
HSBC First Bank to Offer Islam-Friendly Pension Fund

April 13, 2004

Source: Times Online,,8209-1072349,00.html

On April 13, 2004 the Times Online reported, "HSBC will this week become the first bank to offer an Islam-friendly pension fund to cater to Britain’s two million Muslims. The HSBC Life Amanah Pension Fund is compliant with Sharia, or Islamic law, which means that it does not hold shares in any companies that are unacceptable to Muslims. Investment in breweries and...

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Christian Group Concerned About New Constitution's Stance on Religious Freedom

April 12, 2004


On April 12, 2004 posted a CNS News article that reported, "Iraqi Christians are concerned that the new Iraqi interim constitution may or may not provide freedom of worship and religion to non-Muslim Iraqis, a Christian group says. The constitution, signed on March 8 by all 25 members of the Iraqi governing council, has been hailed as progressive by Middle East standards....

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Supreme Court Orders Retrial of Gujurat Riot Case

April 12, 2004

Source: AlertNet

On April 12, 2004 AlertNet posted a Reuters article that reported, "India's highest court ordered on Monday a retrial of a high-profile murder case after 20 Hindus were acquitted of slaying 12 people during 2002 religious riots. The Supreme Court ordered the Hindu nationalist government of the state of Gujarat to take up the issue of a retrial, through state prosecutors. In a rare move, it...

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Still Undecided, the Muslim Vote May Prove Powerful

April 11, 2004

Source: Newsday,0,5721446.story

On April 11, 2004 Newsday reported, "Nizar Yaghi hasn't decided for whom he'll vote on Election Day, but one thing is certain-- the Muslim American will cast his ballot this November. 'After Sept. 11, I understood that Muslim Americans need to come out and present themselves to the Americans,' said Yaghi, a 28-year-old engineer...

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French Muslims Raise Funds to Send Veiled Girls to Private Schools in Sept.

April 11, 2004

Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

On April 11, 2004 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported, "Tens of thousands of French Muslims flocked to Le Bourget airport over the weekend to pray, shop--and vent their frustration over a new law banning girls from wearing Muslim headscarves to school. With the ban set to take effect at the...

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In Buffalo, Empty Churches Fuel Religious Diversity

April 11, 2004

Source: The Buffalo News

On April 11, 2004 The Buffalo News reported, "A former Polish National Catholic cathedral at Sycamore and Sobieski streets was recently converted into a mosque. The Islamic crescent moon symbol graces the tops of the various steeples. Buddhists worship in a converted Buffalo police station on Fillmore Avenue. Many faiths have converted various buildings around Buffalo into houses...

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Cardinal Echoes Criticisms of Muslims for Not Condemning Terrorism Enough

April 11, 2004

Source: BBC News

On April 11, 2004 the BBC News reported, "The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales has echoed criticism of Muslim leaders for not doing enough to denounce acts of terrorism. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor told the GMTV Sunday Programme he agreed with comments made by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey. Last month, Lord Carey said not enough moderate Muslims condemned attacks carried out...

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Sikh Coalition Sponsors "Every Vote Counts" Drive

April 11, 2004

Source: National Sikh Coalition

On April 11, 2004 National Sikh Coalition reported, "To help Sikhs announce their presence to schools, city councils, and state and national governments, the Sikh Coalition has initiated 'Every Voice Counts' - a campaign to empower the Sikh people. Today, religion is not recorded by the census. In addition, there has been no clear mechanism to track Sikh voting. As a result the voice of Sikhs in America has been severely underrepresented and we have limited our ability to interact with and affect government. For Citizens...

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In New Jersey, Shiite Teenager's Voice Captivates the World

April 10, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On April 10, 2004 The New York Times reported, "He makes grown men weep with his singing. Fans set up Web sites and address him as 'Master' and 'Dear Brother' in e-mail messages from thousands of miles away. Powerful clerics are said to know his work. But in this town near the George Washington Bridge, Mesum Abbas Naqvi inhabits the role of a typical suburban teenager, playing...

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Man Arrested in TX Arson of Muslim Store

April 10, 2004

Source: San Antonio Express News

On April 10, 2004 San Antonio Express News reported, "A man already accused of setting fire to one Arab-operated store and ramming his car into another was arrested Friday outside yet another burning business operated by Middle Eastern entrepreneurs. It was the fourth fire to erupt at convenience stores owned or operated by Muslims in the past...

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Evangelical Christians Seek Respectful Dialogue With Muslims

April 10, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On April 10, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "Nearly a year ago, evangelical Christian leaders gathered in Washington to try to moderate their rhetoric toward Islam and begin a more respectful, positive dialogue with Muslims around the world. This week, a handful of evangelical ministers announced the first fruit of that effort, a plan to put on a Christian music...

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Minnesota Hosts Conference on Islam as a Way of Life

April 9, 2004

Source: Minnesota Public Radio

On April 9, 2004 Minnesota Public Radio reported, "This weekend between 500 to 1,000 Muslims from around the Midwest are expected in Minneapolis for a convention called, 'Islam, a Way of Life.' The convention is the first of its kind in the state. Organizers have two objectives: to help Muslims navigate their way through American...

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Muslim Youth More Religious Than Their Parents

April 9, 2004

Source: Muslims Weekly

On April 9, 2004 Muslims Weekly reported, "A recent study on the impact of September 11 terror attacks revealed that even though the community has been under an uncomfortable spotlight since those events, its members are becoming more religious and politically active. Furthermore, the study found that young Muslims tend to believe America is an immoral society and that the younger...

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