
National Day of Prayer: Controversy Over Inclusiveness

May 2, 2002

Source: The Baltimore Sun

On May 2, 2002, The Baltimore Sun reported on the "Range of events planned for 'Day of Prayer.'" The article explained, "Organizers of the 51st annual event say it has taken on greater relevance and urgency since Sept. 11. They expect 'unprecedented' participation. ... But critics say the observance amounts to governmental promotion of religion. ... Others question the National Day of Prayer's inclusiveness. Although officially nonsectarian, the events tend to be heavily weighted toward Christianity. There is scarcely an...

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Report Documents Treatment of American Muslims Since September 11

May 1, 2002

Source: The Tampa Tribune

On May 1, 2002, The Tampa Tribune reported on "a report released... by a Washington-based Muslim advocacy group showing a threefold jump nationwide last year in bias-motivated harassment of and violence against Muslims... In 11 cases, the victims were killed, said Mohamed Nimer, research director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which produced the report... Muslim civil rights in the United States have 'deteriorated sharply in the past year,' the report said... It criticized the government for a number of post-...

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Muslim Women in the Bible Belt

April 25, 2002

Source: The Tennessean

On April 25, 2002, The Tennessean featured the article "Conference to help Muslim women, girls deal with challenges." Sabina Mohyuddin, 30, organized a conference at Tennessee State University to assist Muslim women and girls with the unique challenges they face in the Bible Belt, particularly after September 11. "The Muslim community in Nashville has changed considerably...

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New Opportunity for Immigrant Communities to Build Civic Leaders and Connections

April 22, 2002

Source: Mercury News

On April 22, 2002, the Mercury News reported that "in an unprecedented partnership, Santa Clara County [CA] and San Jose City College are teaching immigrants how to maneuver through the political system and build strong community networks... In doing so, the county hopes to groom a new generation of...

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Muslim Families to Sue Over Suspension from School for Wearing Hijab

April 22, 2002

Source: BBC News

On April 22, 2002 the BBC News reported that "the families of four Muslim schoolgirls who were suspended from their schools in Singapore for wearing Islamic headscarves are planning to sue the government. Three of the girls - aged six to seven years old - were barred from school in February after a highly-publicised stand-off between the families and the city-state, which said the scarves flouted...

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Catholic Priest Assists Detained Muslim Students in Oklahoma

April 21, 2002

Source: The Chicago Tribune

On April 21, 2002, The Chicago Tribune reported that in Norman, Oklahoma, many Muslim students and residents have been questioned, detained, and arrested on various charges. "As federal investigators searched for terrorist cells across America last fall, they conducted an intense sweep in this college town... Joseph Meinhart, a Roman Catholic priest, read about the arrests... in the local newspapers. After learning that friends of the students were afraid to visit them in jail, fearing they, too, would be arrested, Meinhart...

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Azizah Magazine Caters to American Muslim Women

April 20, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On April 20, 2002, The Seattle Times featured an article on Azizah, a magazine "created for the 'contemporary Muslim woman.'" The magazine is produced by and for American Muslim women and "is a conversational mix of religion and profiles, family issues and home decor, fashion and health... With articles on the Sept. 11 backlash against Muslims, birth control and feminism, the quarterly doesn't shy from controversy... Azizah doesn't...

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Connecticut Muslim Continues to Educate about Islam

April 15, 2002

Source: The Hartford Courant

On April 15, 2002, The Hartford Courant featured an article on Reza Mansoor, a Muslim-American doctor from Connecticut, who recently gave a talk at an Evangelical Lutheran church which was co-sponsored by the New Britain Conversations on Race proje ct. Mansoor "has been spreading the word about his faith since September, not to gain new adherents to Islam but to overcome the fear and misunderstanding since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C... Despite the prevalence of misunderstandings about his faith,...

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New Studies Show a "Generation of Seekers" in America

April 13, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On April 13, 2002, The Houston Chronicle reported that, according to two recent studies, "the number of people who say they don't belong to a religion has doubled over the last decade... For personal reasons, 29.4 million people said last year that they skip church, mosque and synagogue - up from 14.3 million in 1990, a rise from 8 percent to 14 percent of the U.S. population... That's the word from the American Religious Identification Survey, conducted in 2001... by the Graduate Center of City University of New York......

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American Faith Communities Respond to Crisis in the Middle East

April 12, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On April 12, 2002, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that "San Diegans are responding with prayers and rallies to the violence in the Holy Land that continues to rip apart a territory held sacred by Christians, Jews and Muslims... [Recently] people gathered in downtown San Diego for interfaith prayers calling for peace... Among the participants were Rabbi Martin Lawson, of Temple Emanu-El, Imam Sharif Battikhi, president of the Islamic Services Foundation, and the Rev. Art Cribbs, president of the Ecumenical...

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Forum Addresses Concerns of Muslim and South Asian Americans

April 11, 2002

Source: Asian Week

On April 11, 2002, the Asian Week featured an article on an event organized by Northern California branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that "aimed to reach out to federal agencies along with Muslim and South Asian communities in the Bay Area [CA]." Government officials served on a panel answering the questions of "800 who gathered...

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New Organization for Muslims in Law Enforcement

April 10, 2002

Source: Columbia News Service

On April 10, 2002, Columbia News Service reported, "Muslims in law enforcement form new group." It noted, "A group of Muslim police and correction officers in New York has formed a group to improve relations between the community and police as the country continues to confront the impact of the terrorist attacks more than six months ago. Its founders want the group, the American Muslim Law...

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American Muslim Leader Honored for Interfaith Tolerance

April 6, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On April 6, 2002, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that Moorehouse College will honor Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, "the spiritual leader of one of the largest Sunni Islamic groups in the United States, the Muslim American Society. Muslim groups estimate that there are about 6.5 million Sunni Muslims in the country... Morehouse will honor Mohammed for his spiritual journey... when his portrait is hung in the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel. The painting will hang next to portraits of...

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America's Interest in Understanding Islam Continues in Ohio

April 5, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On April 5, 2002, The Columbus Dispatch reported that "many non-Muslims have sought to understand why the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon apparently were committed by zealous adherents of a billion-member world faith. Colleges, churches and community organizations are trying to slake a thirst for knowledge about the 1,400-year-old religion and its principles... America's sudden interest in Islam has meant full calendars for scholars and clerics over the past seven months... Columbus-area...

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