
India's Diverse Faiths Participate in Ganesh Festival

August 31, 2006

Source: Hindustan Times,000600010004.htm

On August 31, 2006 the Hindustan Times reported, "At Marine Lines, fruit seller Chand Sheikh, a 26-year-old Muslim, had been such a devout follower of Lord Ganesha since childhood that he was elected president of the local mandal [temple] and has already occupied that post for five years. In Bhandup, practising Sikh Balbir Singh, an actor, has brought an idol home this...

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Next Generation of Muslim-Americans Increasingly Pursue Careers in Law

August 31, 2006

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency

On August 31, 2006 Inter Press Service reported, "His name is Junaid Ahmad. He is 24 years old. And he is among a rapidly increasing number of first generation Muslim-Americans who have decided to pursue careers in the law. Ahmad, who was born in Chicago, Illinois after his parents emigrated to the United States from Pakistan in 1973, is a second-year student at William and Mary Law School...

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Separation of Mosque and State, and Secularism, Under Threat in Turkey

August 31, 2006

Source: BBC News

On August 31, 2006 BBC News reported, "Turkey's government strongly denies that it wants to undermine secularism. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, an eager proponent of Turkey joining the European Union, recently stressed the need to 'strengthen democracy, secularism... and the rule of law.' But there is an increasing number of people in Turkey who doubt his...

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Update: Judge Rules that Throwing Pig's Head into Lewiston Islamic Center was Racially Motivated, Violation of Civil Rights Act

August 31, 2006

Source: WCSH6

On August 31, 2006 WCSH6 reported, "A judge ruled Thursday that 33-year-old Brent Matthews violated Maine's Civil Rights Act when he tossed a pig's head into a Lewiston mosque earlier this summer. Matthews has never denied that he tossed the pig's head into the Lewiston Islamic Center. He has said all along it was a practical joke.

Justice Ellen Gorman said there was nothing remotely funny...

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Royal Navy Appoints Highest-Ranking Muslim Officer, Rear Admiral Hussain

August 31, 2006

Source: BBC News

On August 31, 2006 BBC News reported, "A 48-year-old senior officer who joined the Royal Navy in 1977 has been appointed rear admiral and becomes the highest ranking Muslim in the service. Commodore Amjad Hussain, who lives in Hertfordshire, will head the defence logistics organisation in Bath. His last posting was at Portsmouth where he was the naval base commander. He is an outspoken...

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US-born Teen and Father from Lodi Prohibited from Entering US

August 30, 2006

Source: Reuters

On August 30, 2006 Reuters reported, "A Pakistani-American born in the United States said on Wednesday he has been barred from re-entering the country apparently because he chose the wrong person to list in the emergency contact portion of his U.S. passport. Jaber Ismail, 18, and his 45-year-old father, Muhammed, a naturalized citizen, five years ago listed as an emergency...

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In Detroit, an Interfaith Dialogue: "Are You as Confused about the Middle East as I Am?"

August 30, 2006

Source: The Arab American News

On August 30, 2006 The Arab American News reported, "A Christian, Jewish and Muslim panel gathered earlier this week to discuss the importance of the Holy Land in their faiths.

St. Peter Catholic Church in Harper Woods hosted the event, 'Are You As Confused About The Middle East As I Am?' on Tuesday. About 35 attendees, the majority of them senior citizens...

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Opinion: "Qatar Leads the Way" by President of Caspian Energy Consulting

August 29, 2006

Source: The Washington Times

On August 29, 2006 The Washington Times ran an opinion piece by S. Rob Sobhani, president of Caspian Energy Consulting. "As the world focuses on the conflict between Israel and Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, a quiet revolution to remove oppression and despair that often leads to terrorism is taking place in neighboring Qatar under the leadership of a dynamic and charismatic woman....

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French Muslims and the "Politics of Assimilation"

August 29, 2006

Source: Foreign Affairs

It its September/October 2006 edition Foreign Affairs reported, "Over the past few years, terrorist bombings of the public transport systems of Madrid and London have sparked fears that Europe may be breeding its own crop of indigenous jihadists. Less understandably, those events have also sometimes been...

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Sikhs Help Enforce Ceasefire in Lebanon

August 29, 2006

Source: Sikh Sangat

On August 29, 2006 the Sikh Sangat reported, "The men of the 28-year-old United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) continue observing, patrolling, and delivering humanitarian assistance in south Lebanon while they wait for reinforcements to help enforce a ceasefire between Israel and the Hezbollah Shiite militia... About 650 soldiers from India's 4th Battalion, Sikh Regiment, along with a...

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