
Albuquerque Learns More about its Immigrant Communities

August 24, 2002

Source: Albuquerque Tribune

On August 24, 2002 the Albuquerque Tribune reported that "three local organizations have teamed up to survey how people born abroad hold on to their culture... language, art and religion [in Albuquerque, New Mexico]... the survey... is aimed at identifying and documenting about 45 ethnic groups with populations of 750 or more... Funding slightly more than $60,000 comes from the city's Urban Enhancement Trust Fund, the National Endowment for the Arts, New Mexico Arts and the Arts Alliance...   Interviews are designed to find...

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Plans to Attack Florida Islamic Centers Uncovered

August 24, 2002

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On August 24, 2002 the St. Petersburg Times reported on the arrest of Robert Jay Goldstein, a 37-year-old podiatrist from Seminole, Florida who was "charged with possessing illegal bombs and attempting to damage Islamic centers... [He] had compiled a list of 50 Islamic centers and mosques in the Tampa Bay area and Florida, federal authorities said...

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Plans to Attack Florida Islamic Centers Uncovered

August 24, 2002

Source: The Tampa Tribune

On August 24, 2002, The Tampa Tribune reported that "one day after authorities say they stumbled upon a cache of munitions at his town house,... Robert Goldstein... was accused of planning to blow up roughly 50 mosques and Islamic centers in the Tampa Bay area and throughout the state [of Florida]... Federal agents say they found a meticulous, three-page 'mission template' to destroy an Islamic education center...

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New Survey Shows Majority of Muslims Experienced Support After September 11

August 23, 2002

Source: The Detroit News

On August 23, 2002 The Detroit News reported that "the terrorist attacks last Sept. 11 triggered acts of kindness, as well as bias toward Arab Americans and people of the Muslim faith, a survey released this week found... ���The nationwide survey, released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, found that 57 percent of Muslim Americans said they experienced bias after the...

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Controversy over Required Reading on Islam at University of North Carolina

August 20, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On August 20, 2002, The New York Times reported that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's "3,500 freshmen gathered today to discuss their summer reading assignment, which this year was a book about the Koran... The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va., upholding a district court finding from last week, ruled against... a conservative Christian group that had sued to stop them... In the courtroom, lawyers for the university had spent the weekend arguing that the discussions...

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New Jersey Mosque's Outreach Praised as Model for Muslim Communities

August 19, 2002

Source: The Associated Press

On August 19, 2002 The Associated Press reported that after September 11, "mosques around the country recoiled in fear of a backlash from angry Americans... But in Paterson, the northern New Jersey city... the community's leading mosque responded with openness... Leaders of the mosque welcomed outsiders into their center, held a blood drive and collected $15,000 for the Red Cross victims' fund, and offered classes explaining Islam to those of other faiths. They had Christian neighbors in for brunch, and still offer free...

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New Weekly Interfaith Radio Show to Air in Nebraska

August 17, 2002

Source: Omaha World-Herald

On August 17, 2002 the Omaha World-Herald reported that in Nebraska, "'Faith to Faith,' a new interfaith radio show, will debut Sept. 8...     The weekly show will discuss religious issues from several different faith perspectives, including Jewish, Christian and Muslim.  Guest panelists will address such topics as faith and ethics, creationism, forgiveness and the afterlife... During the first half of the hourlong show, local and national panelists of different religious persuasions will discuss a topic among themselves...

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Latino Muslims Receive More Attention and Support

August 17, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On August 17, 2002, The Houston Chronicle featured an article on the growing number of Latino Muslims in Texas and the U.S. "Some Hispanic Muslims in Houston say the general public often assumes they are of Middle Eastern or Pakistani origin because of their religion. But where they once were an unrecognized 'other' in demographic studies of American Muslim communities, the number of Hispanic converts to Islam is growing... A study of mosques in the United States published in 2001, indicated that about 6 percent of converts...

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Harvard Divinity School Names New Dean

August 17, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On August 17, 2002 The Boston Globe reported that "Harvard University this week named the first Islamicist - and the first layman - to head its venerable divinity school... A professor of Middle Eastern studies and religion history, William A. Graham is a recognized authority on the Koran and early Islamic literature. He has also studied Hindu and Buddhist texts. He speaks Arabic, French, and German fluently and reads Greek, Latin, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Persian, Sanskrit, and Pali, a Buddhist scriptural language."

Interfaith Group Focuses on Faith in the Workplace

August 16, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On August 16, 2002 The Columbus Dispatch reported that "for millennia, religions have addressed workplace ethics and business conduct. In recent months, however, such issues have been given heightened attention because of corporate scandals, widespread layoffs and the vast influence of corporations... Lama Kathy Wesley of the Karma Thegsum Choling Buddhist Meditation Center on the West Side, said people in her temple often come to her with questions about work relationships and duties. They sometimes express anxiety about...

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Controversy over Required Reading on Islam at University of North Carolina

August 16, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On August 16, 2002, The New York Times reported that "incoming freshmen at the University of North Carolina will participate in discussion groups on Islam's holy text after a judge ruled that having them read about the Quran did not threaten religious freedoms... U.S. District Court judge Carlton Tilley Jr. refused Thursday to grant a temporary restraining order requested by two taxpayers, one of them an official of the conservative Virginia-based Family Policy Network, and three unidentified freshmen."

Fatal Beating Arouses Fear in Brooklyn Muslim Community

August 14, 2002

Source: Newsday

On August 14, 2002 Newsday reported that a Muslim man, "Mizanur Rahman was beaten to death on a Brooklyn sidewalk Sunday night... The Muslim cleric at Masjid-Al- Aman Mosque [now] senses that fear has crept into the neighborhood's Bangladeshi community... �It became more apparent, said Imam Abusayeed Amin, when attendance at the sunrise prayer service fell by 50 percent on Monday and yesterday... Mohammed Haque, president of the governing committee at the mosque, said stories of members being attacked are common and recalled a case of a...

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Muslim and Activist Youth Gather to Discuss Discrimination

August 14, 2002

Source: San Jose Mercury News

On August 14, 2002 the San Jose Mercury News reported that "an ethnically diverse group of 60 students participated in... the first-ever meeting between the American Civil Liberties Union's Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project and the American Muslim Alliance Youth Think Tank, a group dedicated to getting Muslims involved in the political process... Much...

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Neighborhood Jews, Hindus and Muslims Come Together to Play Basketball

August 14, 2002

Source: New York Daily News

On August 14, 2002 the New York Daily News reported on a new basketball league experiment in Midwood, New York. The area has "long an enclave of Orthodox and conservative Jewish families - and, more recently, thousands of Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus... As waves of hatred and terror continue to flare in the Middle East, they are an experiment in peace." The league is a joint effort of the Council of Pakistan Organization and local Police. "'If they play together, they live together, spend hours together, the hatred may...

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