
With the Words Washed Away, the Hurt Remains: Colorado Muslims React to Racist Graffiti

November 1, 2003

Source: Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_21_2393264,00.html

On November 1, 2003 the Rocky Mountain News reported that "messages of hatred jumped out at two Arapahoe County sheriff's deputies while they were on routine patrol Tuesday near the Colorado Muslim Society Islamic Center.Scrawled with a black marker on a green telephone box just outside the center's fence were the words "KKK" and 'All...

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Iftaar at the White House

October 31, 2003

Source: The Washington Times

On October 31, 2003 The Washington Times reported that a group of American Islamic leaders were upset over the fact that several Islamic organizations were not invited to Iftaar at the White House this year. The Muslim Students Association, American Muslims for Jerusalem, the Islamic Society of North America, Project Islamic Hope, the Coordinating Council of Muslim...

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Headscarf Controversy Sparked by Annual President's Party

October 31, 2003

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On October 31, 2003 The Christian Science Monitor ran an article on a controversy over the hijab sparked by Turkey's annual president's party celebrating the anniversary of the republic: "While foreign diplomats and opposition lawmakers - pillars of Turkey's Westernized and staunchly pro-secular elite - were invited to bring their spouses, male members of the conservative Justice...

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In Wake of Deadly Fires, California Muslims Pray for Rain

October 31, 2003

Source: Council on American-Islamic Relations

On October 31, 2003 Council on American-Islamic Relations reported that their Southern California office had "called on mosques and Islamic centers across the state to offer prayers for rain following the normal Islamic congregational gatherings on Friday. The Islamic civil rights and advocacy group is also calling on people of all faiths to offer prayers for rain according to their own religious traditions. CAIR-LA initiated the prayer request to provide a spiritual dimension in the efforts to bring California'...

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Muslim Children Kicked Off Jacksonville School Bus

October 30, 2003

Source: News 4

On October 30, 2003 News 4 reported that "angry parents claimed a bus driver forced their children off a school bus Wednesday five miles from home because they were Middle Eastern. Ali Alhamad said his children, along with 10-20 others, were kicked off their bus because they were Muslim. He said many of the children were wearing Muslim religious attire. Some children said the driver forced them off the bus at...

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Mosque to Open in New Port Richey, FL

October 29, 2003

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On October 29, 2003 the St. Petersburg Times reported that "about 100 to 150 people participate in functions at the Islamic Center of New Port Richey each week, and leaders estimate about 1,000 Muslims live in the Pasco, southern Hernando and north Pinellas areas alone. Within a year, members of the Islamic Center hope to erect the county's first mosque......

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Nobel Winner Criticizes UK's Support of Religious Schools

October 29, 2003

Source: The Scotsman

On October 29, 2003 The Scotsman reported that "a Nobel prize-winner, who is credited with helping to transform education in the developing world, has criticised the Scottish Executive’s stance on denominational schools, claiming single-faith establishments damage educational attainment. Amartya Sen, an economist from India, made his comments yesterday in a keynote speech to the...

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Iftaar at the White House

October 29, 2003

Source: Inter Press Service

On October 29, 2003 Inter Press Service reported that "the White House was clearly hoping its Iftaar dinner Tuesday evening, to which ambassadors from predominantly Muslim nations and individual U.S. Muslims were invited to break their Ramadan fast with the president, would send a reassuring message to the Islamic world... But a denunciation of the White House event by a number of national U...

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U.S General Boykin's Remarks Called Offensive to Islam

October 29, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,1664504.story

On October 29, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "with hundreds of supportive calls coming into the Pentagon and Bush facing a reelection campaign in which he'll seek the help of Christian conservatives, it might be out of the question for the administration to fire Boykin. 'Gen. Boykin is kind of the living embodiment of a key Republican electoral constituency. So forcing...

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President Bush Issues Ramadan Greeting

October 28, 2003

Source: Voice of America

On October 28, 2003 Voice of America reported that "President Bush has issued his annual greeting to the world's Muslims preparing to observe the holy month of Ramadan. In his message, Mr. Bush calls Islam a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States and has made great contributions to the world. He says Americans cherish...

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Muslims Worried Crucifix Controversy Will Cause Backlash

October 28, 2003

Source: BBC News

On October 28, 2003 the BBC News reported that "a radical Muslim leader has won a court battle to remove the crucifix from a state school where his children attend - a decision which has shocked political and public opinion and caused deep concern within Italy's Muslim community.

The symbol of the crucifix is not just in every Italian church, it still looks down on pupils from classroom walls in every...

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Muslim Teen Resigns from New Jersey School Over Head-Scarf

October 27, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On October 27, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "growing up on the shores of Sandy Hook Bay, Mona Elgohail always loved the sea and was delighted to win a slot at a special high school for the study of marine sciences. But the 14-year-old eventually dropped out of the Marine Academy of Science and Technology because of a conflict between her Islamic faith and the school...

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