
Halaal Row Turns into Religious Feud

March 9, 2008

Author: Suthentira Govender

Source: The Times

A National consumer organisation has slammed halaal certification bodies, accusing them of exploiting and misleading South African consumers.

Tony Naidoo, head of the Concerned Citizens Council (CCC), claimed on SAfm’s AM Live show this week that consumers were “unknowingly footing the bill for the...

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"Obama and the Bigots," a Commentary by Nicholas D. Kristof

March 9, 2008


Source: The New York Times

The ugliest prejudices in this campaign season are not directly about race. Barack Obama’s skin color may cost him some working-class white voters, but it’s also winning some votes among blacks and among whites eager to...

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Saudis Offer Pioneering Therapy for Ex-Jihadists

March 9, 2008

Author: Jason Burke

Source: The Guardian/The Observer

Tomorrow a young man in traditional white robe and headdress will walk out through the iron gates of an anonymous low-rise compound down a gravel lane behind a Lebanese restaurant, 30 minutes' drive from the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh.

Ali Saeed al-Ghatani, 17, will head home to the resort town of Abha...

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Senior Thai Buddhist Monks in Egypt for Talks with Sunni Muslim Leader

March 9, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Buddhist Channel/TNA,6026,0,0,1,0

Five senior Thai Buddhist monks arrived in the Egyptian capital on Sunday for an official visit in which they will hold talks with the Sunni Muslims’ highest spiritual leader later in the week.

The Thai monks, led by Phra Dhramakosajarn, rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, were welcomed by Thai...

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As Crime Visits Mosques, the Imams Grow Anxious

March 9, 2008


Source: The New York Times

IN the predawn darkness, Mohamed Azeem Khan unlocked the front doors of the mosque in Jamaica, Queens, to prepare for the morning prayer. For Mr. Khan, the imam of Masjid Omar Ben Abdel-Aziz for 18 years, opening the mosque every morning has become as routine as the rising sun.

But on this particular day, Feb. 1, Mr. Khan...

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Rabbi Praises Interfaith Mobility

March 8, 2008

Author: Rich Barlow

Source: The Boston Globe

If Rabbi David Gordis is right, when it comes to improving relations among Christians, Jews, and Muslims, the words of the prophets are written not on church or temple or mosque walls, but in the hearts of the congregants.

In a talk at Merrimack College this week, Gordis,...

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Gujarat to Withdraw Freedom of Religion Amendment Bill

March 8, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The TImes of India

The Gujarat government has decided to withdraw the controversial Freedom of Religion Amendment Bill 2006 after Governor Nawal Kishor Sharma returned it to the Assembly for reconsideration.

The bill will be...

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Bishop and Panel Say Faith Can Exist Without Fanaticism

March 7, 2008

Author: Amy Kotlarz

Source: Catholic Courier

The keys to religious harmony in a religiously diverse world are appreciation, humility and respect for others, said Rabbi Brad Hirschfield of New York City and author of You Don’t Have to Be Wrong for Me to Be Right: Finding Faith Without Fanaticism, which was published in January.

Rabbi Hirschfield spoke about religious...

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Radio Host Michael Savage's Suit Against Islamic Group in Court

March 7, 2008

Author: Paul Elias

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

Wire Service: AP

A federal judge said Friday that she was leaning toward tossing out conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage's copyright theft lawsuit against an Islamic lobbying group who used portions of the popular program to solicit donations and...

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