
Court Rules Against Egyptian Convert

February 5, 2008

Author: Peter Lamprecht

Source: Christian News Today

In a blow to religious freedom in Egypt, a Cairo court has ruled against a Muslim convert to Christianity who requested that his religious affiliation be changed.

Judge Muhammad Husseini said in a verdict on Tuesday (January 29) that it was against Islamic law for a Muslim to leave Islam, a legal representative...

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First Woman to Lead Nation of Islam Mosque to Speak

February 5, 2008


Source: Detroit Free Press

Ava Muhammad, the first woman to head a mosque in the Nation of Islam, is scheduled to speak today about the presidential election at Wayne County Community College District in Detroit.

Muhammad is the national spokeswoman for the Nation of Islam and its...

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Gov't Shuts Down E. J'lem Religious Center, Calls it Hamas Front

February 5, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Haaretz

Wire Service: AP

Israel has shut down a religious and educational center in East Jerusalem, saying Tuesday it served as a front for the violently anti-Israel Islamic Hamas group.

According to a police statement Tuesday, the Education Club in the Zur Baher village is run by Hamas activists, financed by the Islamic group, and...

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Scouts Have Faith

February 4, 2008


Source: The Wichita Eagle

After serving apple-chicken salad in pastry shells, cucumber tea sandwiches, smoked salmon and asparagus crustini, summer berry tarts, pink lemonade with kiwi, and tea, members of Danah Salem's Girl Scout troop did a lively rendition of the Macarena dance.

There was a purpose to this dance, the grand finale of the troop's mother-daughter...

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Terrorism Phrasebook to Put Officials on Guard

February 4, 2008

Author: Stephanie Condron

Source: The Times

Hundreds of guides telling town hall officials and police how to talk about terrorism without causing offence to Muslims have been distributed in the past few weeks.

The guide, written by Home Office civil servants, suggest that instead of talking about Muslim or Islamic extremism, officials should instead say “...

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Some Non-Christians Feel Left Out of Election

February 3, 2008

Author: Ed Stoddard

Source: Reuters

DALLAS (Reuters) - In a U.S. election campaign where presidential candidates from both major parties have talked openly about their Christian faith, some non-Christians feel shut out or turned off.

Despite the constitutional separation of church and state, religion plays a big and sometimes decisive role in politics in America...

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Schools Twin with Madrasahs to Fight Radicalism

February 3, 2008

Author: Marie Woolf

Source: The Times

BRITISH schools are to be twinned with madrasahs in Pakistan to show pupils there how much they have in common with children in the West and to combat extreme Islamist ideology.

The British Council is to put £6m into linking British schools with classrooms in countries where children may be at risk of being groomed by...

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Armstrong: Fate of Pakistan Pivotal

February 3, 2008

Author: Simon Cameron-Moore

Source: Reuters

The future of Pakistan, and how it balances the need for Muslim symbols with the secularism needed to run a modern state, will be important for the future of the world, according to historian and theologian Karen Armstrong.

Nuclear-armed and reaping the grim harvest of "extremism" resulting from the West's support for a religious war...

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German Kids' Book Ridicules Judaism, Christianity and Islam - Authorities Consider Ban

February 2, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Israel News

The German Family Ministry is pushing to have a book it says slurs Judaism, Christianity and Islam labeled dangerous for children. The book's publisher says kids have a right to enlightenment.

The German Family Ministry is pushing for the children's book "How Do I Get to God, Asked the Small Piglet," by written by Michael Schmidt-Salomon and illustrated by Helge...

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British Bishop Says he Faces Threats after Comments on Islamic Extremism

February 2, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: CNews

Wire Service: AP

An Anglican bishop who said Islamic extremism is creating "no-go areas" for non-Muslims in Britain says he has received death threats, and a British news agency reported Saturday that he is being given police protection.

Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali, the bishop of Rochester, raised hackles...

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125,000 Secular Turks Protest over Islamic Head Scarf

February 2, 2008

Author: Selcan Hacaoglu

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune

Wire Service: AP

Some 125,000 Turks, mostly women, denounced the government on Saturday over its plans to lift a decades-old ban on Islamic head scarves at universities in the mainly Muslim but secular nation.

Many Turks, including the country's...

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