

On April 30, 2003 National Council of Churches reported that "as President Bush prepared his Thursday evening address to announce 'the end of the Iraq war,' more than 75 Muslim, Christian, Jewish and other faith leaders from across the United States converged on Chicago to issue a set of principles to lead toward a peaceful future. The summit addressed the humanitarian, spiritual and civil costs of war...

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Morton Grove Village Board Rejects Mosque Proposal

April 29, 2003

Source: Chicago Tribune

On April 29, 2003 the Chicago Tribune reported that "the Morton Grove Village Board [IL]unanimously rejected a proposal Monday night for a mosque that drew heavy opposition from residents who said it would create traffic and parking problems... But trustees made it clear that the Muslim Education Center, a school at 8601 Menard Ave., could submit a new plan and repeat the process before the Plan Commission and Village...

Read more about Morton Grove Village Board Rejects Mosque Proposal

Illinois Islamic Center Vandalized

April 28, 2003

Source: The Southern Illinois

On April 28, 2003 The Southern Illinois reported that "sometime late Sunday night or early Monday, vandals had sprayed messages in black paint on the pale yellow siding and light-colored doors of the... Islamic Center on Poplar Street... Police were contacted at 11:25 a.m. by a passerby who saw the damage. Construction workers nearby said the damage was...

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