
Sulawesi Increases Security After Outbreak of Religious Violence

November 17, 2003

Source: BBC News

On November 17, 2003 the BBC News reported that "Indonesia has stepped up security in its central province of Sulawesi after a fresh outbreak of religious violence at the weekend. A Christian minister and his driver were found dead in a river near Poso, and Muslim crowds surrounded a police station to protest at recent killings...A crowd of several hundred people took to the streets on Sunday to...

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Boykin Editorials

November 16, 2003

Source: The Denver Post,1413,36~75~1764874,00.html

On November 16, 2003 an editorial in The Denver Post by Carl Raschke reported that "the American press - and, to a certain extent, American pundits and policymakers - have had a difficult time dealing with the kind of incendiary rhetoric about other people's religion that has come from the likes of Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin and outgoing Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir...

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Editorial: Muslim-Jewish Dialogue Needs to Rediscover Compassion

November 16, 2003

Source: Star-Telegram

On November 16, 2003 the Star-Telegram published an editorial by Akbar S. Ahmed on the need to improve the current state of Muslim-Jewish relations. Ahmed writes, "A historical conjunction of factors has created a global situation where several world civilizations feel simultaneously besieged and where hatred and anger readily turn into violence. Perhaps what makes all this even more dangerous is...

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Muslim Comedian Brings Humor to Assimilation Debate

November 14, 2003

Source: The New York Times

On November 14, 2003 The New York Times ran a feature article on Shabana Rehman, a Muslim comedian: "She is both Muslim and Norwegian — an unsettling combination to many people in this Nordic kingdom, which, like the rest of Europe, is struggling to absorb an immigrant community imported during a labor shortage decades ago. Her ribald and impolitic act skewers...

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Bill Halting Spread of Islamic Schools Causes Controversy

November 14, 2003

Source: Radio Netherlands

On November 14, 2003 Radio Netherlands reported, "It probably won't win a majority in parliament, but a bill on halting the rapid spread of Islamic schools is causing uproar here in the Netherlands. The bill's been tabled by the right-wing VVD party, one of the partners in the ruling coalition, and support seemed to come from an unexpected corner: not from the main government party, the Christian...

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Proposed Ban on Religious Symbols Would Outlaw Veil in Schools

November 14, 2003

Source: The Guardian,3604,1084548,00.html

On November 14, 2003 The Guardian reported, "France edged a step closer yesterday to outlawing Muslim veils in schools after a cross-party commission of MPs [Members of Parilament] backed legislation to ban all visible symbols of religious conviction from state-run institutions. The decision by the 31-member commission is sure to inflame an already heated debate...

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Discrimination is Nothing New to America's Black Muslim Communities

November 14, 2003

Source: Orlando Sentinel

On November 14, 2003 Orlando Sentinel published an article on the challenges of being black and Muslim in America today, a situation considered a "double-whammy" in a nation both with a history of racial prejudice, and currently experiencing a wave of anti-Islamic sentiment in the wake of September 11. Despite stereotypes, black Muslims as a group defy easy categories, and in many...

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Muslim Children Kicked Off Jacksonville School Bus

November 13, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On November 13, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "the Florida Attorney General's Office said it is investigating allegations that Muslim students were removed from one Duval County school bus and kept from boarding another. The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the American Civil Liberties Union requested the investigation into allegations that that two different First...

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Prime Minister Says Government Protection of Religious Sites Rooted in Islamic Teachings

November 13, 2003

Source: Hi Pakistan

On November 13, 2003 Hi Pakistan reported, "Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali...said protection and proper maintaining of places of worship was the government’s policy and part of teachings of Islam. 'The government will continue to make all possible efforts in this regard,' he told a 12-member delegation of Sikh Yatrees, currently visiting...

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Muslim Group Calls Vandalism at Virginia Mosque a Hate Crime

November 13, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On November 13, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "vandals painted a crude anti-Islamic slur on a van owned by the All Dulles Area Muslim Society in Sterling over the weekend, and the District-based Council on American-Islamic Relations called on authorities to investigate the incident as a hate crime. The graffiti was discovered Monday morning on the...

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Capitol Hill Hosts Ramadan Meal

November 13, 2003

Source: Council on American-Islamic Relations

On November 13, 2003 Council on American-Islamic Relations issued a press release stating that "Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) last night hosted a Ramadan iftar, or fast breaking, on Capitol Hill attended by more than 130 elected officials, congressional staffers, American Muslim leaders, and ambassadors from Islamic-majority nations. The iftar, held in the...

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Capitol Hill Hosts Ramadan Meal

November 13, 2003

Source: Office of Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

On November 13, 2003 the Office of Congressman John Conyers, Jr. issued a press release with the text of the statement Conyers delivered at the first Congressionally hosted Ramadan Iftar: "Events like this evenings are important because they help us learn more about the American Muslim community and the significance of Ramadan to the Muslim people by engaging in this traditional religious custom during the Holy Month... We are here tonight to show the world that we believe that the way to bring about a change in...

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