
Mosque Vandalized in Columbus, Ohio

January 3, 2002

Source: The Associated Press

On January 3, 2002, the Associated Press reported "Aid After Mosque Vandalized in Ohio." The article noted that "Non-Muslims have offered space, money and other support for worshippers after vandals drilled holes in the floors of the city's oldest mosque, ripped up copies of the Quran and pulled water pipes from walls." Offers of space and support have come from the...

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Arab American Secret Service Agent Denied Access to Flight

January 3, 2002

Source: American Airlines

On January 3, 2002, American Airlines issued a press release entitled "American holds firm on protecting the safety of its passengers" in reference to the removal of a secret service agent from a flight. The release stated, in part: "American carries out its security obligations according to the guidelines provided by the Federal government. Those guidelines are applied equally among all passengers,...

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Bay Area Muslim School also Educates Visitors

January 2, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On January 2, 2002, The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the Granada Islamic School in Santa Clara, CA is a place stuents learn about Islam and get a good education. "Lately, it's also become the place where they explain to visitors from the press and the neighboring community just what it's like to be both Muslim and American... Students said they didn't feel different until after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, when school closed for four days. Families, worried about being blamed, kept women and children indoors...

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Council on American-Islamic Relations Continues Outreach

January 1, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On January 1, 2002, The Columbus Dispatch reported that "members of the Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations have been trying to teach people about Islam since long before the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States... They say more education is needed because Muslims have not been represented properly in the news media... 'We are the first to say that terrorism is against our religion, so why is it I have to prove my patriotism?' said Ahmad Al-Akhras, president of the Ohio chapter... To curb ignorance about...

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Renewed Hope for Jewish-Muslim Relations in America

December 30, 2001

Source: Los Angeles Times

On December 30, 2001, the Los Angeles Times reported that "as 2002 dawns, relations between Jews and Muslims... in the United States are tense at best, murderous at worst... In this country, the Jewish community has been resentful at the failure of Muslim organizations to condemn terrorist attacks in Israel, and these groups are angry that U.S. Jewish groups haven't spoken out about the plight of the Palestinians. In the midst of this grim standoff, at least a few hopeful signs exist that relations between Jews and Muslims in...

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Editorial: "How to Define a Muslim American Agenda"

December 29, 2001

Source: The New York Times

On December 29, 2001, The New York Times featured an editorial by Dr. Mohammed Ayoob, a professor at Michigan State University. He argues that before September 11, the American Muslim leadership rarely condemned extremist Islam. "Behind this silence lies a mind-set that needs to be drastically reshaped. Muslims, especially first-generation immigrants, need to define themselves as Muslim Americans -- with a focus on issues in this country." He continued, "Unfortunately, the appropriation of the Muslim agenda by special-interest...

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Minnesota Muslim Women Speak Out

December 29, 2001

Source: Star Tribune

On December 29, 2001, The Star Tribune featured an article entitled "Faces of Islam" on Muslim women in Minnesota. "For some Twin Cities women, a search for spiritual fulfillment has led them to Islam. They gather weekly and find strength in their Halaqa, or Circle of Faith" a women's group that studies the Qur'an. "Most of the members are converts, but a few are Muslim-born. They all seek spiritual fulfillment in Islam... Women in the circle said the idea that every woman who wears a hijab, as the head scarf is commonly called, does...

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Editorial: "Protecting communities from the tenacity of hate"

December 28, 2001

Source: The Seattle Times

On December 28, 2001, The Seattle Times featured an editorial by Pramila Jayapal, "Protecting communities from the tenacity of hate." She writes, "On Dec. 13, a 47-year-old Sikh man was shot to death at the gas station he owned in New Haven, Conn. Eight days before that, the offices of the Arab American Action Network in Chicago were set...

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